
  • 网络izvestia;Information;Izvestiya;al-Akhbar
  1. 据俄罗斯《消息报》报道,一家叫作Hoversurf的俄罗斯公司研发出了一种名为Scorpion1的飞行自行车,速度可达100千米/时。

    The flying bike Scorpion 1 , capable of moving at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour , has been developed by the Russian company Hoversurf , the Russian newspaper Izvestia reported .

  2. 接受采访当天,谢列布连尼科夫正为《消息报》(Izvestia,该报被认为与政府关系密切)上的一则报道感到迷惑:一家研究机构的学者们正在评估近期的上演的戏剧是否“歪曲”了俄罗斯经典文学著作。

    That day , Mr. Serebrennikov was puzzling over a report in Izvestia , a newspaper seen as close to the Kremlin , that scholars from a research institute were evaluating whether recent theater productions had " distorted " classic Russian texts .

  3. 相关报道刊登在俄罗斯《消息报》网站上。

    Relevant report is published in Russia " Izvestia " on the website .

  4. 她也曾有令人称羡的工作,之前任职于官方《消息报》,而后是俄罗斯国际航空公司飞行杂志。

    She had good jobs too , first on Izvestia , the government paper , then on Aeroflot 's in-flight magazine .

  5. 丹麦政府已经证实了文件的真实性。丹麦国家电台获悉后,《消息报》网上发布了文件内容。

    The Danish government confirmed the authenticity of the document , which was first obtained by Danish Radio and published online by newspaper Information .

  6. 摩亚诺神父的宇宙杂志、皮德曼的消息报里面的讨论和法国及其他各国大报刊的科学新闻。

    in Cosmos published by Father Moigno , in Petermann 's Mittheilungen , and at scientific chronicles in the great French and foreign newspapers .

  7. 《天下消息报》称,该报两名记者采用习用的策略,打扮成“假酋长”,自称来自迪拜的一个富裕家庭。

    News of the World said its reporters posed as a wealthy family from Dubai , employing its regular " fake sheikh " sting tactic .

  8. 以色列临时政府总理奥尔默特是在接受星期一出版的以色列报纸《新消息报》进行的告别采访时说这番话的。

    Mr. Olmert , now serving as interim prime minister , made his remarks in a farewell interview with Israel newspaper Yediot Aharonot published Monday .

  9. 《消息报》报道说,国防部计划购买10000支球拍和数万只球,以保证士兵们有足够装备。

    The ministry was planning to buy10,000 badminton rackets and tens of thousands of shuttlecocks to ensure that soldiers were properly armed , Izvestiya said .

  10. 关于此事,《消息报》引用《大众机械》俄国版的主编亚历山大·格里克的话称:目前在俄罗斯,法律依然禁止个人购买和使用这样的机器作为交通工具。

    In this regard , Izvestia quoted Alexander Grek , chief editor of the Russian edition of the magazinePopular Mechanics , as saying that individuals are still legally barred from buying and using such vehicles as a means of transportation in Russia .

  11. 《世界消息》报声称喜鹊主帅阿勒代斯在吉文受伤后一直在寻找一名新门将,而切尔西2号门将成为他们租借的目标。

    The news of the world says toon boss Sam Allardyce is on the lookout for a new keeper with Shay Given injured and has targeted Chelsea NO2 Cudicini on loan .

  12. 消息已在报上登出来了。

    The news has been published in the newspaper .

  13. 这一消息已在报上披露。

    The news has been published in the newspapers .

  14. 虽然3G网络的建设速度很快,对手机报而言是一大利好消息,但是手机报的内容表现形态仍然停留在2G阶段,落后于手机网络的建设速度,亟需有质的突破。

    Although the construction of 3G networks is fast , which is good news for mobile phone newspaper , the contents and forms of mobile phone newspaper still remain at stage of the 2G era , lagging behind the construction of the 3G networks to a great extent .

  15. 借助这个简单的工具,受灾人士和寻找亲友的人们可以创建资料,发布寻人消息或者向他人报平安。

    People Finder is a simple tool to allow people affected by the quake and those who are trying to communicate with them to register their status .

  16. 有消息人士对太阳报说,他想要各领域最响亮的名字出现在这部影片中,让影片更卖座,并牟取天价的影片特许权费。

    A source told The Sun : He wants the highest profile names in various fields to boost the film 's cause and turn it into a mega-money franchise .