
  • 网络Nehemiah;neh;book of nehemiah
  1. 尼希米记的意思是:慰问使者。

    Nehemiah in Hebrew means : Jah is comfort .

  2. 尼希米记馀下的部分,便是记述神怎样应允他的祷告。

    The rest of the book of Nehemiah is the story of how God answered that prayer .

  3. 在我们第六次阅读圣经时,我还以为我们会略过历代志上和尼希米记所记载的上千个名字。

    On our sixth circuit through the Bible , I had thought we might want to skip the thousand or so names in1 Chronicles and Nehemiah .

  4. 尼希米记记述了建立耶路撒冷教会的活动以及在那里举办的伟大的圣经学校。

    In the book of Nehemiah we are shown the events of the building of the ecclesia in Jerusalem and the great Bible School they held .