
kuàng fáng
  • chamber
矿房[kuàng fáng]
  1. 运用地压控制理论划分矿房的探讨

    An Approaching to Dividing Ore Chamber Used of Strata Pressure Controlling Theory

  2. 本文运用不连续位移法及其计算机程序,对VCR法采场(矿房和矿柱)周围应力分布及其稳定性进行了分析研究。

    In this paper , stress distribution around , and stability of VCR stopes ( rooms and pillars ) are discussed using displacement discontinuity method and its computer programme .

  3. 分段凿岩阶段矿房法爆破工艺的实践

    The Practise of Blast Technique of Sublevel Drilling and Stope Mining

  4. 分段凿岩阶段矿房法的矿柱回收及放矿管理

    Pillar Recover of Sublevel Drilling Stage Room Stoping and Draw Managing

  5. 不留矿柱分段矿房法开采破碎带薄矿体的探讨

    Study on non-pillar sublevel stoping of narrow vein in fracture zone

  6. 底盘漏斗分段矿房法的应用与发展

    Application and development of sub-level room stoping system with footwall chute

  7. 用菱形矿房充填法从露天开采向地下开采过渡

    Transition From Open Pit to Underground Mining Through Diamond Room Filling System

  8. 分矿房矿柱分层充填法在海底开采中的应用

    Application of Room and Pillar Mining Method in Under-sea Deposit

  9. 房柱式开采矿房跨度的可靠度设计

    A Reliability Design for Room Span in Room pillar Mining

  10. 多单元多步骤阶段矿房采矿法防硫化矿尘爆炸措施的探讨

    Discussion on Anti-sulfuration Dust Explosion Measurement in Multicell and Multi-process Phase Mining

  11. 大矿房空场法回采的设计与实践

    Design and Practice of Large - room Open Stoping

  12. 地下矿房中深孔爆破震动的监测与分析

    Monitering and analysis of middle deep borehole blasting vibration in underground mining stope

  13. 分段崩矿矿房采矿法爆破悬顶问题的探讨

    On roof hanging in room mining with sublevel blasting

  14. 平邑石膏矿房柱式开采大面积采空区处理方法研究

    Study on Disposition Method of Huge Goaf in Room-And-Pillar-Mining in Pingyi Gypsum Colliery

  15. 阶段矿房采矿法中深孔布置结构及参数的确定

    Distribution structure and parameter determination of medium-length holes in stage room mining method

  16. 变矿房、矿柱两步回采工艺为一步连续回采工艺

    Changing Two-stage Room Fender Stoping into Single-stage Continuous Stoping

  17. 大直径深孔阶段矿房法在紫金山金铜矿的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Large Diameter Long-hole Sublevel Room Mining in Zijinshan Gold-Copper Mine

  18. 大直径深孔阶段矿房采矿法在金厂峪金矿的实践

    Practice of large-diameter deep-hole mining by sublevel room work method in Jin-Chang-Yu Gold Mine

  19. 框架式大跨度矿房开采技术

    The mining technology of large span length stope

  20. 铜山铜矿分段凿岩阶段矿房嗣后充填采矿法工艺优化研究

    The Study on the Improvement of the Technology of Sublevel Stoping and Filling Mining Method

  21. 提高中深孔阶段矿房挤压爆破质量的有效措施

    The effective measure for improving the quality of long hole fan sublevel stopping extrusion blasting

  22. 大直径深孔阶段矿房法是一种很有发展前途的采矿法。

    The large-diameter deep-hole mining by sublevel room work method has its bright future for application .

  23. 本文叙述了大直径深孔阶段矿房法在金厂峪金矿的应用情况。

    This paper gives a description on the application of this method in Jin-Chang-Yu Gold Mine .

  24. 分段凿岩阶段矿房法在急倾斜薄矿脉中的应用分段函数的导数

    The Application of Sublevel Stoping in Steeply Dipping Narrow Vein Mining Differential Coefficient of Subsection Function

  25. 本文对房柱式采矿法留连续矿柱的矿柱中的应力分布进行数值分析,找出其与矿柱宽高比,矿房宽高比之间的关系。

    The stress distribution of the Pillar in Room-and-Pillar-mining method is analysed by the finite element method .

  26. 倾斜矿房梯段式连续回采上向水平分层尾砂胶结充填法在蚕庄金矿的应用

    Application of continuously stepped stoping of inclined room by way of upward horizontal slicing and cementation fill with tailing

  27. 分析得到了不同开采方式下矿房安全开采跨度与岩爆的关系。

    The analysis obtained under the different mining way the ore room safe mining span and the rock burst relations .

  28. 根据研究结果,确定了矿房布置方式、合理回采顺序和同时工作采场数量。

    According to the research result the stope arrangement , reasonable stoping sequence and number of simultaneous working stopes are determined .

  29. -350米水平作为充填法向无底柱分段崩落法过渡的水平,担负着干式充填法矿房的出矿任务。

    As the transition from dry filling method to sublevel caving , the engineering in - 350m level burdens the role of drawing .

  30. 这说明了在矿房矿柱长期稳定性分析中,不考虑时间因素的弹性变形是不可取的。

    The long-time stability analysis of stope and pillar shows , it is inadvisable to not consider the time factor in the elastic deformation .