
  • 网络Oil pollution;Marine oil pollution
  1. 石油污染可能破坏珊瑚礁脆弱的生态环境。

    Oil pollution could damage the fragile ecology of the coral reefs .

  2. 石油污染是造成海鸟死亡最常见的原因。

    Oil pollution is the commonest cause of death for seabirds

  3. DNA损伤可作为监测海洋石油污染的生物标志物。

    DNA damage can be a biomarker to marine oli pollution .

  4. 利用SAR图像监测海上石油污染的实验分析

    An Experimental Analysis on Monitoring Oil Pollution with SAR Image

  5. H2O2在石油污染土壤微生物治理过程中的作用

    Function of H 2O 2 in the bioremediation process of petroleum contaminated soil

  6. 石油污染土壤原位(Insitu)修复对于地下水的有机污染控制具有极其重要的意义。

    In-situ remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon has significance to the organic pollution control of soil and groundwater .

  7. 美国政府并未坚持在埃克森valdez灾难后通过的《1990年石油污染法》(1990oilpollutionact),而是开始课以惩罚性损害赔偿。

    Instead of sticking with the 1990 oil pollution act , passed after the Exxon Valdez disaster , Washington has moved to impose punitive damages .

  8. 鲫鱼脑AChE活性对水体中石油污染土壤和孔雀石绿的响应

    Responses of Brain Acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) Activity in Carassius auratus to Crude-Oil-Contaminated Soil and Malachite Green in Aquatic Environment

  9. 基于PCR-DGGE技术的石油污染土壤微生物多态性

    Microbial communities in petroleum polluted soils by PCR-DGGE

  10. 研究了沙质滩涂受到石油污染后的释放过程,确定了可溶性油的释放动力学曲线,分析了含沙量、温度、pH值和盐度对释放作用的影响;并对吸附机理进行了探讨。

    The released curve of sands polluted by oil has been ascertained and the sand contents , temperature , pH and salinity on the released effect have been analyzed , and adsorptive mechanism was discussed .

  11. 通过选择性富集培养,从沈抚灌区石油污染土壤中分离到1株菲降解细菌L2,该菌株能以菲为唯一碳源和能源生长。

    A phenanthrene-degrading strain L2 was isolated from oil-contaminated soil in Shenfu irrigation area by selective enrichment culture . The strain was able to grow on phenanthrene as a sole carbon and energy source for growth .

  12. 改性Fenton(MF)化学氧化不需改变土壤pH值,可在中性条件下原位修复石油污染土壤,是最有前景的化学预氧化技术。

    Modified Fenton ( MF ) chemical oxidation does not need to change the pH value of soil , it can be repair oil contaminated soil in neutral condition and in situ , it is the most promising chemistry pre-oxidation technology .

  13. 石油污染土壤经过180d的处理,在水含量一定的前提下,外源微生物对于石油污染物质加速降解具有显著作用。

    The experiment was lasted for 180 d. When the water content of the soil is given , the exogenous microorganism can speed up the biodegradation of the petroleum greatly .

  14. 因此,本文开发了基于模拟的模糊多指标决策分析方法(SFMCDA)用来实现石油污染场地修复方案优选。

    A simulation-based fuzzy multi-criteria decision analysis ( SFMCDA ) method was developed for supporting the selection of remediation strategies for petroleum contaminated sites .

  15. 然而,关于MF化学氧化不同石油污染强度土壤的报道很少,特别是总烃(TPH)污染强度大于100g/kg的重度污染几乎没有涉及。

    However , the MF chemical oxidation applies in different oil soil pollution intensity situation are rarely reports , especially the soil which the total petroleum hydrocarbon ( TPH ) concentration is more than 100 g / kg of heavy pollution almost hardly involved .

  16. 从胶洲湾P3-1站位采集的石油污染海洋底泥中筛选得到一株能以原油为唯一碳源生长良好的石油烃降解菌株JZ3-21。

    A hydrocarbon degrading strain JZ3-21 was isolated from oil polluted marine sediments in P3-1 site of Jiaozhou Bay , which used crude oil as sole carbon .

  17. 植物与微生物对石油污染土壤修复的影响

    Effect of Plants and Microorganisms on Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soil

  18. 辽河油田石油污染土壤的2阶段生物修复

    Two Phases Bioremediation of Oil Contaminated Soil from Liaohe Oil Field

  19. 冻融作用对石油污染土壤微生物修复的影响

    Effects of freezing and thawing on microbial remediation of petroleum-contaminated soil

  20. 长期石油污染土壤中胡敏酸结构特征的研究

    Structural Characteristics of Humic Acids from a Long-Term Petroleum Contaminated Soil

  21. 石油污染土壤修复植物的根-土界面微生物特征

    Microbiological characteristics of phytoremediation plant root-soil interface for petroleum contaminated soil

  22. 中原油田石油污染土壤生物修复技术研究

    Research on Bioremediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils in Zhongyuan Oil Field

  23. 沈抚灌区石油污染土壤恢复方案的数值模拟

    Numerical modeling on elimination of oil-polluted soils in Shenyang-Fushun irrigation area

  24. 石油污染是造成海鸟死亡最常见的原因。共有的;

    Oil pollution is the commonest cause of death for seabirds .

  25. 石油污染对非洲鲫鱼血清蛋白的影响

    Effects of Petroleum on the Sero proteins of Tilapia mossambica

  26. 秦皇岛沿岸海域石油污染状况初探

    Preliminary study on the oil pollution in the coastal area of Qinhuangdao

  27. 曝气法对石油污染土壤的修复研讨

    Soil Recovery by Using Air Sparging Method Polluted by Oil

  28. 江苏省海洋石油污染的现状和对策

    Actualities and Countermeasures of Marine Oil Pollution of Jiangsu Province

  29. 接种疫苗的污染吹脱技术净化石油污染地下水实验释佻脱

    Air Stripping Technique of Purifying Groundwater Polluted by Petroleum Hydrocarbon

  30. 石油污染地表土壤的微生物降解特征

    Characteristics of the biodegradation of the ground soil contaminated by crude oil