
  • 网络Sand shale;sandstone and shale;sandstone area
  1. 砂页岩发育的土壤中TN的平均含量最低,为0.88g/kg。

    Also , soils derived from sandstone and shale had the lowest average TN content ( 0.88 g / kg soil ), soils developed on phyllite showed the highest average TN content ( 1.35 g / kg soil ) .

  2. 在梅县砂页岩赤红壤条件下,土壤中的Fe、Mn与P素有效性关系密切;

    The Fe and Mn elements in the lateritic red earth derived from arenaceous shale are closely correlated to the efficiency of P elements .

  3. 3种母质中,第四纪红土母质果园土壤pH值下降达1个单位,花岗岩母质和砂页岩母质果园土壤pH值依次为088和054个单位。

    Among three kinds of parent material , the soil pH value of Quaternary red soil dropped one unit , the soil pH value of Granite and Sand shale dropped 0.88 and 0.54 , respectively .

  4. 河流冲积物、石灰岩、白云岩和钙质紫色砂页岩等发育的土壤CEC较高,而砂岩发育的土壤CEC较低,其余4种母质(岩)发育的土壤CEC介于它们之间。

    CEC in the soils developed from fluvial sediment , limestone , dolomite and calcareous purple sandy shale is higher ; CEC in the soils developed from sandstone is lower ; CEC in the soils developed from the rest 4 types of parent material / rock are between them .

  5. 砂页岩地区的富水带激电异常研究

    Study on Abnormal Induced Polarization of Groundwater-rich Zones in the Sandy Shale Areas

  6. 说明研究区砂页岩中的铜矿床具有特殊的成矿机理。

    The copper deposits are special in metallogenic mechanism .

  7. 无砂页岩陶粒混凝土砌块的研究

    Research on the No-fines Expanded Shale Concrete Block

  8. 砂页岩赤红壤磷肥活化效果及其机理研究

    Activating effects and mechanisms of phosphatic fertilizers in lateritic red soil derived from arenaceous shale

  9. 数据表明,金佛山石灰岩地区生物多样性较砂页岩地区低。

    The data indicated that biodiversity indices in Karst area is lower than in nonkarst area in Jinfo Mt.

  10. 分布区土壤主要是花岗岩、砂页岩、板岩发育的山地黄壤和黄棕壤。

    Soil of distribution is brown soil and yellow-brown soil which developed from granite , sandy shale , slate .

  11. 其中以玄武岩与石英砂岩发育的土体上的杉木生长最好,依次为长石石英砂岩与变余砂岩,而以煤系砂页岩和第四纪红色粘土上的杉木生长最差。

    The China fir grows well at basalt and quartz sandstone , but poor at clay and sand shale .

  12. 山脉岩层大多由地质年代较为年轻的砂岩、页岩和砂页岩互层所组成。

    Its rock stratum is almost constituted by sandstone , shale , and sand-shale stone which belong to young geological age ;

  13. 砂页岩、河流冲积物、洪积物、第四纪红土和花岗岩是桂东北地区农业土壤的主要成土母质。

    Arenaceous shale , alluvial deposits , diluvium , the Quaternary period red soil and granite are the main soil-forming rocks in the northeast of Guangxi .

  14. 广西的石灰岩按性质可分为纯质石灰岩、夹硅质石灰岩、夹砂页岩或火成岩的石灰岩三种类型。

    According to the nature , Guangxi Limestone is separated into three types : pure limestone , siliceous limestone , mixed sand shale or limestone of igneous rock .

  15. 残坡积松散堆积层滑坡和人为滑坡对泥石流形成的影响最大,其次是昔格达组粘土岩滑坡和砂页岩及煤系地层的基岩滑坡。

    The landslides of the loose pile layer and man-made are strong , then the bedrock landslides of Xigeda Formation clay rock and sandy shale strata and coal strata .

  16. 本区钴矿的容矿岩石为含铜砂页岩,成因类型可能属喷流-沉积型钴铜铅多金属矿。

    In the study area the host rock of the cobalt deposits copper-bearing sandstone-shale and according to its genesis it may belong to an exhalative-sedimentary type cobalt-copper-lead polymetallic deposit .

  17. 兴国县低丘侵蚀紫色砂页岩开发利用与治理的研究之三&生态重建后土壤肥力的变化


  18. Cl-、Na+和K+则中下游较高,可能是由于大气降水和下游砂页岩的影响造成。

    Cl - , Na + and K + overall the middle and lower reaches higher , may be due to the precipitation and downstream sand shale formed . 3 .

  19. 以重庆金佛山地区为例,分析土壤基本理化性质与成土母质和植被的关系,并对石灰岩和砂页岩地区的生物多样性及其与土壤基本理化性质的关系进行了探讨。

    There is a high correlation between species diversity and soil factors , while the essential physiochemical properties of soil are affected by parent material and vegetation for a large extent .

  20. 用批量法研究了人工合成的铁、铝氧化物以及砂页岩发育的红壤对氯磺隆的吸附。

    A study on absorption processes of chlorsulfuron in two artificial-synthesized minerals , Fe and Al oxides , and a red soil derived from sand-shale has been carried out with batch method .

  21. 试验还发现第四纪红土母质发育的土壤有机硫供硫潜力及速率明显大于花岗岩、砂页岩和紫砂岩母质。

    Results also showed that the S mineralization rate and potentials of soils originated from Quaternary period parent material was significantly greater than that of soils from the granite , arenaceous shale , and purplish red sandstone .

  22. 广西北热带地区石灰岩山地占据相当大的面积,特别是桂西南一带,那里形成一种独特的石灰岩季节性雨林,与相邻的砂页岩或花岗岩山地季节性雨林镶嵌分布。

    A large area of limestone mountain is occupied in southwestern Guangxi , in which there is a special limestone seasonal rain forest differing from seasonal rain forest in acid soil mountain formed by sandstone , shale or granite .

  23. 碳酸岩和紫色砂页岩二种岩性的土壤,造林成活率和植被恢复覆盖情况:在苗木种源、造林时间、造林质量相同的情况下,二种岩性的土壤其柳杉工程造林成活率差异显著。

    In the soil of carbonatite and purple sand shale , that the same of seedlings provenance , planting time and quality of afforestation makes survival rate of Japanese cedar reforestation project a significant difference in the two soil lithology .

  24. 但我们还有油砂焦油砂油页岩也许以后还会有人起新的名字例如页岩焦油

    but there is also oil sand and tar sand and oil shale and they may be called by some new euphemism like shale tar

  25. 用这种方法可以使信号在典型的砂/页岩油藏中传播几百米远,可以采集到有关地下电阻率分布的高精度、高灵敏度数据。

    With this method signals may be propagated several hundreds of meters through typical sand / shale reservoirs and highly accurate data may be acquired with a high sensitivity to the subsurface resistivity distribution .

  26. 同时,石炭系剖面岩性出现由砂砾岩或砂、页岩-灰岩组成的两个沉积旋回,表明沉积环境由滨岸向碳酸盐台坪演变。

    Meanwhile , two lithologic cycles of glutenite or inter-bedded sandstone and shale graded to limestone are developed , and the sedimentary environment evolved gradually from shoreland toward carbonate terrace .