
  • 网络Short-term assets;Current asset
  1. 银行的短期资产能够获得利息,但与通过投资和对客户的预付款所获利息相比要少。

    The banks ' short-term assets earn interest but less than that obtained through Investments and Advances to customers .

  2. 这些有价证券和短期资产一样,如果有市场需求,可以随时出售,但价格时常有变化。

    Like the short-term assets , they too can be readily sold , should the need arise , but their price can vary .

  3. 通过放出现金并拿走抵押品,伯南克将增加公开市场中的短期资产、减少长期资产。

    By giving out cash and taking in securities Mr Bernanke leaves the public with more short-term and fewer long-term assets .

  4. 但是,由于短期资产减值准备不在限制之列,即短期资产减值准备仍可转回,这便给企业利用短期资产减值准备进行盈余管理留下了可乘之机。

    However , the short-lived asset impairment is not in the list of restrictions , namely , the short-lived asset impairment can still be reversed .

  5. 由于新会计准则的实施,上市公司更倾向利用短期资产减值准备的计提和转回来进行盈余管理。

    Due to the implementation of new accounting standards listed companies more inclined to take advantage of short-term asset impairment provision and turn back earnings management .

  6. 既然一批具有流动性的、由私人发行的10年期债券随随便便就能卖掉,那么这批债券就与价格及利率极具波动性的短期资产无异。

    Since a portfolio of liquid privately issued 10-year bonds can be sold virtually at will , the portfolio is the equivalent of a very short-term asset that happens to exhibit high price and interest rate volatility .

  7. 这样的结果与流行的结论不太一致,为此,通过深入分析后发现,利率变动时公司盈利的起点不同以及利率变动后长短期资产收益变动的不一致性是出现这种现象的重要原因。

    Though the result of this analysis is different from popular views , the paper probes finds out that this result is mainly caused by different starting points of profit changes and inconsistent return changes between long-and short-term assets influenced by interest rate changes .

  8. 此外,新准则的实施还导致利润平滑类公司和扭亏为盈类公司利用短期资产减值进行盈余管理程度的升高,以及后者利用长期资产减值程度的降低。

    In addition , the implementation of the new standard also led to the kind of profit smooth company and the kind of transforming from losses into earning company using more short-term asset impairment for earnings management , and the latter reduce long-term assets impairment .

  9. 政府希望国家能够增加更多的长期企业实际资产,而不是增加外汇储备和短期金融资产。

    Instead of accumulating foreign exchange reserves and short-term financial assets , the government wants the nation to accumulate more long-term corporate real assets .

  10. 基于发电商的优化调度模型,建立了综合考虑辅助服务的发电商短期运行资产价值评估的实物期权模型。

    Based on the optimal operation models of gencos , the real options model for short-term generation asset valuation with the consideration of ancillary services .

  11. 情况比上一次危机要好一些:目前外汇储备是亚洲金融危机前的7倍,且短期外部资产远远高于短期债务。

    Less so than last time : foreign exchange reserves are seven times pre-Asian crisis levels , and short term external assets now comfortably exceed short term debts .

  12. 这可能在短期提振资产价格和增长,但加大了这样一种可能性:新领导层将不得不去应对信贷推动的“明斯基时刻”。

    This might boost asset price and growth in the short term , but increase the likelihood the new leadership will have to deal with a credit-fuelled Minsky moment .

  13. 巨大的短期风险来自资产泡沫。

    The big short-term risk is from asset bubbles .

  14. 研究发现,从短期看住房资产的财富效应为负,从长期看住房资产的财富效应为正。

    We discovered that the wealth effects of housing assets is negative and feeble in the short term , whereas positive in the long run .

  15. 许多德国银行曾用廉价短期资金购买资产担保证券,以填充其资产负债表,但在去年资金枯竭时,这一战略遭遇惨败。

    Many German banks filled their balance sheets with asset-backed securities bought with cheap short-term funding in a strategy that unravelled spectacularly when funding dried up last year .

  16. 运用实物期权理论研究发电商短期内的运行资产价值,并引入了VaR风险价值的概念,对短期内发电商运行的价值进行了风险评估。

    The real option theory was applied to study the generation assets value of the power suppliers over a short-term period and the VaR risk value was introduced for the risk evaluation of the short-term generation assets value .

  17. 自那以后,美国证交会(SEC)开始引入一些小规模改革,比如:强制性要求各货币市场基金提高短期高流动性资产的持有比例,并进一步加强信息披露,以提振市场信心。

    Since then the Securities Exchange Commission has introduced some small reforms : it has forced money market funds to purchase more short-term liquid assets and to offer better disclosure , in an effort to bolster confidence .

  18. 这包括用短期证券来扩大资产负债表,以推低短期市场利率。

    This involves blowing up your balance sheet with short-dated securities to drive down short-term market interest rates .

  19. 随着更多信贷被计回资产负债表,短期内银行的资产品质或许会得到重点强调。

    Banks ' asset quality may also be accentuated in the short term as more credit is brought back on balance sheet .

  20. 种粮大户投资的资金来源渠道以借贷+自筹为主,投资结构中对短期性的流动资产投资规模较大,而对长期固定资产投资规模较小。

    It is main capital source channel to loan and self-fund to Large-Scale grain-production households . Short-term current assets more invested than long-term fixed assets .

  21. 由于时间与笔者自身水平的限制,使得无法在短期时间内对资产剥离行为做出全面、系统的分析。

    Comprehensive and systematic analysis of the asset divestiture can not be achieved in a short period of time due to the limited knowledge of the author .

  22. 此外,如果安全资产的定义扩大至回购协议其实是有担保的短期贷款那么安全资产的缩减规模就更大了。

    And if the definition of safe assets is extended to repurchase agreements , or repos , which are collateralised short-term loans , the shrinkage is even sharper .

  23. 关键在于,中国必须愿意做出短期牺牲,例如资产价格调整或在某些领域暂时失掉部分就业岗位,来确保长期稳定。

    Crucially , China must be willing to make short-term sacrifices , such as asset price adjustments or temporary employment losses in certain sectors , to guarantee long-term stability .

  24. 由于短期利率对金融资产定价和金融风险管理有着决定性的影响,所以对短期利率的行为描述一直以来就是金融学研究的重点。

    As a fundamental determinant economic variable , the short-term interest rate directly affects the pricing models of financial products and the effective risk management , so many term structure models of interest rates have been developed and estimated by academic researchers .

  25. 也可以分为两大类:战略资产配置和战术资产配置,前者确定资产配置的主要资产类型以及各种资产类型所占的长期均衡比率,后者根据市场情况在短期内适时调整资产分配比例。

    And it can also be known as two types , which are strategic asset allocation ( SAA ), and tactical asset allocation ( TAA ) . SAA chooses main types of assets in the portfolio , and also the long-term ratio of each type .

  26. 一个科学的短期融资政策,应该能够满足企业资金需求,适合企业短期资产水平,同时给企业带来较低的资金成本,尽量增加企业的收益。

    A scientific short-term financing policy shall be capable to fulfill the requirement of capital for a corporation to make a balanced short-term capital level , and it shall , at the same time , provide lower capital cost and increase the income for the corporation .

  27. 上周,短期美国国债收益率创下自1987年10月“黑色星期一”股市崩盘以来最大的双日跌幅,受到惊吓的商业票据投资者希望把资金投在最安全、最具流动性的短期资产上。

    Yields on short-term treasury bills last week made their biggest two-day fall since the " Black Monday " stock market crash of October 1987 , as spooked commercial paper investors sought to put money in the safest and most liquid short-term assets .