
  1. 关于建立大兴安岭固体矿产资源基地的探讨

    Discussing in founding solid mineral resource base of daxing ' anling region

  2. 相信通过今后进一步工作,该矿集区有望成为中国西部又一个有色金属矿产资源基地。

    The authors believe that through further work this area is expect-ed to become another nonferrous mineral resource base in western China .

  3. 作为我国重要矿产资源基地的黑龙江省,矿业是黑龙江省的支柱产业,是实现黑龙江省二次创业,富民强省战略目标的重要保障。

    As an important base of mineral resources , mineral industry of Heilongjiang Province is a pillar industry , and is also an important guarantee for achieving the strategic objectives of the second venture and rich people and strong province .

  4. 面向中亚,发挥优势,打造新疆战略性矿产资源产业基地。

    On Building-up of Central Asia Oriented Strategic Mineral Resources Industrial Base in Xinjiang ;

  5. 南岭地区是中国有色金属矿产资源重要基地之一。

    The Nanling of South China is one of the most important areas of nonferrous metal mineral resources .

  6. 金川矿区是中国唯一的大型镍钴矿产资源生产基地。

    It is known that Jinchuan Mine is the largest production base of nickel and cobalt in China .

  7. 凤县作为陕西省重要的金属矿产资源生产基地,矿产开发对当地经济做出了巨大贡献,但同时也带来了相应的环境污染问题。

    Fengxian is production base of mineral resources in Shanxi . Mineral exploitation has contributed greatly to the local economy . But it also brings about serious environmental pollution .

  8. 因此,及时加强矿产资源后备基地选择与建设是实现可持续发展要求的必然选择。

    Therefore , it is necessary condition of realizing the sustainable development of mineral industry to strengthen the selection and construction of backup base of mineral resources in time .

  9. 班公湖-怒江成矿带属于铜、金、铁等多金属成矿带,是我国重要的矿产资源储备基地。

    Bangong lake-Nujiang river metallogenic belt , belonging to the polymetallic metallogenic belt of copper , gold , iron and so on , is the important reserve base of mineral resources in our country .

  10. 湖北省矿产资源勘查开发基地承担了湖北省矿产资源勘查开发的主要责任。

    Mineral resources exploitation and development base has taken the primary responsibility for exploration and exploitation in Hubei .

  11. 南岭地区是我国南方有色、稀有、稀土和贵金属矿产的重要资源基地,是十五期间国土资源大调查矿产资源调查评价工作重点部署区之一。

    The Nanling region is the most important nonferrous metallic , rare metallic , REE and noble metallic base of South Chian and one of the key survey area during the national tenth five-year plan .

  12. 黑龙江省是东北老工业基地,矿产资源对老工业基地的经济社会发展发挥了巨大的作用。

    Heilongjiang province has long been a national industrial base , where the mineral resources have made significant contributions to the economic and social development of the province .