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  • 网络extinction time
  1. 当肉体消亡时,我就不作为人存在了。

    When the body breaks , I cease to exist as a person .

  2. 钙质微体浮游生物消亡时,已经有近乎等量的其它浮游生物种类代替它们了。

    Other plankton species in near equal numbers replaced calcareous microplankton as they died out .

  3. 当一切消亡时,我会是你的守护者,我会坚定地抓紧你的手。

    I will be your guardian when all is crumbling , I 'll steady your hand .

  4. 在我肉体消亡时,将关于我的人格的信息,提取出来在天堂创造了另一个人。

    My body dies , but he sort of swoops up my information about my personality and recreates somebody up in heaven with that similar personality .

  5. 揭示了疾病交叉感染对系统的本质影响,即当两种群不存在疾病交叉感染疾病消亡时,若引入疾病交叉感染现象,疾病就可能流行起来。

    It is discovered that the cross infection is crucial to the dynamical behavior of the system , namely , when the disease will die out without the cross infection for both species , the disease may prevail if the cross infection is introduced .