
  • 网络Quarry
  1. 珠海市废弃石场植被恢复模式研究

    Study on Vegetation Restoration Model of Discarded Quarry in Zhuhai City

  2. 对石场梯段开采中钻孔积水的分析和处理方法的探讨

    Analyses on Water Logging in Drill-hole in Bench Mining of Quarry and Its Handling Method

  3. PLC在矸石场装卸系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in System of Automatic Loading and Unloading in Rock Dumping Yard

  4. 在矿山、采石场和砂石场项目运作时,记住TRIO公司的交钥匙成套系统设备。

    Please keep TRIO in mind for any partial or complete turnkey system that you might have for a mine , quarry or sand and gravel operation .

  5. 当覆土厚度依次为30、50、75和100cm时,相应氨析出率分别降低16%、29%、38%和49%;721-18废石场的合理覆土厚度约为46cm。

    721-18 after cover - The eduction rates of radon decrease by 16 % , 29 % , 38 % and 49 % respectively when the cover thicknesses are 30 , 50 , 75 and 100 cm - The reasonable cover thickness of the waste-rock yard No-721-18 is 46 cm .

  6. 他愿意同爷爷一起到石场去。

    He liked to go with his grandfather to the stoneyard .

  7. 含硫化物铀废石场治理方法研究

    Research on disposal method for uranium waste rock site bearing sulfide

  8. 通往落煤场和舍石场的复线。

    The dual line to the rock field and coal field .

  9. 论尾矿地基上废石场的稳定性

    Discuss on stability of rock drain-dump on tailing foundation

  10. 澳大利亚对新矿山、石场和气田的投资很大。

    Australia is investing heavily in new mines , quarries and gas fields .

  11. 露天采矿废石场的计算机辅助设计

    Computer Aided Design of Waste-Rock-Yards in Opencut Mining

  12. 朗肯理论在煤矿临时矸石场挡矸墙稳定性评价中的应用

    Application of Rankine Theory in Stability Estimation of Retaining Wall of Temporary Refuse Yard

  13. 复合土工膜封闭铀矿废石场降低氡析出率的机理

    Reducing eduction rate of radon by seal of uranium mine waste pile with complex geotechnical membrane

  14. 气象参数对不同堆型含铀废石场表面氡析率的影响

    The affection of meteorological parameters on radon eduction rate in different type of uranium waste rock heap

  15. 乍看之下,砸石场的男人个个健壮,但我们凑近了却发现,

    At first glance , the pounding site seems full of powerful men , but when we look closer ,

  16. 硫化矿废石场酸性废水重金属污染分布规律研究

    Study on Distribution Rules of Acid Mine Drainage and Heavy Metal Pollution of Sulphide Mineral in the Waste Rock Site

  17. 场地开发的景观与生态敏感性分析&以深圳梧桐山南坡废弃石场为例

    LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ON SITE DEVELOPMENT & A Case Study on Abandoned Quarries in the Wutong Mountain of Shenzhen

  18. 对不同类型的废弃石场的基质采取了相应的工程技术处理方法,并进行了不同植物配置模式试验,提出了4类废弃石场植被恢复的比较理想的模式。

    The disposition model of plant was experimented and vegetation restoration methods of 4 types of discarded quarry were also presented .

  19. 雨水应从这些中和槽被引导至存放结构体,在煤料和石灰石场再利用。

    From these tanks the water shall be directed to storage structures to be reused later in the coal and limestone yards .

  20. 在水泥稳定土底基层利用方面,通过室内试验、室外试验段检测和大面积施工的跟踪,研究石场废弃物用于该结构层的路用性能参数。

    In the part of cement stabilized soil subbase , the performances indexes are studied through indoor tests , test road and inspection of construction .

  21. 承包商应依照煤料和石灰石场的设计和计划、以及相应的场地正确管理操作手册来进行场地布置。

    The CONTRACTOR shall furnish with the coal and limestone yards designs and plans , the corresponding operation manuals for the proper management of these yards .

  22. 在12世纪,它仍是壮丽的遗址,但不久之后就成了废墟和散石场。

    It was still an imposing set of ruins in the12th century but soon became little more than an expanse of low ruins and scattered stone .

  23. 2号石场的植被平均盖度为18.6%,植物种类有6科11属11种;

    For the quarry of five years restoration , the vegetation coverage is 18.6 % and composed of 11 species belonging to 11 genera and 6 families .

  24. 结合露天采石场的具体情况,以古井祥业石场山坡型露天矿为例,介绍了基于陡帮开采的切壁开采方法。

    In view of special conditions in quarry the paper takes Gujingxiang side-hill quarry as an example , introducing cutting wall mining method based on mining with steeper working slope .

  25. 提出的含硫化物铀废石场治理方法不仅根治了酸性水,也治理了放射性污染。

    Disposal method for uranium waste rock site bearing sulfide is described , which can not only dispose acid water from uranium waste rock bearing sulfide but also dispose radioactive contamination .

  26. 当废石场服务年限期满后,为了改善景观,恢复生态,进行土地复垦工作是十分重要的。

    When the service of mullock field is expires , for the sake of the improvement view , the instauration ecosystem , it is important to carry on the land to recultivate .

  27. 根据广东珠海市废弃石场的现状特征,将其分为4种类型:A类型为坡度大于50°的裸崖;

    Discarded quarry can be divided into four types on the basis of the present condition of discarded quarry in Zhuhai City : A : uncovered precipice of slope over fifty degrees ;

  28. 修复利用废弃巷道和采空区,储存矿山自身产生的废渣和工业废渣,缓解废石场与耕地争地的矛盾。

    Also abandoned shaft and mined-out area repaired can be used for depositing waste slag from mine itself and other industrial waste to mitigate a contradiction between waste site and cultivation land .

  29. 煤料和石灰石场应有一个屋面遮盖区,用以遮盖漏斗区以及通过传送带输送至粉碎机的材料堆。

    The coal and limestone yards shall have a roofed covered area corresponding to the hopper zone and a portion of the materials pile to be transported by conveyor belts to the pulverizer .

  30. 本文以某黄铁矿废石场酸性废水重金属污染监测为例,介绍了废石场酸性废水污染现状,探讨了硫化矿物氧化机理、酸性废水重金属迁移转化规律和时空分布规律。

    This paper , based on a iron pyrites monitor acid mine drainage and heavy metals pollution example in waste rock site , introduces present conditions of acid mine drainage pollution in waster .