
  • 网络petroleum science;PETROL SCI TECHNOL
  1. 神经网络方法在石油科学中的应用研究,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    It is certain that the research for the application of ANN in petroleum science is important in terms of theory and practice .

  2. 开发的过程就是对油田反复实践、反复认识的过程,是一项复杂的系统工程,即包括石油科学,又涉及多门其他学科。

    The whole developing procedure is a complicated project with repeated practice and repeated recognition , which net only includes petroleum science , but also involves some other knowledge .

  3. 为适应加工高硫高氮催化重整原料和加大装置处理量的需要,石油化工科学研究院开发成功了高空速石脑油加氢精制催化剂RS-1。

    A naphtha hydrotreating catalyst RS 1 was developed for processing high sulfur and nitrogen content reforming feedstock at high space velocity .

  4. 讨论了有关生焦FCC催化剂物化性能、反应性能以及焦炭沉积规律和焦炭结构组成等方面的研究进展,重点介绍了中国石化石油化工科学研究院在本领域的最新研究工作。

    Latest researches in physicochemical and reaction properties of coked FCC catalysts , mechanism for coke deposition and structure of the coke formed were reviewed , especially latest achievements of RIPP in this field .

  5. CB-7是石油化工科学研究院和长岭炼油化工厂近年开发的新一代重整催化剂。

    CB-7 is a new generation reforming catalyst developed by RIPP and Changling Refinery in recent years .

  6. 石油化工科学研究院在开发渣油固定床加氢技术(RHT)的基础上成功地开发了渣油加氢FCC双向组合技术&RICP。

    On the basis of fixed-bed residue hydrotreating technology , RHT , developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing , a bi-direction integration technology of hydrotreating with FCC named RICP was further developed .

  7. 介绍了由石油化工科学研究院研制、齐鲁催化剂厂生产的GOR&Ⅱ催化剂在大庆石化分公司炼油厂RFCCUⅠ装置上的工业应用情况。

    GOR - ⅱ catalyst is researched by Research Institute Of Petroleum Processing , produced by Qilu Catalyst Plant .

  8. 石油化工科学研究院利用镍钨体系加氢催化剂开发了直馏喷气燃料临氢脱硫醇的RHSS技术。

    A novel technology named RHSS using nickel / tungsten series hydrogenation catalyst has been developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing .

  9. 采用石油化工科学研究院开发的AEB分子筛催化剂,在小型试验装置上进行苯烃化制取异丙苯的催化蒸馏技术研究。

    The catalytic distillation process for preparing cumene from alkylation of propylene and benzene using AEB zeolite catalyst was conducted on a laboratory test unit .

  10. 介绍了石油化工科学研究院研究开发的高效球型聚丙烯HDC催化剂在茂名石化乙烯工业公司140kt/a环管聚丙烯装置上首次工业应用的情况。

    A high efficiency spherical catalyst HDC developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing firstly used in a 140kt / a polypropylene unit with a loop reactor at Maoming Petrochemical Ethylene Industrial Company was introduced .

  11. 标定结果表明,石油化工科学研究院研制的Orbit-3600B催化剂的重油转化能力强,液体收率高,辛烷值高。

    The test run results showed that Orbit-3600B had the advantages of high bottoms conversion ability , high liquid yield and higher naphtha octane number .

  12. 石油化工科学研究院新研制开发的低积炭速率、高选择性的PS-Ⅵ型重整催化剂在中国石化洛阳分公司700kt/aIFP第一代连续重整装置上进行了工业应用。

    PS - ⅵ reforming catalyst having low coke deposit rate and high selectivity newly developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing has been used in the 700kt / a first generation continuous reformer of IFP .

  13. 报道石油化工科学研究院与齐鲁石化公司催化剂厂合作开发的第一代降低汽油烯烃含量的催化裂化催化剂GOR-Q的中试和工业放大研究结果。

    A novel FCC catalyst , COR-Q , for gasoline olefin reduction was developed by the cooperation of Research Institute of Petroleum Processing and Catalyst Complex of Qilu Petrochemical Company .

  14. 结果表明,石油化工科学研究院研制的RS-20加氢精制催化剂具有较高的活性和良好的稳定性、再生性,对不同原料具有良好的适应性。

    The test results showed that the RS-20 catalyst devel - oped by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing possessed higher activity and good stability , regen-eration property and feedstock adaptability .

  15. 介绍中国石化石油化工科学研究院研制的10W/30SF/CD通用多级内燃机油全尺寸发动机耐久试验和实车试验,试验结果进一步验证该油品具有良好的抗氧性、清净分散性和抗磨性。

    Duration test and field test of full scale engine of 10W / 30 SF / CD general multigrade internal combustion engine oil developed by RIPP were presented . The result showed that this oil has good anti oxidizability , detergent dispersive property and anti wearability .

  16. 石油化工科学研究院研制开发的低铂连续重整催化剂GCR-100在中石化股份公司广州分公司的生产高辛烷值汽油组分的400kt/a连续重整装置上进行了工业应用。

    A low platinum GCR-100 catalyst developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing was applied in the 400kt / a continuous reforming unit of Guangzhou Petrochemical Company for producing high octane num-ber gasoline component .

  17. 介绍石油化工科学研究院新开发的高丙烯选择性催化裂解催化剂MMC-2在安庆分公司650kt/a催化裂解装置上的工业应用情况。

    MMC-2 catalyst , a new DCC catalyst for increasing propylene yield developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing has been applied in the 650kt / a DCCU located in Anqing Petrochemical Company .

  18. 为适应清洁汽油的要求,锦州石化股份公司与石油化工科学研究院合作,该院研制的降烯烃助剂LGOA,在锦州石化公司1.40Mt/a重油催化裂化装置上进行工业应用试验。

    LGO A co catalyst developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing was added to the 1.40 Mt / a heavy oil FCC unit in Jinzhou Petrochemical Company for decreasing the naphtha olefin content to meet the requirement of clean fuel production .

  19. 为适应低烯烃汽油标准的要求,针对中间基原料油难裂化的特点,石油化工科学研究院研制了新型专用降烯烃催化剂GRV-C,并成功地应用于九江分公司Ⅰ套催化裂化装置。

    Considering the difficulty of cracking intermediate base feedstock , a tailored olefin reduction catalyst , GRV-C , was developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing and was successfully applied in the No. 1 catalytic cracking unit of Jiujiang Petrochemical Company .

  20. 石油化工科学研究院的润滑油基础油生产技术

    Production technologies of lube base oil developed by Research Institute of petroleum processing

  21. 由石油化工科学研究院开发的PS-Ⅵ型连续重整催化剂,在镇海炼化股份有限公司800kt/a连续重整装置上进行了首次工业应用试验。

    PS - ⅵ catalyst developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing was first time put into application in a 800kt / a continuous regenerative reforming unit at Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Company .

  22. 北京石油勘探开发科学研究院;

    Scientific Research Institute for Petroleum Exploration & Development , Beijing ;

  23. 大庆石油学院地球科学学院;

    School of Earth Sciences , Daqing Petroleum Institute ;

  24. 中国的石油工业只要科学制定发展战略,不断提高核心竞争力,就一定能在国际石油市场的竞争中取得主动。

    The Chinese petroleum industry will certainly take an active position in the international oil market so long as it follows a workable development strategy with its key competitiveness being steadily raised .

  25. 钻井平台是海上石油开采和科学钻探必备设施之一。在海水、风浪等因素作用下,钻井平台产生六自由度运动。

    Drilling platform is an essential facility of oil production and scientific drilling in offshore , it has the movement of six degrees of freedom which caused by water , winder and other factors .

  26. 对跨国并购中常用的现金支付、股票支付、综合证券支付等并购支付方式进行分析研究,为我国石油企业用科学的理论和方法进行跨国并购支付方式的选择提供借鉴。

    Analyzed often used modes in international merger : pay in cash , with stock , comprehensive securities , providing scientific theory and method for oil enterprises in China to select merger payment modes .

  27. 其作为计算机技术中最为前沿的应用领域之一,已经在工业设计、石油勘探、科学研究、军事演习、科学可视化等领域被越来越多的研究人员采用进行研究工作。

    As one of the most front application of computer technique , it has been used by more and more investigate to work in industry design , oil reconnoiter , war game , scientific visualization and other filed .

  28. 由中国石油天然气管道科学研究院最新研制的DZ-1小型定向钻为各类地下管道的敷设提供了一种先进的方法。

    DZ-1 small - sized directional drilling newly developed by China Petroleum Pipeline Scientific Research Institute provides an advanced method for laying of various pipelines .

  29. 谈我国石油石化行业的科学发展观

    Opinions on Scientific Development of China 's Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries

  30. 中国石油天然气管道科学研究院;

    PetroChina Natural Gas Pipeline Science Research Institute ; 3 .