
ɡuī fàn yǔ fǎ
  • normative grammar;prescriptive grammar
  1. 规范语法阐述的是该派语法学家认为的某语言的口语或书面语的标准形式。

    A normative grammar of a language describe how its author think the language shall is speak or write .

  2. 规范语法关注正确用法的规范或者规则。

    Prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage .

  3. 在分析XML签名与XML加密规范和语法基础上,论述了XML安全系统的设计思路和设计原则,所设计的系统具有层次化、模块化、可扩展等特点;

    Based on the analysis of XML-Signature Syntax and XML Encryption Syntax , the ideas and principles of design were discussed . The system has excellences of layer-built , modularization and extensible .

  4. 规范抽象语法与抽象语法树的直接生成

    The canonical abstract syntax and direct GENE-RATION of abstract syntax tree

  5. 她以通俗的风格写信;会话体英语不规范的语法和随便的发音。

    Wrote her letters in a colloquial style ; the broken syntax and casual enunciation of conversational English .

  6. 本文还给出了为一个源程序从文法直接生成改进的规范抽象语法树的算法。

    The algorithm for generating an improved canonical abstract syntax tree ( CAST ) directly from the grammar for a source program is given .

  7. 利用该算法,成功实现了OSEK规范中OIL语法描述代码到C语言代码的转换。

    Using this method , we successfully convert OIL , which is one of important parts of OSEK specifications , to C.

  8. RubySpec项目的目标是为Ruby编程语言提供一个完全可执行的规范,其语法兼容RSpec。

    The RubySpec project aims to write a complete executable specification for the Ruby programming language that is syntax-compatible with RSpec .

  9. 这些部分的语法非常类似于Web服务规范中使用的语法,通常可以从那些部分进行轻松修改。

    The syntax for these sections is very similar to that used in Web services specifications , and can generally be easily adapted from those sections .

  10. 因此,这种格式主要基于WS-SecurityPolicy等OASIS规范中使用的语法惯例。

    Therefore the format is largely based on the syntax conventions used in OASIS specifications such as WS-Security Policy .

  11. 本文分析了传统安全的不足及Web服务安全的新需求,研究了Web服务安全规范的结构、语法及信任机制;

    The thesis gives a careful analysis of the defects in traditional security system and the new security requirements of Web Services , carries out a research on the structure , syntax and trust mechanism of Web Services Security Specification ;

  12. 如果您还不习惯阅读规范,那么该语法可能看起来有点古怪,但是当您一个部分一个部分了解它的时候,您会发现阅读它实际上非常容易。

    This may look a little odd if you 're not used to reading specifications , but it 's pretty easy when you walk through it piece by piece .

  13. 由于流行语的形式不拘一格,又被年轻一代大量使用,甚至导致规范日语单词和语法变形、日语结构紊乱。

    As a result of being flexible in forms and popular among young people , slang has caused Japanese to change with regard to its regular word meaning , its grammar as well as its structure .

  14. 抽象语法树在很多应用领域中是一个重要的工具,但是在概念上不一致与不规范。本文提出了抽象语法(树)的设计准则,并引进规范抽象语法的概念。

    The criterion of designing the abstract syntax ( tree ) is proposed , and the notion of the canonical abstract syntax is introduced .

  15. 分析器尝试以一系列完整定义的规范来匹配输入,这些规范被称为语法规则。

    The parser attempts to match the input following a well-defined set of specifications known as grammar rules .