
  • Paladin;Knight;Holy Knight
  1. 圣骑士可以驱散你的冰霜震击效果,那就为地震保留震级CD,并且当需要贴近对方时用地缚图腾。

    Since a paladin can dispel your frost shock , save your shock CD for ES , and use earthbind totem if you need a snare .

  2. 在TTR上和小德、圣骑士一起打了这么久之后,在面对双菜刀时单治疗的局面确实让我很不适应。

    After playing on a druid and paladin on the TTR so much , it was hard to get used to solo healing through double melee .

  3. 同时死骑在PVP的强悍也是兔子的尾巴长不了了,所以我们现在要专注圣骑士了。

    Also , you aren 't going to see any PvP DKs for a long time , so we need to focus on paladins for now .

  4. 在这个世界里,什么是圣骑士,什么是火球?

    What are a paladin or a fireball in our world ?

  5. 拥抱圣光吧,我的圣骑士和血骑士们。

    Embrace the Light , my fellow Paladins and Blood Knights .

  6. 这就是战士和圣骑士的角色定位和特殊性。

    That 's the role and uniqueness of Warriors and Paladins .

  7. 如果您的圣骑士,想学习弓。

    If your a paladin and want to learn Bows .

  8. 圣骑士队的三线四分卫有承担双份责任。

    And the paladins third string quarterback had to pull double duty .

  9. 我曾看见过一个圣骑士训练师的截图。

    I 've even seen screenshots of a Paladin Trainer .

  10. 佛罗里达州也是南普兰泰申高中的圣骑士对的所在地。

    Florida is also home to South Plantation High School 's Paladins .

  11. 神圣震击将成为所有圣骑士都能使用的核心法术。

    Holy Shock will be a core healing spell available to all paladins .

  12. 那圣骑士来的时候你是不能去天堂的。

    You don 't get to go to heaven when the rapture comes .

  13. 一些人就把玛丽亚和圣杯与圣骑士连接在一起。

    Some people link Mary to the Holy Grail and the Knights Templar .

  14. 如果我们把毕业生致辞的地位命名为“白爵士圣骑士二十级”,

    If we called valedictorian a " white knight paladin level 20 , "

  15. 我们理解很多球员的发挥一样风格的圣骑士。

    We understand a lot of players like the play style of paladins .

  16. 取消了为圣骑士设计的所有板甲,因为他们总是穿牧师的装备。

    Removed plate armor for paladins since they all wore priest stuff anyway .

  17. 这是为了鼓励圣骑士更广泛的物品选择。

    This is to encourage a wider variety of itemization for the Paladin .

  18. 宠物现在受圣骑士的强效祝福影响。

    Pets are now affected by Paladin greater blessings .

  19. 盾牌壁垒:圣骑士坐着时仍可触发。

    Redoubt : this ability can now trigger while the paladin is sitting .

  20. 圣骑士:但是,阁下?我们正在打仗啊。

    Paladin : but sire ? We are in the middle of a battle ?

  21. 圣骑士仍然处于深发展阶段。

    The paladin is still deep in development .

  22. 亚瑟王的圣骑士,叛乱。

    King Arthur 's knights St. , rebellion .

  23. 圣骑士的祝福和圣印有新的效果!

    Paladin Blessings and Seals have new animations !

  24. 圣骑士仍然不能追击逃跑的敌人。

    Paladins still cant chase fleeing enemies .

  25. 你不再是一名圣骑士了!

    You 're no longer a Paladin !

  26. 它的审判效果将强制目标在短时间内攻击圣骑士。

    Judgement of Protection forces the Target to attack the Paladin for a short time .

  27. 圣骑士用他们的力量、领导能力和神圣魔法保护着联盟。

    Paladins defend the Alliance with strength , leadership ability , and some holy spells .

  28. 职业:术士,魔法师,射手,游侠,牧师,圣骑士,战士。

    Class : Wizard , Illusionist , Archer , Ranger , Cleric , Paladin , Warrior .

  29. 圣骑士是一种辅助型的职业。

    Paladins are a support class .

  30. 圣骑士:亡灵巫师,能借我点钱修武器吗?

    Paladin : Necromancer , can I borrow some money so I can fix my weapon ?