
xí qì
  • bad habit;bad practice;habitual practice
习气 [xí qì]
  • [bad habit;bad practice;habitual practice] 不良的习惯或作风

  • 官僚习气

习气[xí qì]
  1. 我们不应该染上“当官做老爷”的坏习气。

    We must not catch the bad habit of " acting as overlords " .

  2. 我们必须清除文人相轻的坏习气。

    We must get rid of the bad habit of writers who like to disparage one another .

  3. 不能助长他的闲散习气。

    Don 't encourage him in his idle ways .

  4. 他和这帮流氓在一起的时间长了,渐染了一些坏的习气。

    Having been together with this group of hooligans , he has developed some bad habits .

  5. 所以一个单位如果有不好的工作习气,一定是机制问题,一定是没有完全公平公正公开,没有严格的奖勤罚懒。

    So if there is not a unit of work habits must be a mechanism that is not completely fair will open without strict sales .

  6. 蛮族习气和宗教的胜利时代的真实记叙&都尔主教格雷戈里《法兰克人史》的文学分析

    On Gregory of Tours ' The History of the Franks

  7. 不能忍受的矫揉造作的表演;有着无法忍受的矫揉造作的习气的小孩。

    An insufferably precious performance ; a child with intolerably cute mannerisms .

  8. 他用漫画嘲弄他的对手矫揉造作的习气。

    In his caricature , he burlesqued the mannerisms of his adversary .

  9. 你们造,异教徒中有个习气,那就是将问题怪罪于精灵。

    A pagan tradition of blaming faeries for your problems .

  10. 马吕斯一直保持着幼年时养成的那些宗教习气。

    Marius had preserved the religious habits of his childhood .

  11. 他看不惯他的时髦习气。

    He could not endure his airs as a man of fashion .

  12. 在身上刺花,比较起来真还不算是人们所说的可怕的习气呢。

    Comparatively , tattooing is not the hideous custom which it is called .

  13. 我没有受他这种不良习气影响。

    His bad manners don 't sit with me .

  14. 一个像我这样的单身男人,他有种自私的习气。

    A man lives alone like me , he gets kind of selfish .

  15. 他应当去掉孤傲习气。

    He should rid himself of aloofness and arrogance .

  16. 所以凡事都是训练和习气的问题。

    So everything is a qustion of training and the power of habit .

  17. 他收听无线电收音机新闻节目的习气仍未改变。

    His habit , listening to the news on the radio remains unchanged .

  18. 一个女孩长大后,就丢掉了孩子习气。

    When a girl grows up , she puts childish habits on the shelf .

  19. 实时付帐是理财的好习气。

    Paying bills promptly is good financial practice .

  20. 请问,我怎样才能让我的小孩多参加社交活动而又不染上不良习气呢?

    How am I supposed to socialize my child while protecting him from germs ?

  21. 我们又多么容易被习气所驾驭!

    How easily wa allow our old habits and set patterns to dominate us !

  22. 你们弄中国文学的,全有这个‘考据癖’的坏习气。

    You Chinese majors all have the nasty habit or even obsession of textual authentication .

  23. 如果你以养成按期熬炼的习气,那末在最近时间你可以做一些轻度或者中度运动。

    Instead of intense exercise , light-to-moderate workout helps if you have been training regularly .

  24. 伊丽莎白落落大方,没有矫揉造作的习气,因此大家听她讲话就高兴得多了。

    Elizabeth , easy and unaffected , had been listened to with much more pleasure .

  25. 蒙古人饮酒习气与民族身心危害关系探源

    The Relation Between the Drink Habit of Mongolian and body and heart Dangerous of Nation

  26. 我能在日常行为中看见许多旧日往事,从而及时终止与之相关的各种习气。

    I see old events in my actions everyday and stop the behavior associated with them .

  27. 自身教养好是抵制他人坏习气的最好保证。

    A man 's own good-breeding is his best security against other people 's ill manners .

  28. 奸诈狡猾的言语,肮脏丑恶的言词以及市井小人不良的习气一定要戒除。

    Cunning words , foul language , and philistine habits must be avoided at all costs .

  29. 一个人要在成长的过程中不断地提高自己的认识,去除自身的习气毛病。

    Cognition should be enhanced and bad habits eradicated constantly during the course of growing up .

  30. 它对以禅喻诗习气的形成具有先导作用。

    Besides , it led to the formation of the " comparing poems to Dhyana " habit .