
  • 网络soft rock;Pisha sandstone
  1. 砒砂岩区主要树种AMF接种效应和AMF与土壤的相互影响

    Effect of Inoculation with AMF for Main Tree Species in Soft Rock Zone and AMF Interaction with Soil

  2. 砒砂岩区水土流失治理措施调研

    Investigation on Measures for Soil Erosion in Soft Rock Area

  3. 计算结果表明:美国诺模方程能够很好的用于估算砒砂岩土壤的K值,而对黄土和风沙土的估算误差较大。

    The results show that the Normal Equation is suitable for estimating the value of soil erodibility factor , whereas there is relatively large estimation error for Loess and Sandy soil .

  4. 砒砂岩&黄土沟谷土壤含水量的时空变化

    Spatiotemporal Variation of Soil Moisture Content in the Soft-rock Loess Gully

  5. 砒砂岩地区复合农林系统功能分析与模式构建

    Agroforestry System Ecological Function and Model Construction in Sandstone Areas

  6. 砒砂岩地区小流域毛沟侵蚀特性分析

    Analysis of rill erosion characteristics for small watershed in soft rock area

  7. 砒砂岩区区位特征分析及植被建设探讨

    On the Environmental Characteristics and Vegetation Construction of the Feldspathic Sandstone Area

  8. 沙棘在砒砂岩区小流域冻融风化侵蚀中的作用

    Action of Seabuckthorn in Freeze-thaw and Weathering Erosion of Small Watershed in Soft Rock Area

  9. 砒砂岩区小流域沟冻融风化侵蚀模型研究

    Study on the model of freeze-thaw and weathering erosion of smaller watershed in soft rock area

  10. 本文研究了砒砂岩地区沙棘人工林地土壤水分物理性质及其变化规律。

    The soil hydro-physical properties of artificial seabuckthorn woodland had been studied in arsenic sandstone areas .

  11. 黄河中游砒砂岩地区土地利用对生物多样性的影响评价

    Land-use impacts on biodiversity in the soft rock area of the middle reaches of the Yellow River

  12. 水岩作用对内蒙古南部砒砂岩风化侵蚀的影响分析

    Effect of Water-rock Interaction on the Weathering and Erosion of Pi-sandstone , Southern Inner Mongolia , China

  13. 砒砂岩区是我国土壤侵蚀最严重的地区之一。

    Pisha rock area is one of the regions with the most severe soil erosion in China .

  14. 内蒙古砒砂岩地区风蚀、水蚀及重力侵蚀交互作用研究

    Study on Interaction Among Wind Erosion , Hydraulic Erosion and Gravity Erosion in Sediment-Rock Region of Inner Mongolia

  15. 砒砂岩地区沟道沙棘植物柔性坝原型拦沙研究

    Field Model Research on Sediment Retention by Seabuckthorn Plant Flexible Dam in Gully Channel in the Soft Rock Region

  16. 砒砂岩地区沙棘柔性坝拦沙与生态效应试验研究

    Experimental Research on Effects of Seabuckthorn " Flexible Dam " on Sediment Retention and Ecology in a Soft Rock Region

  17. 水岩作用影响了砒砂岩的物理力学性质,加剧了砒砂岩风化与侵蚀。

    Water-rock interaction influences on the physical and mechanical properties of Pi-sandstone and intensifies the weathering and erosion of Pi-sandstone .

  18. 砒砂岩区沙棘定植株与萌蘖株生长指标间的关联分析有些小麦和裸麦大量分蘖。

    Relation Analysis among Growth Indexes of Planted and Sprouted Seabuckthorn in Soft Sandstone Area Some wheats and ryes tiller freely .

  19. 砒砂岩区是黄河中游集中的基岩产沙区,强烈的岩土侵蚀与砒砂岩的岩性密切相关。

    The soft rock area is a major sediments-producing area resulting from bedrock erosion in the middle valley of the Yellow River .

  20. 本试验研究可为在砒砂岩地区推广沙棘植物柔性坝这一生物工程技术提供理论依据。

    The prototype experiment research can provide the theoretical proof for developing and spreading seabuckthorn plant flexible dam in the soft rock region .

  21. 基于GIS/GPS的淤地坝泥沙淤积速率的评价方法探讨&以内蒙南部砒砂岩区淤地坝为例

    Definition of arsenic rock zone borderline and its classification Exploration on the Sedimentary Rate Assessment in Silt Retention Dam Based on GIS and GPS

  22. 为探索利用砒砂岩作为筑坝材料的施工方法,黄河水利委员会绥德水土保持科学试验站于1997年进行了试验研究。

    Suide Soil and Water Conservation Experimental Station of YRCC conducted tests and study on probing and using the construction method of feldspathic sandstone as dam building material in1997 .

  23. 内蒙古砒砂岩地区是黄河重要的粗沙来源区,该地区具有水蚀、风蚀及重力侵蚀交互的特点。

    Coarse sand in the Yellow River mainly comes from sand rock area , Inner Mongolia , water erosion , wind erosion and gravitational erosion occur interactively in this area .

  24. 提出黄河宁蒙段的十大孔兑、库布齐沙漠及毗邻的砒砂岩地区是黄土高原水土流失最严重的地区。

    Kongduis ( small river formed by ice flowing ), Kubuqi Desert and the adjacent zone are an area where the soil and water lose most seriously in Loess Plateau .

  25. 沙棘植物柔性坝是一种防止沟道土壤侵蚀、拦沙保水的新型生物工程,特别适合于生态环境恶劣的砒砂岩地区。

    Seabuckthorn plant flexible dam is a new biology project used in preventing soil erosion and sediment retention and conservation of water in gully , especially in soft rock region with serious environment .

  26. 由于砒砂岩地区恶劣的自然环境,剧烈的水土流失,给黄河下游河道造成了更加严重的泥沙淤积,引发一系列的生态环境问题。

    The severe sediment deposition was engendered in the lower Yellow River , and a series of ecological and environmental problems was brought because of the severe soil and water loss and atrocious natural environment .

  27. 研究表明,沙棘是治理砒砂岩地区水土流失的先锋树种,沙棘植物柔性坝是防治该区水土流失的有效生态工程措施。

    The research result showed that seabuckthorn is the leading small arbor for controlling soil and water loss of the soft rock region , and seabuckthorn plant flexible dam is very effective ecology engineering for control and harness of soil and water loss of it .
