
ɡuī ɡé shuō mínɡ
  • description
  1. 基于UML规格说明的增量式测试用例生成

    Incremental Test Generation Based on UML Specification Description

  2. 安全的数据类型规格说明

    Multidimensional Data Description in ORDBMS Safety of Data Type Specifications

  3. 配置文件包含Web服务的规格说明。

    Configuration file contains the specifications of a particular Web service .

  4. 开发人员必须使用配置文件提供Web服务规格说明。

    You have to provide the Web service specification using a configuration file .

  5. 一种在Internet环境下提交与发布Z规格说明的方法

    An approach to submitting and issuing Z specifications under Internet

  6. 文中还使用Z规格说明语言对Agent连接件进行了简单的形式化描述。

    The thesis also gives some simple agent connector formalizations with Z-Notation .

  7. 自动制造系统规格说明语言的Petri网语义设计

    Petri net semantics of the specification languages for automated manufacturing systems

  8. 并发Z规格说明在系统需求分析与设计中的应用

    Application of concurrency Z specification in system requirement analysis and design

  9. 基于C++STL的Z规格说明数据类型的表示

    Data Type Description of Z Specification by C + + STL

  10. UML图中不能精确的确认规格说明

    Specifications are not precisely identifiable in the UML diagrams

  11. 模型采用规格说明语言Z进行描述。

    The specification language Z is used in this paper .

  12. 基于C++模板的Z规格说明的数据类型的实现

    Implementation of Data Type for Z Based on C + + Template

  13. 一种基于Z规格说明的测试用例复用机制

    A reusing mechanism of test cases based on Z specifications

  14. Z是一种基于状态的形式规格说明语言。

    Z is a kind of formal specification basing notation .

  15. B方法是一种软件形式化方法,支持从规格说明到代码生成的整个软件开发周期。

    B-method is a software formal method , which supports the whole lifecycle of software development from formal specification to code generation .

  16. Z规格说明中初始状态存在性的证明

    Proving the existence of initial state in Z specifications

  17. 本文介绍一个软件工具系统RAPID,它支持快速成型法,可用于数据处理系统开发过程中的需求分析和规格说明阶段。

    This paper describes a software toolbox called RAPID , which supports the development of data processing systems in requirement analysis and specification phase .

  18. 最后根据FREE模型的规格说明信息,按照不同的充分性测试准则,分别产生测试用例集。

    Finally , according to the specification information of FREE model , test case set of class is generated based on different coverage criterion .

  19. Z规格说明的系统不变式及其抽取

    System Invariants and its Extracting in Z Specifications

  20. 基于C++STL技术实现Z形式规格说明求精变换的研究

    C + + STL-based Technology to Achieve Refinement and Transformation of Z Formal Specification

  21. 这个规格说明包含的内容基本上是指在具有交互性的html元素中添加特殊的属性。

    This basically consists of adding specific attributes to html elements that will have interactivity .

  22. 在后期需求规格说明阶段,采用扩展的UML在Agent抽象层次上建立统一的需求模型。

    During late-phase requirements specification , focused on modeling the requirements at agent level of abstraction by using extended UML .

  23. 一种容忍入侵结构的Z规格说明

    Object Z Specification of the Intrusion-tolerant System

  24. Z规格说明的前置条件的简化

    The simplification of precondition in Z specifications

  25. 关于Z规格说明语言中模式的剖析

    Dissection of Schema in Z Specification Language

  26. 计算机联锁软件的Z规格说明

    Z specification of the computer interlocking software

  27. Z规格说明中的定理证明方法

    A Theorems Proving Method in Z Specifications

  28. 页面置换算法的Z规格说明

    Z Specification of Page Swapping Algorithm

  29. Z规格说明构造方法

    An Approach to Constructing Z Specification

  30. 一组实用的Z规格说明度量准则

    Practical Metrics for Z Specifications