
  • 网络mineral resources tax;MRRT;Mining tax
  1. 依法缴纳矿产资源税和资源补偿费,是实现矿产资源有偿开采的具体办法。

    One of the measures is to pay mineral resources , tax and charge for compensation .

  2. 二是提出了渭南市矿产资源税评估体系实施的建议。

    Two is a proposed Weinan city of mineral resources enterprises tax assessment system for the implementation of the recommendations .

  3. 最近澳大利亚正计划推出矿产资源税,这已经为一些企业的发展之路增添了阻碍。

    There have been some road bumps or speed humps along the way recently with the government looking to introduce a mining resources tax .

  4. 摘要我国采矿企业除了要交纳其它行业企业所需交纳的增值税、所得税等税之外,还需交纳矿产资源税、采矿权使用费、矿产资源补偿费。

    In china , mining enterprises not only should play value-added tax and income tax like the enterprises of other industries , but also must pay the mineral resource tax , mineral right tax and mineral compensation tax .

  5. 澳大利亚政府计划从7月1日开始征收矿产资源租赁税(mineralresourcesrenttax),这将进一步削弱矿业项目的盈利能力,就像对碳排放征税一样。

    The mineral resources rent tax that the Australian government plans to introduce on July 1 will further dent the profitability of mining projects , as will a plan to levy fees on carbon emissions .

  6. 论探明的矿产储量计价和资源税

    Resources Evaluation of the proven Reserves of Mineral Deposits and the Tax on Resources