
  • 网络existing structure
  1. 一般大气环境下已有结构的动态可靠度

    Dynamic reliability of the existing structure in the general atmospheric environment

  2. 您能否查一下这些是用于已有结构还是新建结构的?

    Will you be able to check if these are for existing structure or for new construction ?

  3. 具体研究内容如下:1.在了解已有结构振动控制技术基础上,借鉴TMD及MTMD的优点,提出一种新型的减振装置&自适应变频TMD控制装置。

    Specific studies are as follows : 1 . Based on the research of Structural vibration control technology before , the concept of " Self-adapting Variable - Frequency TMD " is suggested drawing on the advantages of TMD and MTMD .

  4. 钻芯修正回弹法检测已有结构混凝土强度

    A Method of Amending the Concrete Compressive Strength with Concrete Core Test

  5. 已有结构混凝土强度检测数据分析

    Inspective datum analysis on concrete strength of existed structure

  6. 已有结构的鉴定,加固,维修和改造是目前国际上普遍关注的问题。

    The appraisals maintenance transform of structure is the question that international universal pay more attention .

  7. 利用信息窗口的概念更新数据对已有结构耐久性评估和预测十分重要。

    The concept of " information windows " to update data is very important for the evaluation and prediction of existing structural reliability .

  8. 在新德里,土地价格昂贵,无良的建筑商给已有结构增加额外的楼层常常无视建筑法。

    In New Delhi , where land is at a premium , unscrupulous builders add additional floors to existing structures often flouting building laws .

  9. 本文开发的仿真软件可以作为新建结构设计或已有结构安全性评估的辅助分析工具。

    The simulation system developed here can be used as an assistant tool for design of new building structures and assessment of existing building structures .

  10. 由于施工条件限制,采取了钢丝绳加固、结合已有结构辅助的方法将平面桁架移动到指定位置。

    Because of the limitation of construction , engineers adopt wire cable strengthening combining with existing structure to move the plane truss to the specified position .

  11. 探讨不同阶段结构可靠度的内涵及其差别,研究已有结构由于混凝土耐久性问题导致的时变可靠度及其分析计算方法。

    The structural reliabilities at different stages and its meaning are defined , and the time-variant reliability and the analysis method of existing structures are studied . 5 .

  12. 通过使用框架编写任务,您将在代码中应用一致的方法并利用已有结构。

    By writing your tasks using your framework , you apply a consistent approach throughout your code and take advantage of the existing structure you already have in place .

  13. 介绍了在已有结构检测鉴定中采用的检测砼强度钻芯修正回弹法,并运用一种概率统计方法来判定砼强度是否符合设计要求。

    A method for testing the concrete compressive strength which is amended by the concrete core strength is introduced in this paper , and how to appraise the concrete strength by statistics method is also discussed .

  14. 对实际工程中大量存在的已有结构物下的桩基,最典型的如埋置框架,其在瞬态荷载作用下的响应,目前尚无有效的分析方法。

    There are no methods to calculate the transient response of pile foundations under a large amount of exist structures in actual engineering , the most typical one is frame structure embedded partially in soil under impact .

  15. 基于已有结构抗力衰减模型和剩余使用寿命期内可变荷载计算模型的既有成果,考虑结构抗力的时变特性,提出一种新的时变可靠度计算方法。

    Considering resisting character of time-variant and the skill of JC method , a new method for calculating the reliability of time-variant structures is proposed in which resistance attenuation model and the model for calculating loads are absorbed .

  16. 然而,由于包括基于三维扫描数据的网格重建算法等某些特定的建模技术不能够提供模型的结构信息,而且一些针对模型的处理操作也会导致模型已有结构信息的丢失。

    However , due to some specific modeling techniques , such as reconstruction from 3D scan data , or some shape processing operations applied on the models , structural information is not always available in the input models .

  17. 研究该问题不仅对已有结构物下桩基质量检测具有指导意义,而且也为设计承受冲击荷载的海洋平台、码头工程和输油栈桥等提供理论基础。

    In fact , the transient response research of frame structure embedded partially in soil not only has instructive significance , but also is the theoretical basis for designing marine platform , oil-line trestle and open type wharf under impact .

  18. 在我国,钢筋混凝土结构损伤与破坏的检测,鉴定评估以及加固研究等工作起步较晚,已有结构的安全性评定标准还不完善。

    In our country , the measuring that the reinforced concrete structure damaged and destroyed , determine that the work of assessing and strengthening studying etc. starts relatively late , have a still not perfect criteria for evaluation of security of structure already .

  19. 由于涉及到已有结构和新增结构两部分内容,不仅要针对已有建筑过去的工程做法、设计标准和使用材料等已客观存在的内容,还要遵循现行规范、规程和标准的有关规定;

    Since the tow aspects of existing building and the new-adding part are touched upon , project measure , design standard and materials used are not only aimed at but also the related requirements of current code , rule and standard should be followed ;

  20. 同时,它不需要过渡单元,具有较强的通用性以及兼容性,可以直接集成到大多数已有结构有限元程序系统中,充分发挥其在实际工程结构分析中的应用价值。

    Also , transition elements are not required which has improved the commonality and compatibility of the present elements , hence , the singular finite elements can be integrated into most existing FEM softwares directly to make the most of its practical value in the analysis of engineering structures .

  21. 该方法是在已有方法结构不变的情况下,引入重力对入渗的影响,发展得到的新模型。

    The influence of gravity on infiltration is taken into account .

  22. 已有建筑物结构混凝土强度检测方法的探讨

    Discussion of test method of concrete strength to the existing structure

  23. 已有建筑结构承载力的灰聚类评定方法

    Grey Gathering Appraisal Method of Bearing Capacity for Existed Architectural Structure

  24. 第一步是用概念图探测学生的已有认知结构。

    The first step , use concept map detect students ' cognitive structure .

  25. 已有建筑结构受弯构件加固补强设计

    Strengthening Design of Flexural Members in Existing Building Structures

  26. 已有抗震结构动态可靠度的评定

    Reliability Evaluation of Aseismic Structures in Service

  27. 本文编制出用共轭斜量法解有限元方程组的程序,主要改进了已有的结构刚度矩阵的存储方式。

    A program with improved storage mode of structure stiffness matrix for such a solution is presented .

  28. 对新建和已有混凝土结构进行安全检测是对结构可靠性进行监控的行之有效的办法。

    Detection for new and old concrete structures is effective measure to monitor the structure 's reliability .

  29. 系统应能够灵活控制已有层次结构关系的动态存取控制问题。

    The system should be flexible enough to handle the dynamic access control problems in an existing hierarchy .

  30. 已有建筑结构物由于各种因素的影响不能满足安全承载或正常使用的要求,需要进行维修加固。

    It is required to strengthen and repair structures in use which are not serviceable or safe because of various factors .