
  • 网络The East Asia Miracle;The East Asian Miracle
  1. 她被分派到东亚奇迹项目(EastAsianMiracle)。这是一个备受关注的计划,旨在研究为何该地区的一些国家在经济困境中苦苦挣扎,而另一些国家则繁荣兴旺。

    She was assigned to the East Asian Miracle project , a high-profile scheme to investigate why some countries in the region struggled economically while others thrived .

  2. 对东亚奇迹的再思考&主导产业演进视角的历史剖析

    Rethinking " East Asian Miracle " & A Historical Analysis on Leading Industries Evolvement Perspective

  3. 论东亚奇迹中儒家文化因素的功能

    On the Functions of the Confucian Culture Factors in the Miracle of East Asia

  4. 接着通过对东亚奇迹的经验分析和总结,引出有关经济发展中政府与市场有效配合的经验教训;

    Secondly , by analyzing and summing up the experience of the East Asian Miracle , it draws lessons of the coordination .

  5. 本文总结了东亚奇迹中产业政策的利弊得失、中国传统产业政策的正反经验;

    This article summarize advantages and disadvantages about Industrial policy of East Asia Miracle , China traditional positive and negative experience of industrial policy ;

  6. 东亚奇迹的实质:公平分享的迅速增长&世界银行研究报告解读

    The Substance of " East Asian Miracles ": Rapid Growth in Fair Sharing - An Interpretation of the World Bank 's Topic Research Report

  7. 克鲁格曼关于东亚奇迹源于不断扩大有形资本投入,难以持续的观点是片面和武断的。

    Paul krugman 's view that the Eastern-Asian wonder has resulted from the enlargement of investment of visible capital and therefore cannot last long is biased and arbitrary .

  8. 20世纪70年代以来,东亚奇迹引起学术界关注,东亚模式成为研究的热点。

    Since 1970s , the Eastern Asian miracles have attracted the attention of the learning circles , and the Eastern Asian model has become a heated topic of research .

  9. 与经济理论突破相对应,20世纪90年代围绕东亚奇迹的争议以及亚洲金融危机后对东亚模式的反思浪潮,激发了学术界对东亚地区科技进步之作用评价与技术创新机制的广泛研究。

    Correspondingly , the debates on East-Asia miracle in the 1990s , especially after Asian financial crisis , have inspired extensive interests in the academic circle regarding the contribution of technical progress to the sustained East-Asia economic growth as well as innovation mechanism in this area .

  10. 东亚经济奇迹证明了这种经济发展模式的合理性;

    The East Asia Marvel proved the reasonability of the development model .

  11. 许多研究认为东亚经济增长奇迹的关键原因是这些国家的高储蓄率。

    Some researches take the high rate of domestic saving as the key reason for east Asia 's fast economic growth .

  12. 通过技术引进实现技术进步和经济发展,是战后东亚经济增长创造奇迹的重要因素之一。

    Postwar East Asia realized their technology progress and economy development through technology introduction , and this was one of the most important factors to contribute the East Asian miracle .

  13. 日本、东亚四小龙、东盟四小虎、中国等相继实施出口导向型战略,创造了东亚经济的奇迹。

    Japan , the East Asian Dragons , the ASEAN Tigers , China and other countries have successively implemented " export-oriented " strategy , jointly creating an East Asian economic miracle .

  14. 有些学者认为:中国以及东亚新兴工业化国家和地区的经济增长是依靠高投入,高储蓄,高投资,而不是依靠全要素生产率的提高,因而断言,东亚经济增长的奇迹不会持久。

    Some scholars think that : it is because of high input , high saving rate , high investment rather than TFP ( total factor productivity ) growth that has caused growth of econmy in China and new industrial countries ' of east Asia .