
  1. 确保企业产品研发网络系统和数据安全的方法与策略

    Strategy and Methods to Ensure Safety of Network System and Data for Product Development

  2. 本章主要包括三部分,即分布式创新的相关理论、分布式研发网络的相关理论以及研发节点信任关系管理的相关理论。

    This chapter consists of three parts , distributed innovation , distributed R & D network , trust relation between nodes .

  3. 我国从20世纪80年代开始研发网络技术,至今已经取得显著的成果,全国互联网使用人数达到人口总数的四分之一,位居世界第一。

    Our country had got the enormous achievement since we began to research on internet technology in 1980s , nowadays , the user of internet is up to the quarter of our total population , stand the first place in the world .

  4. 基于这一现实情况,研发IMS网络设备已经成为电信设备商的一个新焦点。

    Based on this realistic situation , researched and developed the IMS network equipment already to become the telecommunication equipment business a new focal point .

  5. 在实践应用方面,研发支持网络课堂协作知识建构的CKB实验研究网站,有效保障成果的推广应用。

    As practice application , this study develops an experimental research website supporting CKB in network-based classroom , which guarantees the effective application of achievement .

  6. 面向信息化油料装备研发的网络化协同设计及其关键技术研究

    Research on Networked Information Oil Equipment Cooperative Design and Technology

  7. 网络节点智能I/O组态是依据作者所在实验室自主研发的网络控制节点的组态;

    Network node intellectual I / O configuration use as the configuration of network I / O ;

  8. 中兴兴业数据系统技术有限公司是以软件研发和网络工程布线的高科技公司。

    Zhongxing data system technology limited company is by the software research and development and the network project wiring high tech company .

  9. 据知情人士透露,苹果公司已经在研发电子网络汽车了,而且还把生产计划提早到了2020年。

    Apple Inc. has been working on an electric auto and is pushing to begin production as early as 2020 , people with knowledge of the matter said last month .

  10. 随着网络结构和规模越来越复杂化以及网络的应用越来越多样化,单纯地依靠经验进行网络的规划和设计、网络设备的研发以及网络协议的开发,已经不能适应网络的发展。

    With increasingly complex of network structure and size and more diverse network applications , simply rely on the experience of network planning and design , the R & D network equipment and the development of network protocols , can not adapt the network development .

  11. 装备制造业的系统性复杂性使得技术创新所需要的资源对于单个组织来说不可能完全具备,构建研发创新网络对于集成创新资源,降低风险和外部性从而优化技术创新路径至关重要。

    System complexity of Equipment Manufacturing Industry makes it impossible for one organization to possess all needed resources for technological innovation . To build technological innovation network is of vital importance to the integration of technological innovation resources and thereby to the technological innovation path optimization .

  12. NET为平台,结合UML统一建模语言和COM+技术研发了基于网络的TBM隧道施工数据库系统。

    The UML ( Unified Modelling Language ) and COM + are used in this system .

  13. Mop研发团队:网络时代的技术偏执狂

    Mop 's R & D Team : Technology Paranoid in Internet Age

  14. 展望了TCN网络核心技术研发和列车网络通信技术的发展方向。

    Technology and development Development of TCN core technology and the trend is presented .

  15. 介绍了研发的高速网络测试系统中的嵌入式系统,其在嵌入式实时操作系统VxWorks上实现了单板与终端的网络通信、配置灵活和实时监测等。

    This paper introduces the embedded system of the high-speed network test equipment system that we research and develop . The design based on the embedded RTOS & VxWorks implemented network communication , agility configuration and real-time inspection .

  16. 并探讨了合作研发组织的网络化与虚拟化趋势。

    Furthermore , virtualization of R & D organization is also discussed here .

  17. 网络流量控制器组态是基于作者所在实验室自主研发的以太网络流量控制器的网络流量监控组态系统;

    Network flow controller configuration which based on ours net control equip can realize the monitor of Ethernet flow ;

  18. 正在进行的另外一项工作是,研发能从网络上实时下载数据的桌面应用程序。

    A parallel effort is under way to create desktop applications that can be fed by real-time data from the internet .

  19. 同时该方案的研发定位于网络核心产品,预测其将具有较高的实用价值和应用前景。

    At the same time , this project purpose is the network core product and it would have better practicably value and applied future .

  20. 虚拟研发组织是网络经济背景下,虚拟组织概念渗透于研发机构而形成的一种研发组织创新形式。

    Virtual RD Organization is a network economy context , the virtual organization concept of infiltration in the RD institutions to form a kind of innovative forms of RD organization .

  21. 上述交易进一步稳固了这家瑞典公司的在华根基。此时,该公司正争取获得一些高盈利的合同,为中国自主研发的移动网络供应设备。

    The deals deepen the Swedish company 's roots in China at a time when it is battling to secure lucrative contracts to help supply China 's home-grown mobile network .

  22. GDOS已经在作者参与研发的3G无线网络控制器中成功应用,该3G无线网络控制器在国内外稳定运行。

    GDOS has been successfully applied in a 3G radio network controller .

  23. 这就是Right,Media的生意基础,当我们研发出更多的网络程序,和其他自主产品时,由于我们构建了一个整体的大网络体系,公司的发展就更为可观了。

    And that was the foundation for Right Media 's business and as we scaled that out , other sides , other networks other properties , it got more more interesting because we had this big network .

  24. 将GDOS运用于商用系统(作者参与研发的3G无线网络控制器)中,该3G无线网络控制器已经大规模商用,运行稳定。

    The author developed a business system ( a 3G radio network controller ) on GDOS . This 3G radio network controller has been applied extensively in business field and runs well .

  25. HyperloopOne是一家致力于研发未来新型交通网络的初创企业,该公司于日前宣布,在拉斯维加斯城外进行的最新测试中,其原型舱的时速提高了近三倍。

    Hyperloop One , just one a few tech startups hoping to create a transportation network of the future , announced that it had succeeded in tripling the speed of its pod in a recent test outside of Las Vegas .

  26. 它迫使人们积极研发下一代网络的标准。

    It makes people to invent new standard of internet protocol which is used by the next general network .

  27. 众多国际国内知名公司提前布局,依靠各自的资金实力、研发实力、营销网络进入到这个领域。

    Many well-known domestic and international companies ; rely on the financial strength of each R & D capabilities , marketing networks enter this field .

  28. 为了突破通信系统信息传输中电子瓶颈的限制,需要大力发展全光通信网络,研发一系列全光网络中的关键器件。

    In order to break through the limitation of " electronic bottle neck ", the development of all-optic communication network and key optical devices are indispensable .

  29. 许多国家正在研发攻击性的网络武器,包括中国,以色列,美国,这些国家均因使用这些武器受到指责。

    Many countries are developing offensive cyber weapons , and some , including China , Israel and the United States have been accused of using them .

  30. 本文主要深入研究了如何有效地结合软件工程研发自动化空管系统网络监控软件并深入分析了其中一些有创新性、有价值的设计难点。

    This article studies how to effectively combine software engineering with ATM system network monitoring software development , and analyzed some creative and tough design points .