
  • 网络R&D outsourcing;CRO
  1. 本章首先介绍了研发外包风险评价的总体思路,其后具体分析了研发外包风险评价的指标体系的建立及风险评价模型的构建,并提出具体的实施方法。

    The chapter started with overall ideas of assessment of R D outsourcing risks and then specifically analyzed the evaluation indexes system of R D outsourcing risks and model of risks evaluation . The chapter also presented specific implementation methods .

  2. 在阐述研发外包风险的概念与特征的基础上,分析了企业研发外包风险识别的重要性,并依据风险识别方法,具体分析了研发外包的四个方面的风险。

    The article analyzed the importance of risks identification based on description of the concept and characteristics about R D outsourcing risks . Besides the paper in the chapter specifically analyzed four aspects of R D outsourcing risks according to methods of risks identification .

  3. 企业研发外包的模式、特征及流程探讨&基于X集团汽车制造案例研究

    Analysis on the Modes , Characteristics and Process of Enterprise R D Outsourcing Based on a Case Study of an Automobile Group

  4. 第四章企业研发外包风险评价。

    The fourth chapter was evaluation of R & D outsourcing risks .

  5. 第二章企业研发外包及其理论基础。

    The second chapter was theoretical basis of R & D outsourcing .

  6. 第五章企业研发外包中的风险防范。

    The chapter fifth was the risks prevention of R & D outsourcing .

  7. 研发外包中的关系契约

    On relational contracts in R & D outsourcing

  8. 基于声誉理论的研发外包动态激励机制研究

    Study on Dynamic Incentive Mechanism of R & D Outsourcing Based on Reputation Theory

  9. 制药业正在忙着削减成本、重新审议定价政策,并把研发外包给高校以及较小的生物技术企业。

    The sector is busy trimming costs , re-examining pricing policies and outsourcing research to universities and smaller biotech companies .

  10. 引入风险矩阵法,对研发外包风险进行重要性评估。

    By introducing the risk rating , this paper makes a significant assessment to the R & D outsourcing risk .

  11. 研发外包以一种开放动态的技术创新模式融入全球化经济链条,并成为技术创新领域的研究热点。

    RD outsourcing has merged into the global economic chain as a new technological innovative method and become a popular topic .

  12. 既然如此,那么为什么在多个产业中都存在着研发外包日趋增多的现象呢?

    Since it is so , then why does there exist a phenomenon of increasing R & DOutsourcing in several industries ?

  13. 保诺科技(北京)有限公司(以下简称“保诺”)是一家业内领先的药物研发外包服务公司,为全球制药业的客户提供高质量的整合药物研发服务。

    BioDuro is a leading integrated drug discovery outsourcing company that provides high-quality , integrated research and development services to biopharmaceutical clients .

  14. 而研发外包作为开放式创新背景下的新模式,则在这种背景下在全球范围内发展起来。

    R & D outsourcing , as a new model in the " openinnovation " context , has thus developed on a global scale .

  15. 最后,基于不确定性,通过建立声誉理论模型,定量的对研发外包的激励机制进行了研究。

    Finally , based on market uncertainty , by establishing a reputation for theoretical models , makes a quantitative incentives study on R & D outsourcing .

  16. 研发外包的运作机理在于资源、关系和知识维度及内外部协调能力的协同与相互作用,从而促进企业的创新绩效。

    The mechanism of RD outsourcing is the cooperation of RD outsourcing dimension and inside / outside coordination capabilities , which improve the firm innovation performance .

  17. 并基于非对称信息理论,建立了我国医药企业跨组织的项目小组研发外包的合作博弈模型,分析了博弈双方的合作策略。

    Based on the Asymmetric Information Theory , a cooperative game model was established to analyze players ' cooperative strategies of the cross-organizational R & D cooperation .

  18. 该公司如今已成为中国最大的研发外包机构,为许多世界顶级医药集团提供研发和生产服务。

    The company has since become the biggest Chinese contract research organisation , performing R & D and manufacturing for many of the world 's biggest pharma groups .

  19. 不仅如此,研发外包还可以使企业获得当地的技术信息,使得研发实现本地化,并且有效利用当地的人力资源,提升企业的竞争力。

    Furthermore , it allow enterprises to acquire local technical information to make research localized , but also to effectively make use of local human resources to enhance competitiveness .

  20. 研究结果表明:专用性投资弹性更高的一方更应该拥有外包的所有权;企业应根据双方相互投资的投资弹性高低调整研发外包策略;外包项目中人力资本投资比物质资本投资更重要。

    The results indicate that the ownership should be allocated to the party with higher cross-investment elasticity , and human capital investment is important in R & D outsourcing project .

  21. 结合研发外包运作模式和风险来源客体,建立了研发外包运作风险管理概念模型。

    The conceptual model of the identifying factors of R D outsourcing risks is constructed with the help of the models of R D outsourcing and the objects of risk source .

  22. 为了确保风险控制策略落实到实处,在实施控制策略同时,引入了研发外包风险降低过程动态监控思想。

    When the risk-controlling tactics are being carried out , the concept of dynamic monitoring in the process of outsourcing risk reduction is introduced to ensure that the tactics are actually put into effect .

  23. 研发外包是经济全球化和市场经济发展的结果,它可以使企业降低研发成本,提高研发效率,从而集中精力培育和提升企业的核心能力,实现自身的竞争性发展。

    R & D outsourcing , driven by economic globalization and development of market economy , enables enterprises to reduce cost and enhance research efficiency so that enterprises can concentrate resources on nurturing and improving core competencies to realize achieve their competitive development .

  24. 随着银行间竞争的加剧,以及新业务的层出不穷,银行需要更多的信息系统满足竞争和业务需要,信息系统研发外包越来越受到银行业的青睐。

    With the fierce competition of banks and the new business becoming increasingly clear , the bank needs more information systems to satisfy the competition and business demands . Hence the outsourcing of information system development is in the favor of any bank .

  25. 企业选择研发外包,大多出于节省成本、获取新技术、分担风险、缩短研发周期、快速响应市场需求等动机。

    Enterprises which choose Research and Development ( R & D ) outsourcing are mostly motivated by cost saving , accessing to new technologies , risk sharing , shortening research and development cycles , quick response to market demand , and so on .

  26. 主要从以下几方面展开研究工作:第一,对研发外包过程中面临的不确定性进行全面识别;分析这些不确定性的来源及其具体表现形式;分析不确定性对企业研发外包的影响。

    The paper mainly launched the research work from the following several aspects : It makes a fully identification of uncertainty on R D outsourcing process , then analysis those sources of uncertainty , specific forms , and the impact of uncertainty on R D outsourcing .

  27. 本章首先总结了研发外包的定义、流程和优势,其后阐述了战略管理理论、核心竞争力理论以及交易成本理论,并分析了这些理论对研发外包的支持作用。

    It first summarized the definition , process and advantages of R D outsourcing . Then the paper in the chapter expounded three kinds of theories including strategic management , core competitiveness and transaction cost and analyzed the supporting action of the theories for R D outsourcing .

  28. 结果表明,以传递研发外包创新实力的信号传递模型和设计不同研发实力下的报酬合同的信息甄别模型可以抑制外包商的逆向选择。

    The results show that the adverse selection of venders can be prevented from the signaling model and the information screening model , with the former model conveys the strength of R & D outsourcing and the latter one designing the rewarding contracts of the venders ' ability .

  29. 为了促进中国医药研发外包服务产业可持续发展,论文从产业政策、产业的规范和监管,人才培养和产业发展路径四个方面论述了产业发展的策略及具体措施。

    In order to promote the Chinese pharmaceutical R & D outsourcing industry sustainable development , there are discussed strategy and specific measures on industrial development , which is the perfect industry policy , strengthen industry regulation and supervision , establish the training system and the industrial development pathway .

  30. 国外BI的解决方案实施成本和培训费用高,导致大部分企业选择了自行研发或外包开发等方式进行自身BI系统的搭建。

    As foreign BI solutions cause high implementation costs and training expenses , most enterprises choose to establish their own BI system by self R & D or out sourcing .