
  • 网络disinfection product
  1. 有1个消毒产品卫生许可批件中产品名称与实际产品名称不相符;

    In one disinfection product sanitary license approval document , the name of the product did not conform to the actual product name .

  2. 试验结果表明,分别在30和20min后达到杀菌率90%的国家标准,优于其他消毒产品。

    The experimental results show that , respectively after 20 minute and 30 minute , reach the 90 % sterilization rate of national standard .

  3. 用于阴道黏膜消毒产品的毒理学安全性评价

    Toxicology and safety assessment of disinfection products applied to vaginal mucosa

  4. 济南市消毒产品企业现状调查

    Survey of present situation of disinfection products enterprises in Jinan City

  5. 光化学搪瓷消毒产品的毒性试验研究

    Studies on photochemical disinfectant enamelled ware of toxicity experiments

  6. 监督机构应进一步加强监督力度,使消毒产品市场进一步规范。

    Sanitary surveillance should be reinforced to further normalize the sterilized products market .

  7. 本公司是专业生产一次性使用卫生用品的消毒产品生产性企业。

    The Company is a professional production of one-time use of sanitary disinfection products company .

  8. 用消毒产品擦拭手机或其他科技产品的表面。

    Clean the surfaces of your phone or other tech devices with a disinfecting product .

  9. 结论,用高效液相色谱法检测消毒产品中三氯生含量,方法简便、精确。

    Conclusion : Measuring triclosan content in disinfection products by HPLC is simple , convenient and accurate .

  10. 为了解济南市消毒产品企业管理状况及产品质量,采用现场考察方法进行了调查。

    In order to know the administration and product quality of disinfection products enterprises in Jinan City , on-the-spot investigation method was used to carry out a survey .

  11. 因此,要加强对《消毒产品生产企业卫生规范》等相关法律法规的宣传,加大对消毒产品生产企业监督管理的力度。

    Therefore , the propagation of the Hygienic Standard for Factories Producing Disinfectants and other relevant documents should be strengthened and the inspection and management should be improved .

  12. 结论,济南市消毒产品生产企业存在管理不规范和产品质量不合格问题,需要加强管理。

    Conclusion : There were problems of lack of standardization of administration and ineligible product quality in the enterprises producing disinfection products in Jinan City . The administration of these enterprises needs to be strengthened .

  13. 我们加工生产水产品,消毒速冻产品后不加任何添加剂直接销售给客户。

    His factory processed seafood , disinfected , quickly freezed them without any additives and then directly sold to customers .

  14. 能力提供消毒液产品,必须符合企业,科学,监管和最终用户的要求,可以是一个相当艰巨的。

    The ability to provide sterile liquid products , which must meet corporate , scientific , regulatory , and end-user requirements , can be a quite demanding .

  15. 通常可在药房买到用于消毒水的产品。

    Products for disinfecting water are generally available in pharmacies .

  16. 从液态到凝胶,从抑菌到消毒完全的产品系列满足不同行业标准,不同环境需求。

    Our different product categories consist of hand soaps , disinfection gels and sanitizers to meet the needs and requirements of various industrial standards .

  17. 全国人口消费总额,按商品分列在商业消毒之后,产品贴上标签并放入贮藏室,以分配给消费者。

    Total consumption of the population by commodity Following the commercial sterilization step , the product is labeled and placed in storage for distribution to the consumer .

  18. 我把纸箱搬进贮藏室,动作麻利地想把事情探个究竟。在商业消毒之后,产品贴上标签并放入贮藏室,以分配给消费者。

    I carried the carton down to the storage room , where I quickly went to work . Following the commercial sterilization step , the product is labeled and placed in storage for distribution to the consumer .

  19. 薄层色谱法测定消毒液和合成产品中的3,5-二甲基对氯苯酚

    Determination of 4-Chloro-3,5-Dimethyl Phenol in Antiseptics and Synthetic Products by Scanning Thin-Layer Chromatography

  20. 结果紫外线灯采用悬吊式,距地面2.5m,紫外线灯的功率在2~3W/m3,生产前、后消毒60min,间隔120min,基本能达到车间空气消毒效果,保证产品卫生质量。

    [ Results ] The air in the workshops was disinfected before and after production for 60 minutes each time every 2 hours with a hanging ultraviolet lamp ( power : 2 ~ 3 W / m 3 ) . It was effective to guarantee the hygienic quality .

  21. 结论肯格王牌臭氧·紫外线消毒柜容量大、自动、安全、消毒效果可靠、适用范围广泛的医疗器械消毒产品。

    CONCLUSIONS The ozone-ultraviolet medical-appliance disinfector , especially type ks-GX . 188 is a widely applicable device with enough capacity , automation , safety and reliable disinfection efficacy .

  22. 消毒是卫生防病工作的重要组成部分,也是贯彻我国预防为主卫生工作方针的重要环节,消毒产品对预防和控制感染性疾病的传播发挥了无可替代的作用。

    Disinfection is the important part of preventing medicine , is also the key link of following throw putting prevention first , disinfecting products play a constructive role in preventing and controlling diseases .