
xí guàn xìng
  • habituation
习惯性[xí guàn xìng]
  1. M型SSR易产生习惯性。

    The habituation of M type waveforms can be easily induced in healthy people .

  2. 微创改良Fulkerson截骨治疗习惯性髌骨脱位

    Micro-modified Fulkerson osteotomy for the treatment of habituation patellar dislocation

  3. 我习惯性地转过身往房子里看了看。

    I turned to look inside the house in a reflex action .

  4. 你习惯性地认为害怕是软弱的表现。

    You have been conditioned to believe that it is weak to be scared

  5. 下意识地,她习惯性地把咖啡壶的插头插上了。

    Unconsciously , by force of habit , she plugged the coffee pot in .

  6. 除非自己的生命受到了威胁,已知的蛇中还没有习惯性地攻击人类的。

    There 's no snake known that will habitually attack human beings unless threatened with its life

  7. 他们需要习惯性地反问自己,团队是否是完成这项工作的最佳工具。

    They need to be in the habit of asking themselves whether teams are the best tools for the job .

  8. Newyear'sblock(新年障碍)是在每年刚开始的那几周会频繁发生的一种情况:人们在填写日期的时候,会在本该写新年份的地方习惯性地写上刚刚过去那一年的数字。

    New year 's block is a condition that usually takes place the first couple of weeks into the new year , in which a person keeps writing in the last / previous year in place of the new one . For example :

  9. 那么我想问题是,有没有可能从这一习惯性思维中跳出来?

    And I guess that the question is , is it possible to break free from that mindset ?

  10. 如果你习惯性地避免和你的伴侣进行身体或情感上的亲密接触,而选择在工作、爱好、电视或其他活动中去逃避,你可能正在你和伴侣之间制造隔阂,而且这种隔阂可能会难以消除。

    If you habitually avoid being physically or emotionally close with your partner through escaping into work , hobbies , television , or other activities , you risk creating a divide between you and your partner that may become impossible to breach . 4 .

  11. 核酸外切酶Ⅲ消化双链DNA的缺失测定精子双链DNA与习惯性流产相关性研究

    Deletion Assay of Exonuclease ⅲ Digesting Double-Stranded DNA ; Relationship between Recurrent Abortion and dsDNA

  12. 梅钢喷煤系统的双流相输送应用实践精子双链DNA与习惯性流产相关性研究

    Two-phase Flow Transportation Apply Practice of Coal Injection in Meishan Relationship between Recurrent Abortion and dsDNA

  13. 精子双链DNA与习惯性流产相关性研究罗达的抱怨是习惯性的,她老是不满。

    Relationship between Recurrent Abortion and dsDNA Rhoda is a chronic complainer . She is always dissatisfied .

  14. DNA和RNA双链稳定性差异的理论研究精子双链DNA与习惯性流产相关性研究

    Theoretical Study for DNA and RNA on Their Stability Difference Relationship between Recurrent Abortion and dsDNA

  15. 习惯性流产胚胎绒毛细胞LIF基因的表达

    Expression of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Gene of Chorionic Tissue from Habitual Abortions

  16. 微软公司称Windows开发者想要用户在使用鼠标点击时能做到快而精准,并使点击鼠标左右键成为人们的习惯性动作。

    Microsoft say that Windows developers wanted users to develop speed and precision when using the mouse and making left and right clicks a natural habit .

  17. 目的通过对原因不明的习惯性流产(HA)患者进行多项抗生殖抗体检查,研究HA与抗生殖抗体的关系。

    Objective : To evaluate the relationship between habitual abortion ( HA ) of unknown etiology and anti - reproductive antibodies .

  18. 分析表明:母儿间ABO抗原不相容是导致习惯性流产的重要因素之一。

    The result revealed the most important factor of habitual abortion was the ABO-incompatibility .

  19. 然而,人们习惯性的生产棉和亚麻纱线时用Z捻,生产羊毛和精纺毛料纱线时用S捻。

    However , it is customary to produce cotton and linen yarns with a Z-twist and woolen and worsted yarns with an S-twist .

  20. 尽管韩国是一个工业强国,但该国金融市场却一直遭受习惯性的“韩国折价”(koreadiscount),部分原因是腐败引发的担忧。

    Although Seoul is an industrial heavyweight , its financial markets have suffered a habitual " Korea discount " , partly because of corruption concerns .

  21. Cd结构消失和Cd结构变异频率的增高以及Cd结构最大横径变小可能是影响习惯性流产的相关因素。

    The increase of frequencies of Cd variation and Cd loss and the decrease of maximum diameter of Cd might be the causes affecting habitual abortions .

  22. 将在管理学会(AcademyofManagement)下个月举行的年会上提交的一项新研究表明,女性习惯性地低估自己在老板和同事心目中的地位,从而阻碍了自己的事业发展。

    Women handicap themselves on the job by chronically underrating their standing with bosses and co-workers , says a new study slated for presentation next month to the Academy of Management 's annual meeting .

  23. 习惯性流产免疫治疗中HLA封闭抗体的变化

    Serum H. pylori antibodies ( VacA , CagA and urease ) were tested using immunoblot . Change of APLA for immunotherapy in habitual abortion

  24. 免疫性血栓症和习惯性流产的标志物&抗血管五糖(VPS)抗体的检测

    Detect on anti-vascular pentasaccharide antibody-a immunological marker of thrombosis and recurrent abortion

  25. 目的评价主动免疫联合绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)治疗习惯性流产的临床疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of therapy with active immunization combined with HCG in the patients with unexplained habitual abortion ( UHA ) .

  26. 发现习惯性流产患者的Cd结构变异和Cd结构消失的频率明显高于正常人,Cd结构最大横径明显小于正常人。

    It was found that the frequencies of Cd variation and Cd loss were obviously higher and maximum diameter of Cd was smaller in habitual abortion patients than those in healthy persons .

  27. 目的:研究IL-10、IL-8的免疫调节机制在习惯性流产患者中的作用。

    Objective : A study of the immune system regulating between interleukin ( IL ) - 8 and IL-10 in recurrent spontaneous abortions has been performed .

  28. 从生殖生物学研究特别是在习惯性流产的免疫疗法领域获得的认识,将有助于开发更好的治疗与预防HIV感染的策略。

    The insight gained in reproductive biology research , particularly in the area of immunotherapy of recurrent spontaneous abortions , can help to develop better strategies for the treatment and prevention of HIV infection .

  29. 结果:(1)该钢铁企业男性职工习惯性打鼾(HS)的发生率为14.1%,偶尔打鼾的发生率为55.3%;

    Results : ( 1 ) 14.1 % of the men workers were habitual snorer , 55.3 % of the men workers were occasional snorer .

  30. 目的:探讨夫妇间人类白细胞抗原&DR(HLA-DR)抗原相容性在习惯性流产中的意义。

    Objective : To investigate the mutual antigen of the human leukocyte antigen - DR ( HLA - DR ) a-mong the habitual abortion couples .