
  • 网络POMEGRANATE;Pomegranate juice;GRENADINE;grenadine syrup
  1. 再入加利安奴及石榴汁。

    Then same with the galliano , then finally the grenadine .

  2. 近据美国研究人员报道,石榴汁还有抗HIV作用。

    According to the United States in recent research reported that pomegranate juice have anti-HIV effect .

  3. 温度、pH值和光照对石榴汁花色苷稳定性的影响

    Effects of Temperature , pH and Light on the Stability of Pomegranate Anthocyanins

  4. 石榴汁的发酵速度受石榴成分的影响,添加SO2促进发酵进程。

    The SO2 could promote the fermentation of megranate juices whose fermentation speeds were influenced by megranate components .

  5. 4株酵母代谢酸石榴汁中柠檬酸、乳酸的能力没有显著差异(P0.05),发酵结束后总有机酸含量变化幅度在0.69%~3.81%之间。

    The ability of citric acid degradation for the 4 yeast had no significant difference ( P0.05 ) and the variation range of total organic acid content in finished wines was between 8.1 % and 12.8 % . 5 .

  6. 专家称,最令人忧虑的是,市场上出现了大量专门以高含量抗氧化剂为噱头的饮料,比如维他命水(Vitaminwater)、POMWonderful石榴汁和裸汁果汁(NakedJuice)等。

    Particularly concerning , experts say , is the explosion of beverages marketed specifically for their high levels of antioxidants , like Vitaminwater , POM Wonderful , Naked Juice and many others .

  7. 实验室研究表明黑果桑木汁、野葡萄汁、石榴汁和黑莓汁也影响CYP3A4。

    Lab studies suggest that black mulberry juice , wild grape juice , pomegranate juice , and black raspberry juice also interfere with CYP3A4 .

  8. 石榴汁中花色素苷稳定性研究

    Studies on the Stability of Anthocyanin in the Natural Pomegranate Juice

  9. 石榴汁解决,然后费尽和酵母接种。

    The juice is settled , then racked and inoculated with yeast .

  10. 以成熟石榴汁为原料,对石榴果酒发酵工艺进行研究。

    The fermentation techniques of pomegranate fruit wine were studied .

  11. 因此,石榴汁饮料有较好的发展前景。

    Therefore , pomegranate juice beverage will have a bright business future .

  12. 大网树脂定量分离番石榴汁中有机磷与无机磷的研究

    Quantitative Separation of Organophosphorus and Inorganic Phosphorus in Guava Juice by Macroreticular Resin

  13. 浓缩石榴汁的加工工艺探讨

    Processing Techniques of the Tests of Concentrated Pomegranate Juice

  14. 目的:分离鉴定天然石榴汁中主要多酚类物质。

    Objective : To separate and identify the polyphenols contained in pomegranate juice .

  15. 才不,这是石榴汁。

    Oh , no , this is pomegranate juice .

  16. 我可以领受教训,也就使你喝石榴汁酿的香酒。

    I would give you spiced wine to drink , the nectar of my pomegranates .

  17. 石榴汁饮料制作工艺的改进(一)&分光光度法测定石榴汁饮料的澄清度

    Inprovement in Processing Technology of Pomegranate Drink & Determination on the Clarity of Pomegranate Drink by Spectrophotometry

  18. 研究表明,每天一杯石榴汁能助你对抗皱纹。

    Studies show that a glass of pomegranate juice a day could help keep wrinkles at bay .

  19. 根据科学家的说法,每天饮用一杯石榴汁,效果就像威而钢一样。

    According to scientists , drinking a glass of pomegranate juice a day can act just like Viagra .

  20. 研究者现在招募大型研究,进行石榴汁与安慰剂之比较。

    The researchers are now enrolling men in a major clinical trial that will pit pomegranate juice against placebo .

  21. 中国石榴汁饮料产品以低浓度混合汁为主,高端石榴纯汁市场尚未得到有效开发;

    Most of the China pomegranate juice beverage is made of Low concentration combination juice , the high-end market has not been effectively developed ;

  22. 去年位于爱丁堡市的玛格丽特皇后大学的研究者们通过研究发现,石榴汁可以抵抗中年发胖,还能减轻工作压力。

    Last year , researchers at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh found pomegranate juice could combat middle-aged spread and even reduce stress at work .

  23. 随着石榴汁中果皮含量的增加,发酵的石榴酒中甲醇和杂醇油的生成量越少。

    The methanol and fusel oil content was lower in the pomegranate wine fermented with seeds than in the pomegranate wine fermented without seeds .

  24. 最初,它被药剂师用来治疗痢疾;后来,石榴汁和雪的混和物,被当作一种高贵的饮料。

    It was first used as a treatment for dysentery by apothecaries , then as a luxury drink , the juice mixed with snow .

  25. 发现石榴汁中含有草酸、乳酸、柠檬酸、苹果酸、α-酮戊二酸、乙酸、琥珀酸、葡萄糖酸、酒石酸、富马酸。

    Oxalic , lactic , citric , malic ,α - ketoglutaric , acetic , succinic , fumaric , tartaric and gluconic acids were found in pomegranate juices .

  26. 三周前,他们开始出售4美元一支的冰棍。冰棍由椰奶、覆盆子酱、石榴汁、枫糖和骨汤制成。

    Three weeks ago , they began selling a $ 4 popsicle made with coconut milk , raspberry puree , pomegranate juice , maple sugar , and bone broth .

  27. 最值得注意的是,为该研究提供资金的是一家生产石榴汁的公司。目前没有任何科学研究可以证明超级食品比普通食品更有益处。

    The term is not in common currency amongst dieticians and nutritional scientists , many of whom dispute the claims made that consuming particular foodstuffs can have a health benefit .

  28. 温度和氧化剂对石榴汁花青素和原花青素的影响比较大,随温度升高和氧化剂浓度增加含量快速下降。

    Temperature and oxidant had a great impact on pomegranate anthocyanins and procyanidine . The pomegranate anthocyanin and procyanidine content declined rapidly with the increase of heating temperature and oxidant amount .

  29. 石榴汁对衰老小鼠的抗氧化功能的水平具有较强的影响,随着石榴汁摄入时间的延长,衰老小鼠机体的抗氧化水平逐渐增强。

    Pomegranate juice has strong influence on the level of anti-oxidation in aging mice . With the intake of pomegranate juice , the anti-oxidative capability of aging mice was elevated gradually .

  30. 微波杀菌对石榴汁花青素和原花青素的影响不明显。

    Microwave pasteurization had no obvious effect on the anthocyanin and procyanidine in pomegranate juice , ultraviolet radiation had no obvious effect on the anthocyanin but had a relatively greater effect on procyanidine .