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  • 网络Quartz sandstone;quartzose sandstone
  1. 试论五通石英砂岩组的穿时特征

    Diachronous features of the Wutong quartz sandstone

  2. 龙潭大峡谷长12千米,这个U型峡谷因紫红色的石英砂岩条纹而著称,人称“中国第一峡谷。”

    This 12-kilometer , U-shaped valley marked by a stripe of purplish red quartz sandstone has earned the name , " The No.1 Valley of Narrow Gorges in China . "

  3. AVO响应分析表明,对于苏4井低孔隙度石英砂岩储层,孔隙度的变化对AVO的影响要大于流体性质的影响。

    The analysis of AVO shows that the change of porosity has more influences on AVO response than gas saturation does .

  4. 矿石中砂结构,分选性好;矿石w(SiO2)高达98.77%~98.98%,w(Fe2O3)仅0.038%~0.045%,实属少见的超纯石英砂岩矿床。

    The ore SiO_2 content is up to 98.77 % ~ 98.98 % . Fe_2O_3 only 0 . 038 % ~ 0.045 % , which belongs to a ultra pure quartz sandstone mineral deposit .

  5. 晚期阶段、局限于南部局部地区,由石英砂岩、石英岩、长石石英砂岩组成,厚度大于10km。

    The late-stage evolution was limited within some locations in the southern part of the Peninsula , where quartz sandstone , quartz-ite and feldspathic quartz sandstone predominate with a thickness of more than 10 km .

  6. 石英砂岩的硅质胶结作用及其对储集性的影响

    Quartz cementation in quartzose sandstone and its influence on sandstone porosity

  7. 四川泸县天兴长石石英砂岩矿选矿试验研究

    Experimental research on mineral processing of Tianxing feldspar - quartz sandstone

  8. 贫石英砂岩的成岩作用使缩小了的原生孔隙得以再扩大。

    Diagenesis of quartz & poor sandstone enlarges reduced primary pore volume .

  9. 火山岩的组成最通常是安山岩。由石英砂岩构成的悬崖,岩石层理发育。

    This is a cliff composed of quartz sandstone that is well bedded .

  10. 榆林大型气田石英砂岩储集层特征及成因

    Origin and characteristics of quartz-sandstone reservoir of the Yulin gas field , Ordos Basin

  11. 储层的岩石类型主要是岩屑石英砂岩及石英砂岩。

    The rocks in the reservoir are mainly lithic quartzite sandstone and quartz sandstone .

  12. 南川市石英砂岩资源的开发及利用

    Exploitation and Utilization of Quartz Sandstone in Nanchuan

  13. 石英砂岩软弱夹层的发育规律及其对洞室围岩稳定性的影响

    Developing law of weak silicarenite intercalation and effect on stability of surrounding rock of tunnel

  14. 三向应力下长石石英砂岩凯塞尔效应试验研究

    The test study on the Kaiser effect of the feldspathic quartz sandstone under triaxial compression

  15. 该处岩石,如石英砂岩和石灰岩在变形过程中显示了清晰的脆性特征。

    Rocks therein , namely , quartzose sandstones and limestones , exhibit clear brittle behavior .

  16. 岩屑砂岩与岩屑石英砂岩中的高岭石晶间微孔是天然气的重要储集空间之一。

    Intercrystal micropore in kaolinite is one of the important types of reservoir space of gas .

  17. 受冲击石英砂岩碎屑分析

    Analysis of impacted quartz sandstone fragments

  18. 储层岩性主要为岩屑砂岩、岩屑石英砂岩及石英砂岩;

    The layer rock is mainly lithic sandstone , the lithic quartz sandstone and quartz sandstones .

  19. 实验采用的多孔介质为人造石英砂岩,渗流液体为油和水。

    The porous media used are man-made sandstones and the penetrating liquids are oil and water .

  20. 石英砂岩受岩脉穿插,岩脉被风化剥蚀后形成绝壁。

    Rock dike inserted into quartz sandstone and was then weathered and denuded to form a precipice .

  21. 石英砂岩是最有利于孔隙形成和保存的岩石类型,其次为岩屑石英砂岩。

    Quartz sandstone was the sandstone type that benefit to the pore to be reserved and formation .

  22. 主要岩石类型包括碳酸盐岩、沈积凝灰岩、矽质岩和石英砂岩。

    The main kinds of rocks include carbonate rocks , tuffite , siliceous rocks and quartz sand-stone .

  23. 碎屑岩以砂岩类为主,其中又以石英砂岩类和岩屑砂岩类为主,缺少长石砂岩类。

    They mainly consist of sandstone , in which quartzarenite and litharenite are dominant and arkose is lack .

  24. 砂岩主要为富杂基、富岩屑的石英砂岩及岩屑砂岩。

    The sand bodies are consisted of quartz sandstone and lithic sandstone with abundant impurity and lithic fragment .

  25. 遗传性关节发育不良此处石英砂岩垂直节理十分发育,与岩层层面正交。

    Vertical bedding joints in quartz sandstone are well developed , perpendicular to the plane of the formation .

  26. 第二段由泥质粉砂岩、石英砂岩互层,钙质细砂岩、粉砂岩、碳质页岩、灰岩组成,间夹火山碎屑岩;

    The second part contain muddy siltstone , calcareous fine - sandstone , carbonaceous shale and pyroclastic rock .

  27. 通过现场试验,确定了坚硬石英砂岩的静态破碎设计参数,取得了良好效果。

    They made on-site tests to determine static breaking design parameters of hard quartz-sandstone and got good effects .

  28. 成岩作用对高含粘土矿物的贫石英砂岩既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

    Diagenesis has both favorable and unfavorable effects for quartz - poor sandstone of high clay mineral content .

  29. 围岩为一套滨海-浅海相富含碳质碳酸盐(石英砂岩)建造。

    Its wall rocks are a suit of shore to shallow sea facies carbonaceous carbonate and quartz sandstone formations .

  30. 除了象纯石英砂岩等少数例外,每种岩石都含有若干可检出的富有金属。

    With rare exceptions such as a pure quartz sandstone , every rock contains detectable amounts of abundant metals .