
kuànɡ shān shè bèi
  • mining equipment
  1. 介绍新型矿山设备922E型电动铲运机的主要技术参数,在矿山的应用情况,使用效果及技术经济指标。

    The main technical parameters , practical applications and the techno-economic effects of the electric LHD the 922E ── a new type mining equipment were given .

  2. 国外井下矿山设备管理现状与趋势

    The current situation and trends or foreign underground mining equipment management

  3. NeuralNetworks在矿山设备数据分析中的应用

    The Application of Neural Networks on Mine Equipment Data Analysis

  4. 基于PowerBuilder的矿山设备管理系统的开发

    Developing Mine Equipment Management System Based on PowerBuilder

  5. 矿山设备生产状态的Pearson检验

    Pearson test of mine machine operating conditions

  6. 介绍了NeuralNetworks技术,并通过其在旋回式破碎机数据上的应用实例,分析和讨论了该Networks在矿山设备的预测、分级及控制方面的应用。

    This paper briefly introduces Neural Networks and by applying Neural Networks on the data of Gyratory Crusher as examples , it analyses and discusses the application of Network in prediction , classification and control on mine equipment .

  7. 矿山设备新型管理模式初探

    An Exploratory Discussion on the New Management Mode of Mining Equipment

  8. 隐枚举法在矿山设备选型优化设计中的应用

    Optimal design of quantity and type of equipment with implicit enumeration

  9. 矿山设备效率的模糊评价数学模型

    Fuzzy assessment of mining equipment 's efficiency by means of mathematic model

  10. 矿山设备维修决策的新方法

    A new approach to make a policy decision on mining equipment maintenance

  11. 轧钢设备的维修性设计矿山设备大修基础处理方法

    A Processing Way for the Basis or Mian Repairing of Mine Equipment

  12. 结构完整性评价在矿山设备和结构中的应用

    Application of structural integrity assessment to mining plants and components

  13. 关于矿山设备引进技术和国产化的思考

    Thinking about Introducing Mining Equipment Technology and Making Mining Equipments in China

  14. 矿山设备润滑磨损状态智能分析技术

    Intelligent Analysis Technology of Lubrication and Abrasion of Mine Equipment

  15. 在这种热潮下,国际著名矿山设备巨头如何看待中国这方热土呢?国内的矿山用户又是如何看待矿山设备市场呢?

    How are domestic users viewing the mining equipment market and services ?

  16. 矿山设备安全性能的检测检验

    Check and Inspection of Safety Performance of Mining Equipments

  17. 矿山设备更新决策的模糊评价

    Vague Evaluation of the Policy about Mine Equipment Renewal

  18. 火焰喷涂工程塑料在矿山设备上的应用

    Application of flame coating engineering plastics in mine facilities

  19. 基于剩余寿命的矿山设备备件管理技术研究

    Based on the Residual Life of the Mining Equipment Spare Parts Management Technology

  20. 论文开发了一套金属矿山设备网络化信息系统。

    The thesis has developed a network information system of metal mining equipments .

  21. 地下矿山设备选择专家系统

    A expert system for selection of underground mining equipment

  22. 矿山设备故障信息管理系统

    The information management system of equipment failure of mine

  23. 矿山设备标准件参数化设计

    The Parameter Design of Standardized Elements of Mine Equipment

  24. 轮式自行矿山设备动态参数分析

    Analysis on dynamic parameters of wheeled self-travelling mining equipment

  25. 冶金、矿山设备制造工业

    Industry for the manufacture of metallurgical and mining equipment

  26. 地下化工矿山设备的现状

    Present situation of Chinese underground chemical mine facilities

  27. 矿山设备租赁的租金计算

    Method to calculate rental charge of mining equipment

  28. 矿山设备虚拟现实系统的实现

    Realization of Virtual Reality System for Mine Equipment

  29. 大型矿山设备油液监测信息系统

    Oil monitoring information system for large mining equipment

  30. 自动控制技术在矿山设备中的应用

    Application of automatic control technology in mine