
Part four analyses the special rules in the stage of bankruptcy liquidation .
Liquidation procedures comprise bankruptcy and special liquidation .
The part of liquidation firstly determine the banking supervision department to be the only bankruptcy liquidation applicant .
Creditors to partners and creditors to the partnership enterprise is equal in the procedure of bankruptcy liquidation for each partner .
GM has warned that Saab will be liquidated if a buyer is not found by the end of the year .
But the research of bankruptcy of security companies in china is still in exploration . The investor is a peculiar main body in security company liquidation procedure .
Where creditors with right of priority give up the right of being liquidated in prior , they shall exercise the right according to the procedure for bankruptcy liquidation .
Automatic stop system is absolutely necessary for both the smooth progress of bankruptcy infringement proceeding and the effective application of prevention proceeding from the system point of view .
In reality , the bill raised a chilling prospect for debt investors : that in extreme situations the government could upend the traditional pecking order of the bankruptcy process .
Given this , countries take active reforming rescue measures in the first place to avoid directly entering bankruptcy liquidation procedure and to protect depositors ' interests in a greater degree .
Within days the heavily indebted East Star , which operated just 10 aircraft on regional domestic routes , was grounded by civil aviation authorities and , soon after , the company began bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings .
It focuses on not how to not apply to the insolvency liquidation procedure , But how to make the insolvent or being insolvent corporation rehabilitation and better , and to protect the interests of stockholders and creditors and staffs and so on .
It has pursued its interest alone since the Koenigsegg deal collapsed but is thought to be reluctant to take on Saab 's Swedish production facilities . GM has warned that Saab will be liquidated if a buyer is not found by the end of the year .
In order to achieve the above two targets , SPV should have at least one independent director who bears the fiduciary duty for SPV itself and investors , not for the shareholders when deciding whether SPV goes to bankruptcy or liquidation procedure or not .
Besides , Article 78 and 104 has stipulated the conversion between bankruptcy prevention procedure and liquidation procedure in the circumstance of the failure of prevention procedure .
Bankruptcy property of commercial banks connects the liquidation proceedings whether run scientific and rational , it is a core elements of commercial banks ' bankruptcy liquidation .
Theoretically , the system of bankruptcy conciliation has a function accounting for the discrepancies of the settlement procedure of bankruptcy , and can attain the efficacy preserving the debtors , the creditors and balance of the public interests in society .
Bankruptcy legal system develops from special execution proceedings to legal relief of insolvent debtor by both substantial law and procedural law .
After insolvency administrator finishing allocating bankruptcy property or there is no need to continue the liquidation for some reasons , insolvency administrator can file court the application to end liquidation procedure . The court will make a order to terminate liquidation procedure .
Bankruptcy purchase is a special step of bankruptcy liquidating proceeding and it must be in accordance with the basic functions of Bankruptcy Law .
Compared with common enterprises , the bankruptcy of financial institutions is different in the cause of bankruptcy , insolvency proceedings , bankruptcy reorganization procedures , liquidation procedures and bankruptcy responsibilities .
Reform of the Civil Retrial Reason The liquidation process will be inaugurated when the company goes disbanding .
In China , administrators can be served by competent legal persons as well as relevant offices , so as to improve the quality of liquidation administration and better the check and balance system on bankruptcy liquidation procedure .
Exemption right is an important priority in bankrupt procedures and its exercise is free from restrictions from the liquidation and reconciliation procedures .
Bankruptcy law of our country is a fundamental law of Chinese business failures , which does not make special regulation of the liquidation procedure waiting for banking institution . This is harmful for security company to cany out liquidation procedure in practice .