
  • 网络my parents and I
  1. 在政治上我和父母之间有分歧。

    My parents and I disagree about or over politics .

  2. 我和父母现在住在新房子里。

    My parents and I live in a new house .

  3. 那时候我和父母住在一起。

    I was living with my parents at that time .

  4. 上个月,我和父母去成都度假了。

    Last month , I went to Chengdu for my vacation with my parents .

  5. 就在这一刻,我和父母的关系改变了。

    At this point , my relationship with my parents changed .

  6. 不,我和父母的关系不密切。

    No , I am not still close with my parents .

  7. 我和父母住在一个小城镇;

    I live with my parents in a small town .

  8. 我和父母一起出席了第一夜的首场演出。

    I was at the opening night with my parents .

  9. 我和父母朋友都争吵。

    I get into fights with my parents and friends .

  10. 我和父母去乡下聚会。

    I was with my parents at a county fair .

  11. 我和父母说好我们可以用他们的汽车。

    I arranged with my parents that we can borrow their car .

  12. 后来为了进一步学习,我和父母搬到深圳。

    Then I moved to Shenzhen for further study with my parents .

  13. 我和父母就站在老柏树的旁边。

    I stand on the parents and next to the old cypress .

  14. 昨天晚上我和父母一起去散步了。

    I for a with my parents last night .

  15. 你也知道我和父母的关系糟透了这可能…

    You know how I am with my parents . This could be ...

  16. 我和父母一块过圣诞节。

    I 'm spending Christmas with mater and pater .

  17. 我和父母一起去新泽西的滨海度假.

    And I went on vacation with my parents to the Jersey shore .

  18. 我和父母闹翻了。

    I 'd fallen out with my parents .

  19. 有时我和父母一起看电视。

    Sometimes I watch TV with my parents .

  20. 我和父母在事情刚发生后的最初几次谈话并不是很理想。

    The initial conversations were not totally ideal .

  21. 香肠配蛋是我和父母一起吃的最后一餐。

    Sausage and eggs was the last meal I was having with my parents .

  22. 今天早上我和父母一起去市场买蔬菜,路上我们都赞叹一个西装革履的正骑车经过的年轻人。

    This morning I went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents .

  23. 每年夏天,我和父母去海南岛度假。

    Every summer , I go to Hainan Island for a vacation with my parents .

  24. 上星期天,我和父母坐公共汽车去看我的叔叔。

    Last Sunday , I went to visit my uncle with my parents by bus .

  25. 我和父母同住。

    I 'm living with my parents .

  26. 是的。开始我和父母住在九龙城寨的一个街区。

    Yes . I first lived in a block in the Kowloon Walled City with my parents .

  27. 我和父母一直相处很好,因为他们愿意同我商量各种问题。

    My parents and I have always got along well because they are willing to talk over problems .

  28. 去年,我和父母去北京,那是一次非常有趣的旅行。

    Last year , I went to Beijing with my parents , it is an very interesting trip .

  29. 最后,我和父母达成了妥协,我改学现代语言,现在回想起来,当时双方都不怎么满意。

    A compromise was reaced that in retrospect satisfied nobody , and I went up to study Modern Languages .

  30. 嗯,我和父母相处得很好,但我们并不总是能达成一致。

    Well , I get along well with my parents , but we don 't agree all the time .