
  • 网络eia;planning environmental impact assessment;sea;peia
  1. 目前,关于规划环境影响评价的研究已从定性探讨转向如何实施和操作的应用领域。

    At present , the research on the EIA in planning has transferred from qualitative analysis to applied field of implementation and operation .

  2. GIS技术在规划环境影响评价应用中的个例研究

    A Case Study of GIS Technique Application to Plan Environmental Impact Assessment

  3. 最后总结英国SEA的特点并提出对我国规划环境影响评价的相关建议。

    Finally , the characteristics of SEA in UK is summed up and relative proposal were put forward .

  4. 结果表明:基于上述评价标准的生态适宜性分析能够很好地应用于规划环境影响评价(SEA)。

    Evaluation of the ecological suitability based on the above mentioned criteria has the immediate significance in strategic environmental assessment ( SEA ) .

  5. 规划环境影响评价是目前战略环境评价(SEA)研究中最活跃的领域。

    The environmental impact assessment ( EIA ) of plans is one of the most active research fields in strategic environmental assessment ( SEA ) .

  6. 同时,考虑到本文SEA研究的案例运用是针对将港口作为依托的厦门物流园区而展开的,本文也对港口规划环境影响评价及其规划指标体系进行了初步的研究。

    And considering the practice of SEA in this paper is for Xiamen port logistics park , the index system of environmental impact assessment in port plan is also researched .

  7. 为改善规划环境影响评价(PEIA)的质量和效果,从工效学的角度对现行的规划环境影响评价流程进行分析。

    To improve the quality and effect of the plan environmental impact assessment ( PEIA ), this article analyses the operation process of PEIA viewing from the angle of the human engineering principle .

  8. 交通规划环境影响评价属于战略环境评价(StrategicEnvironmentAppraise)的范畴,我国的战略环评和交通环评研究均处于起步阶段,且从已有的应用看,交通环评还没有落实到城市规划阶段中。

    Environment Impact Assessment ( EIA ) of urban transportation planning is belong to Strategic Environment Appraise ( SEA ) . Both of them in China are still at the beginning . In addition , EIA has not been practically integrated into urban planning .

  9. 基于PSR理论模型构建水利规划环境影响评价的指标休系;结合南通市水利发展“十一五”规划进行实证研究。

    On the basis of index system of PSR theory model , combined with five-year plan of conservancy development of Nantong city , environmental influence evaluation is discussed .

  10. 文章分析了单一项目环境影响评价(EIA)的不足,用可持续发展的思想将战略环境评价(SEA)引入了交通规划环境影响评价,指出与EIA的区别;

    After analyzing the scarcities of EIA ( Environmental Impact Assessment ), This paper introduces SEA ( Strategic Environmental Assessment ) into transport planning environmental assessment with the sustainable development theory , and indicates the difference between EIA and SEA ;

  11. 中国河流水电规划环境影响评价

    Assessment of Environmental Impact of River System Hydropower Planning in China

  12. 交通规划环境影响评价技术方法研究

    Study on technical methods of strategic environmental assessment for transport planning

  13. 城市公共交通规划环境影响评价的替代方案分析

    Analysis of Alternatives for Environmental Impact Assessment in Urban Public Transportation Planning

  14. 我国实施能源规划环境影响评价的综合政策建议

    Comprehensive Policy Suggestion for Implementing Energy Plan EIA in China

  15. 能源规划环境影响评价指标体系的建立探讨

    Discussion of Establishing Indicator System of Environmental Impact Assessment of Energy Plan

  16. 工业区规划环境影响评价的几个观点探讨

    A few points about industrial areas of environmental impact assessment

  17. 电力规划环境影响评价的评价重点与指标体系研究

    Key Issues and Indicator System of Environmental Impact Assessment for Power Planning

  18. 探究风险评价在规划环境影响评价中的应用

    Study on the Application of Risk Assessment in Plan Environmental Impact Assessment

  19. 沈阳市浑南新区规划环境影响评价研究

    Environmental Impact Assessment on New District Planning of Southern Hunhe in Shenyang

  20. 流域水电规划环境影响评价的特点及工作体会

    Characteristics and Experience of Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Basin Hydropower Planning

  21. 公路规划环境影响评价初探

    A Primary Exploration of Environmental Impact Assessment of Highway Planning

  22. 规划环境影响评价与生态规划的现状及其关系

    Situation and Relationship of Planning Environmental Assessment and Ecological Planning

  23. 港口规划环境影响评价的研究及实践

    Research and Application of Environmental Impact Assessment in Harbor Plan

  24. 电网规划环境影响评价应关注的几个要点

    Key points of Environment Impact Assessment of power grids plan

  25. 我国城市总体规划环境影响评价探讨

    Study on Environmental Impact Assessment of the Urban Master Planning in China

  26. 畜禽养殖业规划环境影响评价的探讨

    Discussion on Planning Environmental Impact Assessment for Livestock 's Scale Breeding Industry

  27. 基于不确定性多目标的规划环境影响评价研究

    Strategic environmental assessment on regional development plans based on an inexact multi-objective method

  28. 风景名胜区总体规划环境影响评价研究

    Study on the Master Plan Environmental Impact Assessment System of the National Park

  29. 老河口市土地利用规划环境影响评价研究

    Study on Environmental Impact Assessment of Land Use Plan of Lao Hekou County

  30. 土地整理规划环境影响评价体系初探

    Discussion on Environmental Impact Assessment of Land Consolidation Planning