
  • 网络Discipline and Punish;discipline and punishment
  1. 何谓后现代?&来自福柯《规训与惩罚》的解释

    What Is Post-modernism : Definition from Michel Foucault 's Discipline and Punish

  2. 从《规训与惩罚》解读嵇康的悲剧人生

    Interpretation of Ji Kang 's Tragic Life By Reading the Discipline and Punish

  3. 福柯《规训与惩罚》一书为我们展示了一种微观权力技术在现代社会中强大的规训作用。

    Discipline and Punishment by Michel Foucault displays the disciplinary role of micro-power in modern society .

  4. 从《规训与惩罚》以后,话语的功能性跃出了话语层面,进入话语&权力层面,此时话语与权力缠绕在一起。

    From Discipline and punish , discourse is analyzed on the level of dicourse / power .

  5. 福柯的《规训与惩罚》恰恰给我们提供了这样一个文本,让我们重新认识后现代主义的另一个维度,许是更为重要的维度。

    Foucault 's Discipline and Punish exactly provides us with good text through which we could re-understand the other dimension of post-modernism-perhaps an important dimension .

  6. 在《规训与惩罚》中,福柯阐述了一种新型权力,其运作点是个人的肉体,权力意图将之规范化,使之更有用、更顺从。

    In Discipline and Punish , a new type of power is carefully analised , whose point of action is individual body , which aims at normalizing it and making it more useful and tractable .

  7. 本文以福柯的重要著作《规训与惩罚》为出发点,考查福柯对法律理性人、法律科学和法律至上等现代法律理念的解构。

    This article begins with " Discipline and Punish : the birth of prison " by Foucault , examining Foucault 's deconstruction of legality of rational man , scientism and the supremacy of law and so on .

  8. 本文从四个方面讨论和理解福柯的道德虚无主义。分别是对现代性的批判,性道德的虚无主义,规训与惩罚以及疯癫与文明。

    This article is to analyze the nihilism of morality of Foucault from the following four aspects , namely , " The Criticism of Modernity ", " Nihilism of the sexual Morality ", " Discipline and Punish " and " Madness and Civilization " .