
xí xìng
  • habit;behavior;propensity;habitus;habits and characteristics;mannerism;idiosyncrasy;second nature;habitual nature
习性 [xí xìng]
  • [habit and characteristics] 由于长期习惯于某种条件而形成的特性

习性[xí xìng]
  1. 氢氧化铝晶体生长习性的Morphology分析

    Morphology analysis on crystal growth habit of gibbsite

  2. F2代分离类似极早熟亲本结荚习性的早熟材料多。

    In F2 generation , lines with habit of the early parent are more .

  3. 他们曾观察过这些动物的习性。

    They had observed regularities in the behaviour of the animals .

  4. 根据她对道格拉斯习性的了解,她敢断定他不可能是那个袭击者。

    From her knowledge of Douglas 's habits , she feels sure that the attacker can 't have been Douglas

  5. 燕子有筑巢的习性。

    Swallows have an aptitude for building nests .

  6. 有时候混养会影响动物的生活习性。

    Sometimes ; mixed breeding will influence animals'living habits .

  7. 这种习性已被一些人认为是一种遗传特性。

    The behavior has been regarded by some workers as an hereditary characteristic .

  8. 他似乎是对树木作关于晶体的奇妙习性的发言。

    It might have been the trees he was addressing on the quaint customs of crystals .

  9. 科学家们对它们的这一习性有了新的见解。每年12月到次年6月,成千上万只绿海龟迁徙。

    Every year between December and June , thousands of green sea turtles migrate .

  10. 人们掌握了它们的习性,经常把酒或酒糟放在路边,旁边又放着许多草鞋,草鞋用绳索连接起来。

    People knew very well their habits and often put wine or distiller 's grains on the roadside together with many straw sandals connected together with ropes .

  11. 水热条件下Cu2O的连生习性

    Epitaxial Growth Habit of Cu_2O under Hydrothermal Condition

  12. 水热环境下PZT纳米晶的结晶与生长习性

    Crystal and Growth Behavior of PZT Nano - Crystal in Hydrothermal Environment

  13. 钛合金中TiC晶体的配位多面体生长基元与生长习性

    Growth Elements and Growth Habit of Coordination Polyhedrons of TiC Crystal in Titanium Alloy

  14. 大豆不同结荚习性品种间杂交F2世代生育期分离的趋势及不同结荚习性产量因素分析

    Correlation between growth period and growth habit and yield in f_2 generation of crosses between soybean varieties of different growth habit

  15. KDP晶体生长习性与快速生长研究

    Effects of Anions on the Growth Habit of KDP Crystals

  16. 由此我们能够看出BaF2晶体的应用前景。从晶体生长角度研究了BaF2晶体的习性和生长条件。

    Characteristics and growth conditions of BaF_2 crystal are studied from a view of crystal growth .

  17. 从视网膜感受细胞层、内核层和神经节细胞层三个层次的细胞比例分析,在结构上大大提高了视网膜的光敏度(lightsensitivity)这也与不同种生活习性的演变程度不同有关。

    From the structure proportion analysis , we can see the kind of spread is beneficial to raise the retina light sensitivity , which is relative to the degree of evolution because of different habits of life .

  18. 在4种生长习性间,DNA水平上的遗传多样性大小依次为匍匐型,倾斜型,半直立型和直立型,表型水平的多样性与DNA水平的多样性基本一致。

    Among the four growth habit types , the genetic diversity from high to low was found respectively in prostrate type , sloping type , slighting type , and erect type at both DNA and phenotypic levels .

  19. 生长条件对LNP晶体习性和形态的影响

    Influence Growth Conditions on Crystal Habit and Morphology of LNP Crystal

  20. 曼氏无针乌贼SepiellamaindronideRochebrune繁殖习性的初步观察

    Preliminary observations on the breeding habits of the squid , sepiella maindroni de rochebrune

  21. KTP晶体结晶习性的变化主要受KTP在磷酸盐溶液中的中间产物状态变化的影响。

    The cause of the change in KTP crystalline habits is due to the variation of the state of the intermediate products in phosphate fluxes .

  22. 菹草(Potamogetoncrispus)的生态习性和在京密引水渠的发生规律研究

    Study on Ecological Habits of Potamogeton crispus and Its Growth in Jing Mi Cannal , Beijing

  23. 实验发现改变沉淀pH值、水热温度,水热时间均不能改变硅酸锆的晶形,其原因可能是硅酸锆在本实验范围内的水热的条件下具有形成片层结构的结晶习性。

    The results showed that the pH value of precipitation , hydrothermal temperature , holding time had little effect on the crystal form of zircon . This might be attributed to the crystal habit of lamellar structure under the hydrothermal conditions of this experiment .

  24. 褐飞虱Nilaparvatalugens(Stal)是水稻的主要害虫,有远距离迁飞的习性。

    Nilaparvata lugens ( Stal ) ( brown planthopper , BPH ) is a long distance migratory rice pest in Asia .

  25. 本文研究了KIO3晶体的溶解度、单相析晶区、成核规律及结晶习性。

    The solubility , monophase crystallization region , nucleation and crystallization habits of KIO_3 crystals in KIO_3-HIO_3-H_2O ternary system have been studied .

  26. 介绍了垃圾填埋场苍蝇习性和灭绳措施,并用HDPE膜作为覆盖材料进行了灭蝇试验,并进行了经济和环境效益分析,提出了建议。

    Fly habits and fly eradication measures of waste landfill site were introduced , using HDPE membrane as cover material , fly eradication test was carried out , economic and environmental benefits analysis was made out , related suggestion was put forward .

  27. 内香3A花粉败育彻底,育性稳定,不育株率和花粉败育度均为100%,农艺性状优良,异交习性好,配合力高,稻米品质优良,抗稻瘟病力强。

    It has a complete and stable male sterility with 100 % of sterile plants and pollen sterility , a good plant type and outcrossing characteristics , fine grain quality and strong resistance to blast .

  28. 对海水养殖条件下杂交鲟的行为习性进行观察.结果表明,杂交鲟对干露的耐受力较强,干露1h存活率100%,干露3h存活率74.1%;

    The study on the behaviors of hybrid sturgeon under mariculture conditions showed that hybrid sturgeon had a stronger endurance to the exposure in air , with 100 % and 74.1 % of livability after 1 h and 3 h exposure , respectively .

  29. 结论SED可引发实验大鼠活动习性改变、警觉水平增高、环境适应能力下降,以及短暂空间学习和记忆能力受损。

    Conclusions The SED rats displayed the significant abnormalities of cognitive behaviors as the substantial changes of behavioral habits , increased anxiety and defense , enhanced startle and delayed habituation to environment , and transitory spatial learning and memory impairment .

  30. 我们推测vrn1对多年生赖草低温下叶可溶性碳水化合物的积累及生长习性具有数量效应。

    We speculate thatvrn_1exerts quantitative effects on low_temperature soluble leaf carbohydrate accumulations and growth habit of the perennial Leymus .