
  • 网络Versions of the Scriptures;Bible version;Bible translations
  1. 这个圣经译本,就像所有其他圣经译本一样,都是由并非十全十美的人做出来的,因此都有不合理想的地方;

    Like all translations of the Bible , made as they are by imperfect man , this one undoubtedly falls short of its goals .

  2. 正因为他的超前的翻译理念,他的每一译本都能引领时代对圣经译本之需求。

    Just because of his advanced concept of translation , each version of the four can meet and lead the needs of the era for the Chinese version of the Bible .

  3. 人很容易在敬拜当中使用陈腔滥调,而不愿花心思以新的词汇与方式去荣耀神,这就是为什么我鼓励你们多读不同的圣经译本的原因,这样可扩展你们在敬拜时的表达。

    It is so much easier to offer cliches in worship instead of making the effort to honor God with fresh words and ways . This is why I encourage you to read Scripture in different translations and paraphrases . It will expand your expressions of worship .

  4. 英文的《活的圣经》译本,将这句意译为:「我的能力最能在软弱的人身上显明。」

    The Living Bible paraphrase reads , 'My power shows up best in weak people .

  5. 考察重要《圣经》译本的史实和特征有助于揭示圣经汉译活动的历史意义和文化影响。

    A critical survey of the publication facts and characteristics of some influential versions reveals the historical impact and cultural significance of Chinese Bible translating as a cultural event .

  6. 一方面,它们印证了作为传世的各种现代语言《圣经》译本之底本的马所拉本的精确性和权威性;

    On the one hand , they confirm the accuracy and the authority of the Masoretic Text from which all the modern language versions of the Bible are derived ;

  7. 论《圣经》马氏译本对洪秀全的影响&以上帝译名为例

    On the influence of ma 's version of the Bible on Hong Xiuquan

  8. 现存最早、最完整的《圣经》汉译本是《古新圣经》,而且它也是最早的汉语官话《圣经》译本。

    The earliest and the most complete Chinese version of the Bible is Gu Xin Sheng Jing , which is also one of the earliest Chinese Mandarin Bibles .

  9. 《圣经》中文全译本的完成是近代基督教事业的一大成功的标志。

    The Chinese translation of the full text of the Holy Bible is a sign of success of moder Christianity .

  10. 1611年,掌权者出于热爱而颠覆了世界即一个《圣经》的新译本。

    In 1611 the powers that be turned the world upside down with a labour of love a new translation of the bible .

  11. 在奈达看来,一个《圣经》的科学译本一定能够对读者引起某种动态效应或者造成影响,即使是他们有着不同的文化背景。

    Nida claims that a scientific translation of the Bible might arouse an impact among various readers ; even though they share different cultural backgrounds .

  12. 书中的例子来源非常广泛:包括阿尔巴尼亚语,古希伯莱语,电影配音、绘图小说、法律文件(需要进行大量的翻译),还有《旧约圣经》,即《希伯莱圣经》的希腊译本。

    His examples are drawn from a wide array of sources : Albanian , ancient Hebrew , film dubbing and graphic novels , legal documents ( huge amounts of translation required ) and the Septuagint , the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible .

  13. 1522-1545年,马丁·路德为推动宗教改革,致力于《圣经》的翻译工作。他的《圣经》德译本同时揭开了德语发展史上新的一页,马丁·路德也因此被称为伟大的翻译家。

    Martin Luther was engaged in the translation of the Bible in an attempt to promote the religion reform from 1522 to 1545 . As the translation marked the new phase of the development of the German language , Martin Luther was treated as the greatest translator .