
shí huī yán
  • limestone
石灰岩 [shí huī yán]
  • [limestone] 沉积岩的一种,由河流带来的钙质和贝壳、珊瑚等在海底沉积而成。用于建筑、工业

  1. 当地的石灰岩有很多孔隙。

    The local limestone is very porous .

  2. 石灰岩上有许多缝隙,故而树根能从岩洞顶部长出来。

    The limestone is sufficiently fissured for tree roots to have breached the roof of the cave

  3. 石灰岩常用于建筑。

    Limestone is often used in building construction .

  4. 桂西南石灰岩地区生物多样性保护的GAP分析

    GAP Analysis of Biodiversity Conservation in Limestone Area of Southwestern Guangxi

  5. 仅发育于石灰岩的土壤具适宜的pH和交换性阳离子量。

    Development ; Only the soils originated from limestone have adequate pH and cation concentrations .

  6. K3石灰岩中的沼气可能有三个来源,即:来自该岩层上、下方的邻近煤层;

    Methane in K_3 probably came from three sources : 1 . from adjacent coal seams above or beneath K_3 ;

  7. 喀斯特(Karst)地貌在世界上广泛分布,我国西南地区存在大面积的石灰岩地质。

    The distribution of Karst landscape is very general in the world , especially in the southwest of China .

  8. 石灰岩应力-应变全过程的非Darcy流渗透特性

    Seepage properties of non-Darcy flow in complete failure process of limestone

  9. LimestoneBuildup石灰岩的构成凝灰岩是由石灰岩所组成,它是在其周围湖水里的碳酸盐矿物沉淀的副产品。

    Made of limestone , tufa forms as a byproduct of the precipitation of carbonate minerals from surrounding water .

  10. 基于DEM的小流域石漠化成因的坡度分析&以贵州连续性石灰岩地区为例

    Slope Analysis of Rocky Desertification Based on DEM in Small Catchments as Exemplified by a Homogenous Limestone Region in Guizhou Province

  11. 在云南省保山市石灰岩红壤地区进行了历时4年的蓝桉幼林N、P、K不同配比的10种处理施肥试验。

    10 fertilization tests of different match and ratio of N , P , K were conducted on young Eucalyptus globulus plantation in limestone red soil in Baoshan city for 4 years .

  12. 根据试验结果分析得到矿渣、玄武岩、石灰岩、花岗岩及片麻岩矿料与沥青稀释液在25°C~145°C范围内反应的单位表面活化能及指数常数。

    Through calculating analysis , the unit apparent activation energy and the pre-exponential constant in the temperature range of 25 ° C ~ 145 ° C of heavy slag , basalt , limestone granite , gneiss were obtained .

  13. 在岩溶石灰山地引种造林,不但能适应气候干旱的石灰岩造林区,而且能适应生长在pH值较高的棕色石灰土;

    It could not only adapt the drought climate and soil , but also grow and develop well on the soil with high pH in limestone soil which is much different from its indigenous area , Hainan island .

  14. 石灰岩地区更易流行IDD的地球化学机制是国际学术界长期关注的研究热点和难点。

    The geochemical mechanisms controlling the prevalence of IDD in carbonate rock areas are always the hotspot and difficulty concerned by global academies .

  15. 重庆石灰岩地区十大功劳(Mahoniafortunei)的光合响应研究

    Studies About the Photosynthetic Response of the Shrub Mahonia fortunei in the Limestone Area of Chongqing

  16. 该隧道通过地层主要为上古生界下石炭统(C1)石灰岩,占隧道长度的95%,属浅埋岩溶隧道。

    The main stratum the tunnel passes through is limestone of Carboniferous Series ( Cl ) of Palaeozoic Group , taking 95 % of the total length .

  17. 到处都是石灰岩和菲力浦•史塔克(PhilippeStarck)设计风格,结果是空间缺乏灵魂,色彩单调,也无戏剧性的变化。

    All that limestone and Philippe Starck resulted in a lack of soul , colour or drama .

  18. 对溶液中10种元素进行检测表明:石灰岩及其溶滤层比白云岩及其溶滤层Ca、Mg的溶出量大2~5倍;

    It is shown from the detection of ten elements in the leaching solution that the dissolution amount of Ca and Mg from limestone and its leaching layer was 2 to 5 times larger than the one from dolomite and its leaching layer .

  19. 泰国Khorat盆地二叠纪石灰岩的重磁化研究

    Indosinian remagnetization of Permian limestone from the khorat basin , Thailand

  20. 介绍了CEMS的组成与分类。广西石灰岩地区蕨类植物的区系组成与分类研究

    The composition and categories of continuous emission monitoring systems ( CEMS ) are presented . The Pteridophyte Flora From Limestone Area of Guangxi , China

  21. 研究结果表明,植物的N含量和δ13C值具有随海拔的上升而显著增大趋势,而植物的C/N比值在砂岩地区虽有减小的趋势,在石灰岩地带则没有。

    N concentration and δ 13C values of C4 grasses increase with altitude in both limestone and sandstone areas . There is a trend of increase in C / N ratio in sandstone areas , but no in limestone areas .

  22. 石灰岩中的溶蚀裂隙和小管道沿着F2断层发育。2.石灰岩含水体中存在着受库水影响较大的浅循环潜水流和深循环裂隙扩散流。

    The fissures and small conduits in limestone are well developed along the fault F2 . 2.There are the phreatic flow which shallow cycles and fissured diffusion flow deeply cycling , both are effected more or less by the reservoir water existed in the water-bearing block of limestone .

  23. Jacinta和Gracinda是两个住在海边Marmer村的农民。Marmer一字,意思是「大理石」,指东帝汶北部一带的石灰岩。

    Jacinta and Gracinda are two farmers in the coastal village of Marmer , which means'marble'for all the limestone in this northern part of Timor-Leste .

  24. 石林是一种稀有性的喀斯特地貌形态,是指石灰岩在长期的喀斯特作用下,沿节理溶蚀而形成的高5m以上的石柱组成的林状地貌景观,国外称为针状喀斯特或剑状喀斯特。

    Stone forest , which is a kind of rare karst geomorphology and called as pinnacle karst in other countries , refers to the forest-like landform composed of the stone pillars more than 5 meters high and resulted from longtime dissolution of limestone along joints .

  25. 沿着林区,覆盖整个陆地面积47%的油页岩(位于kukersite)和石灰岩矿藏在这个资源匮乏的国家的经济中扮演了重要的角色。

    Oil shale ( or Kukersite ) and limestone deposits , along with forests which cover 47 % of the land , play key economic roles in this generally resource-poor country .

  26. 石灰岩地区砼灌注桩抽芯检测实例

    The example of core-collection check of concreting pile in limestone area

  27. 重庆地区石灰岩植被区系组成分析

    The floristic analysis of plants in the calcareous region of Chongqing

  28. 石灰岩损伤演化的断裂力学模型及耦合方程

    Fracture Mechanical Model and Hydrochemical-hydraulic Coupled Damage Evolution Equation of Limestone

  29. 磨细石灰岩-水玻璃系统灌浆材料的性能及其影响因素

    Properties of ground limestone-water glass grout material and their affecting factors

  30. 这条船停泊在一个摇摇欲坠的石灰岩码头边。

    The boat was tied up alongside a crumbling limestone jetty .