
  • Poverty Eradication;eradication of poverty;eliminate poverty
  1. 我们的目标是消除贫困。

    Our goal is to eliminate poverty .

  2. 消除贫困是现代社会必须面对的一个重要课题。

    To eliminate poverty is an important subject in modern society .

  3. 德肋撒嬷嬷是一位毕生致力于消除贫困事业的年迈修女。

    Mother Teresa is an elderly nun who has devoted her life to fighting poverty

  4. 我们不仅需要一场新的消除贫困的战争,而且需要一场保护中产阶级的战争。

    We need not just a new war on poverty but a war to protect the middle class .

  5. 消除贫困、改善民生、实现共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求。

    Ending poverty , improving people 's well-being and realizing common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism .

  6. 我们始终坚定人民立场,强调消除贫困、改善民生、实现共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求。

    China upholds the principle of putting people first and emphasizes that ending poverty , improving people 's well-being and realizing common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism .

  7. 联合国人口基金(UNPopulationFund)警告称,撒哈拉以南的非洲地区和南亚的高生育率,正对经济增长和消除贫困构成阻碍。

    High fertility in sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia is impeding economic development and perpetuating poverty , the UN Population Fund has warned .

  8. 不久前,马云(JackMa)呼吁建立一个新的、旨在帮助小企业利用互联网的“电子世贸组织”(e-WTO),并将此作为消除贫困的最大希望所在。

    Last week , Jack Ma called for a new " e-WTO " with the aim of helping small businesses get on the Internet , as the best hope in the fight against poverty .

  9. 同时,前参议员约翰爱德华兹(johnedwards)已将“30年内消除贫困”作为其左倾竞选活动的核心,这突显出美国不平等问题的严重程度。

    Meanwhile , John Edwards , the former senator , has made " eliminating poverty within 30 years " a centrepiece of his left-leaning campaign , which stresses the problems of inequality in the US .

  10. 中国赞成NAMAs应该是“以国家驱动的”,它还说必须让发展中国家把可持续的经济增长和消除贫困当作优先任务。

    China agreed that NAMAs should " be country driven ", and said developing nations must give priority to sustained economic growth and the eradication of poverty .

  11. 报告称,这种增长已经帮助联合国实现了主要的消除贫困目标,即所谓的千年发展目标(MDG)。该目标呼吁从1990年到2015年,每日生活费用低于1.25美元的人口比例减半。

    The report said such gains had already helped the main poverty eradication goal of the so-called Millennium Development Goals , which called for the share of people living on less than $ 1.25 a day to be cut by half from 1990 to 2015 , to be achieved .

  12. 我们都应为彻底消除贫困而努力工作。

    We should all work for the complete abolition of poverty .

  13. 缓解和消除贫困,是社会主义的本质要求。

    Alleviating and eliminating poverty is the essential requirement of socialism .

  14. 消除贫困与可持续发展是两个紧密关联、互不可分的问题。

    It is closely related to poverty eradication and sustainable development .

  15. 教育与消除贫困:研究动态与中国农村的实证研究

    Education and Antipoverty Relationship : Reviews and Evidence in Rural China

  16. 为期四天的会议将探寻消除贫困的新方法。

    The four-day summit will explore new ideas in poverty eradication .

  17. 国际发展部的最主要目标就是在全球范围内消除贫困。

    DFID 's overarching objective is the elimination of global poverty .

  18. 不消除贫困就难以持续发展。

    Without removing poverty , it is hard to maintain sustainable development .

  19. 他同时鼓励各个国家共同努力,消除贫困。

    He also countries across the region work together to eliminate poverty .

  20. 包括寻找消除贫困,饥饿和疾病的方法。

    Those include finding ways to fight poverty , hunger and disease .

  21. 缓解和消除贫困仍然是中国今后一项长期的历史任务。

    Alleviating and eliminating poverty remains a long-term historical task for China .

  22. 临沂市消除贫困与可持续发展研究

    Research on poverty elimination and sustainable development in Linyi City

  23. 国外旅游与消除贫困问题研究评述

    Comment on Overseas Studies of Tourism and Poverty Elimination

  24. 我们也在通过政府和社会的共同努力来消除贫困。

    Chinese government and society are making a concerted effort to eliminate poverty .

  25. 保护我们的地球,消除贫困,减少不平等,

    Protection of our planet , eradication of poverty , reduction of inequality :

  26. 中国消除贫困的战略研究

    Study on the strategy of Chinese elimination of poverty

  27. 消除贫困是人类几千年来的梦想。

    It is mankind 's dream to eliminate poverty for thousands of years .

  28. 不消除贫困,就不可能实现和平稳定。

    Without alleviating poverty , there is no possibility for peace and stability .

  29. 计划生育促进了中国农村消除贫困的进程。

    Family planning has accelerated the process of eradicating poverty in rural China .

  30. 消除贫困,结束儿童饥饿现象,是我们工作的重中之重。

    Eliminating poverty and ending hunger is the number one Millennium Development Goal .