
  1. 之后,她用短视频展现中国食物的烹制过程、制作刺绣等传统中国手工艺品以及乡村田园生活,在海外走红。

    She went viral overseas afterwards with her short videos about cooking Chinese food , making traditional Chinese handicrafts such as embroidery and living an idyllic rural life in China .

  2. 一段短视频中,一只猫抬起它的后腿,样子酷似20世纪80年代迈克尔•杰克逊在热门流行歌曲《颤栗》MV中的舞蹈动作,引人发笑。

    A short clip of a cat rearing up its hind legs raised laughs for its resemblance to Michael Jackson 's dance routine in his music video to hit 1980s pop song Thriller .

  3. 一段短视频中,一只猫抬起它的后腿,样子酷似20世纪80年代迈克尔杰克逊在热门流行歌曲《颤栗》MV中的舞蹈动作,引人发笑。

    A short clip of a cat rearing up its hind legs raised laughs for its resemblance to Michael Jackson ` s dance routine in his music video to hit 1980s pop song Thriller .

  4. 由于具有低延迟和超快速的下载速度,随着5G的到来,如短视频一类的可视化的新闻产品有望变得越来越流行。

    With low latency and ultra-fast download speed , visualized news products such as short videos are expected to get even more popular with the arrival of 5G .

  5. 当天早些时候,推特、脸谱网和YouTube都删除了特朗普发布的一段短视频,他在视频中敦促那些在国会大厦的拥护者“回家”,但仍声称选举存在舞弊。

    Earlier in the day , Twitter , Facebook and YouTube all removed a short video from Trump in which he urged those supporters in the Capitol to " go home " while still claiming election fraud .

  6. 所有内容贯穿整个常规赛,全明星赛,季后赛和总决赛,通过多种形式,例如名人大腕的短视频和流媒体,向大众呈现最新的NBA潮流和新闻。

    The content will be available throughout the regular season , NBA All-Star , the NBA Playoffs and The Finals , bringing the latest NBA trends and news through various interactive formats , such as short videos and livestreaming by celebrities and influencers .

  7. 它让用户创作短视频,他们可以在里面跟着流行歌曲、电影画面或其他音频资源对口型演唱、跳舞或玩闹,然后把视频发布到一个类似Instagram的订阅源。

    It lets users create short videos in which they can lip-sync , dance or goof around to popular songs , movie scenes and other audio sources , and then post the videos to an Instagram-style feed .

  8. 下面这段提示引起了他的注意:“你所在的社区和你留下的足迹。”他提交了一段短视频,记录了他的鹰级童子军(EagleScout)项目——他监督建造了一个纪念退伍老兵的纪念碑。

    The following prompt caught his eye : " A community to which you belong and the footprint you have left . " He submitted a short video documenting his Eagle Scout project , for which he oversaw the construction of a monument honoring veterans .

  9. 吉米o李引述了两个通过收购成功实现增长的例子,一是Facebook斥资10亿美元收购图片和短视频分享网站Instagram(最新一期《财富》杂志对此进行了探讨),二是八年前谷歌(Google)收购YouTube。

    See a video of the discussion here . Lee cited Facebook 's success with its $ 1 billion Instagram acquisition ( recently outlined in the latest issue of Fortune magazine ) and Google 's success with buying YouTube eight years ago as examples of successful growth by acquisition .

  10. 脸书公司表示:“Lasso是一款录播娱乐短视频的独立的新应用软件,它可以录播小品、美容、健身等各种视频。我们对它的潜力很感兴趣,我们会收集人们和视频创作者们的反馈。

    Facebook said : " Lasso is a new standalone app for short-form , entertaining videos - from comedy to beauty to fitness and more . We 're excited about the potential here , and we 'll be gathering feedback from people and creators . "

  11. 据巴瑟罗说,当时那位妇女并不想和他说话,“她只是想睡觉。”巴瑟罗把这张照片和沿途拍的其他照片和短视频一起发到了他的Instagram主页上,并配了一个“公交站偶遇”的话题标签。

    According to Barcellos , the woman didn 't want to talk - " she just wanted to sleep . " He posted the photo on his Instagram profile with the hashtag \# BusStopTales , which is tied to a compilation of photos and short films taken along the road .

  12. 试着考虑将这些长视频分割成分开的短视频。

    Consider segmenting a long video into separate , shorter videos .

  13. 尚利说,短视频产品将主导未来的新闻行业。

    Shanley says short video products will dominate the future news industry .

  14. 该应用软件还能让用户录制短视频。

    The app also lets users record short clips .

  15. 宏碁电脑上自带八幅图片和九个短视频。

    Eight photos and nine short videos come loaded on the Acer Aspire .

  16. 费时间的在短视频平台上,想找到像样的内容太花时间了。

    time-consuming It 's time-consuming to find anything decent on short video platforms .

  17. 为了吸引年轻观众,节目还使用了短视频和视频博客。

    To attract younger audience , the show also employed short videos and vlogs .

  18. 这个短视频非常赞,值得一看。

    It 's pretty awesome and not a long show . Worth a watch .

  19. 钟万学斥责雅加达交通管理官员的短视频在网络上广为流传。

    Video clips of Mr Purnama berating officials of the city 's transport administration have gone viral .

  20. 微软公司表示,将继续就从中国互联网巨头公司字节跳动手中收购广受欢迎的短视频应用软件“抖音”展开谈判。

    Microsoft has said it will continue discussions to acquire popular short-video app TikTok from Chinese internet giant ByteDance .

  21. 中国短视频应用抖音及其海外版TikTok仍是上个月全球非游戏应用收入榜榜首。

    Chinese short video app Douyin and its overseas version TikTok remained the top-grossing non-gaming app worldwide last month .

  22. 我看了颁奖礼的几个短视频,大多数相关资讯还是在网上搜的。

    I saw a few short videos of the ceremony , but searched the web for most of the info .

  23. 《意见》强调,通过社交媒体、电商、短视频、直播平台等多种渠道促进就业。

    The guideline highlights endeavors to promote employment based on diversified channels including social media , e-commerce , short-video and live-streaming platforms .

  24. 网上一则有关这辆汽车的谜一般的短视频显示,这辆外形神秘的汽车正在沙漠道路上飞驰,配有诸如这样的字幕:谁说不要再造车轮?

    Short enigmatic videos of the shrouded car whizzing around desert roads bear captions such as Who said don 't reinvent the wheel ?

  25. 建好账户之后,你就可以从海量的短视频中翻阅你浏览到的那些自动播放的短视频了。

    After that 's set up , you 're free to scroll through tons of short videos that autoplay as you pass by them .

  26. 去年,中国的短视频用户总数达到6.48亿,占全国网民总数的78.2%。

    Total short video users in China stood at 648 million last year , accounting for 78.2 percent of the country 's overall online population .

  27. 其次,观众习惯的视频接触方式发生改变,从以前的电影院、电视转向互联网、手机等,喜欢看短视频。

    Second , video contact way of the audience habit has changed . From the previous cinema , television , turning to the internet , mobile phones .

  28. 米克尔在报告中称,截至2019年4月,中国互联网用户平均每天观看短视频的时长超过6亿小时。

    Up to April 2019 , Chinese internet users spent more than 600 million hours watching short videos per day on average , Meeker said in her report .

  29. 这款所谓的“智能校服”可以纪录学生进入学校的时间和日期,还可以拍摄短视频,而且父母可以通过一款手机应用软件看到这个视频。

    The so-called " smart uniforms " record the time and date a student enters the school and a short video parents can see through a mobile app .

  30. 在如今这个140字微博消息和2分钟短视频盛行的时代,投资者不能以长期的表现来判断其投资组合的成败,又有何奇怪?

    In an era of 140-character writing and two-minute video , should we be surprised that investors have trouble judging the success of their portfolios over long periods ?