
  • 网络READ
  1. 然而,跟踪已读和未读文档会对应用程序的性能产生影响。

    However , tracking read and unread documents has an impact on Application performance .

  2. 如果设置为false,则将邮件视为已读。

    If set to false , the mail is treated as though it has been read .

  3. 隐藏已读或被标记为忽略的邮件。

    Hides the messages that are read or marked as ignored .

  4. 我已读了本书的前十章。

    I have read the first ten chapters of the book .

  5. 隐藏当前选定文件夹中已读或被忽略的邮件。

    Hides read or ignored messages in the currently selected folder .

  6. 此邮件的发件人要求已读回执。

    The sender of this message has requested a read receipt .

  7. 人们已读到关于心脏移植的报道,到处都在议论此事。

    The heart transplants have been read about and discussed everywhere .

  8. 爱情,在我所有的生活中我已读过爱情。

    Love All my life I have read about it .

  9. 到上一学期末为止他们已读了这个故事了。

    They had read the stories by the end of last week .

  10. 要迅速将邮件标记为已读,请按下ctrl+q。

    To quickly mark a message as read , press ctrl + q.

  11. 你已读到第一章的末尾了吗?

    Have you reached the end of the first chapter ?

  12. 在系统链接中显示已读和未读链接。

    Displays read and unread link in the system links .

  13. 我已读到第叁章了。

    I 've read as far as the third chapter .

  14. 当然我们也已读过《路加福音》和《使徒行传》

    Of course we 've already read Luke and Acts , too .

  15. 将所有预览贴子移至“已读”列表。

    All Preview Posts will be moved to Read list .

  16. 我已读过你写的故事,并不觉得怎么样。

    I 've read your story and I like it very much .

  17. 不过纽兰告诉我他已读过上午的《时报》;

    But Newland tells me he has read this morning 's Times ;

  18. 她可能在报上已读到过此事。

    She might have read it in the papers .

  19. 看来他好像已读过这本书。

    It seems that he has read the book .

  20. 他花了半小时把他已读过的部分浏览了一遍。

    He spent half an hour browsing through sections he had already read .

  21. 我已读过这本书的前言了。

    I have read the preface to the book .

  22. 至于那本书,我想你已读过对它的评论了。

    As for his book , I suppose you 've read the reviews .

  23. 我已读过鲁迅的全部作品。

    I have read the complete works of LuXun .

  24. 维护此文件夹中每个用户的已读和未读信息

    Maintain per-user read and unread information for this folder

  25. 你对此题已读过不少资料,而我却一无所知。

    You have read the subject up , but I know nothing about it .

  26. 这本书我已读好几遍了。

    I have read the book several times .

  27. 我已读六年级了。

    I 'm in the sixth grade now .

  28. 大多数热门的服务平台都不具备语音备忘录和已读回执等功能。

    Most popular services are also missing features like voice memos and read receipts .

  29. 使用该选项来决定如何响应对已读回执的请求。

    Use this option to decide how to respond to requests for read receipts .

  30. 在开始测试这台机器以前,我们已读了操作指令。

    We have read the operation Instructions before we begin to test this machine .