
  • 网络Dong-A Ilbo;Donga;Donga Ilbo;Dong-AIlbo
  1. 保守派报纸《东亚日报》(Dong-AIlbo)的一篇社论写道,罗享旭的“语言暴力”是“很容易引发众怒”的,它源自日益加深的经济分化。

    An editorial in the conservative newspaper Dong-A Ilbo said that Mr. Na 's " verbal violence " was " inflammatory , " coming amid deepening economic polarization .

  2. 他就读于瑞士伯尔尼国际学院,根据包括首尔东亚日报在内的媒体报道。

    He attended the International School of Berne in Switzerland , according to media including the Seoul-based Dong-A Ilbo newspaper .

  3. 保守报纸《东亚日报》(DongA)以一张夏季暴风密云笼罩青瓦台的图片纪念总统就职百天。青瓦台是总统的办公场所和官邸。

    Dong A , a conservative newspaper , marked Mr Lee ' s100 days in office with a picture of summer storm-clouds louring over the Blue House , the office and residence of the president .

  4. 《东亚日报》说受害者是两对年老的朝鲜族夫妇。

    Dong-A said the victims were two elderly ethnic Korean couples .

  5. 另外,韩国东亚日报援引不具名的政府官员的话说,有诸多迹象表明,北韩有可能正在准备进行远程导弹试射。

    Separately , South Korea 's Dong-a Ilbo cites unnamed government officials as saying there are signs North Korea may be preparing a long-range missile test .