
  • 网络silicon epitaxy;Epitaxial Si;epi-Si
  1. 超纯氢气(大于6N)是半导体硅外延等工艺必备的工艺气体。

    Ultra pure hydrogen ( > 6N ) is a process gas necessary for silicon epitaxy in semiconductor industry .

  2. 硅外延发展趋势

    The Development Tendencies of Silicon Epitaxy

  3. p型硅外延层电阻率的控制

    Controlling Resistivity of the Epitaxial Layer on p - Type Silicon

  4. 超高真空CVD生长锗硅外延层及其双晶X射线衍射研究

    Growth of Ge-Si Strained layers and DC XRD Studies of the Epitaxial Films

  5. 再结晶Zn中的位错蚀斑硅外延片(111)面层错腐蚀坑显微图象分析

    Micrograph analysis on the face ( 111 ) layer dislocation etching pits of Si epitaxial crystal slice

  6. PIN二极管用硅外延材料

    Silicon Epitaxy Material for PIN Diode

  7. MOS用(100)N/N~+硅外延片

    ( 100 ) N / N ~ + Epitaxial Slice of Silicon for MOS

  8. 多孔硅外延转移技术制备以氮化硅为绝缘埋层的SOI新结构

    Fabrication of Silicon-on-Insulator Structure with Si_3N_4 as Buried Insulating Films by Epitaxial Layer Transfer

  9. 新颖的超高真空CVD外延设备与低温低压硅外延研究

    A study of ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition reactor and low temperature and low pressure silicon epitaxial layers

  10. 利用SIMOX技术和硅外延工艺制备了厚膜SOI材料。

    The thick SOI films were prepared by SIMOX technology and Si epitaxy process .

  11. 本文提出了利用恒流非稳态MOS特性测量硅外延层杂质分布的一种快速,简捷的新方法。

    A new simple , rapid and accurate method for the determination of dopant con-centration profile in silicon epitaxial layers is described .

  12. 为了保证p型硅外延片的电阻率具有良好的可控性和重现性,除了充分抑制重掺硼衬底的自掺杂作用外,还需十分严格地控制硅外延片的生长温度和速度。

    To achieve good controllability and reproducibility of the resistivity of epi-layers on p-type Si , strict control is required over the growth temperature and rate , as well as a fully suppression of the auto-doping in heavily boron doped substrate .

  13. 本文叙述采用双栅砷化镓场效应晶体管和高优值硅外延变容二极管实现UHF电子调谐器低噪声化的有关设计和实验结果。

    This paper reports the design and experiments of the low noise UHF electronic tuner consisting of a low noise dual-gate FET and a high merit silicon epitaxial varactor .

  14. SiCl4-H2体系低压硅外延的研究

    Study on low-pressure silicon epitaxy for sicl_4-h_2 system

  15. a)利用超高真空化学气相沉积(UHV-CVD)技术在重掺Si衬底上生长高晶体质量的亚微米级薄硅外延片。

    A ) Si thin film with sub-micro thickness was epitaxial grown on heavy-doped Si substrate by Ultra High Vacuum Chemical Vapor Deposition ( UHV-CVD ) .

  16. 硅外延层上的自然氧化层中的界面态,使汞硅接触肖特基二极管反向偏置CV特性偏离理想情况,给外延层杂质纵向浓度分布测定带来较大误差。

    The interface states in the native oxide film on silicon epitaxial layer cause the C-V characteristics of mercury-silicon contacting Schottky diode to depart from the ideal condition and make a great error in measurement of the profile of impurities in P / P ~ + epitaxial layer .

  17. 结果表明,综合吸除技术不仅能有效地改善W/N+硅外延片的电性能(τg)和明显地降低外延层上的表面缺陷密度,而且对硅片剖面的电阻率分布也无影响。

    Results shew that the combined gettering technology not only improves effectively the τ g of N / N + silicon epitaxial wafers and reduces evidently the density of surface defects on the epitaxial layers , but also gives no influences on the resistivity distribution cul the silicon wafer profiles .

  18. 介绍了研制适用于大功率PIN二极管的硅外延材料的工艺过程,采用CVD化学气相外延生长技术,对硅源流量与掺杂剂浓度的精确控制,实现了快速外延生长和高浓度掺杂。

    During CVD epitaxy technology by the accurate controlling of the silicon source flow and the concentration of dopant , the silicon epitaxy material suitable for high power PIN diode was got . The quick epitaxy growth and large concentration of dopant were resolved .

  19. 对获得的外延层作了XRD、XTEM和扩展电阻等测量,测量结果表明硅外延层单晶性好,并和硅衬底、多孔硅层具有相同的晶向。

    The properties of Si epitaxial layer are investigated by XRD , XTEM and spreading resistance techniques . The results show that Si epitaxial growth layer is of good crystallinity and the same orientation with Si substrate and porous silicon layer .

  20. 提出了n/n~+或p/p~+硅外延层电荷密度ρ随x~(n-2)方式变化的正、负指数分布模型。

    In this paper , we suggest positive or negative exponential model in which n / n + or p / p + Si epitaxial layer impurity charge density p changes with x ( n-2 ) .

  21. 另一个电路,通过两个普通硅外延平面开关晶体管在雪崩区的串联运用,很容易得到输出脉冲幅度大于60V、上升时间短于ins的大幅度近似阶跃脉冲。

    The other circuit , by connecting two normal sillcon epitaxial planar transistors operated in avalanche mode in series , can easily achieve large-amplitude step like pulses with amplitude more than 60V into 50 Ω load and rise time less than Ins .

  22. 硅外延层解理面缺陷腐蚀坑的观察及初步分析

    Defects etching pits observations and analyses on epitaxial silicon cleavage surface

  23. GB/T14146-1993硅外延层载流子浓度测定汞探针电容-电压法

    Silicon epitaxial layers Determination of carrier concentration Mercury probe Voltage-capacitance method

  24. UHV/CVD生长本征硅外延层的研究

    A Study on Intrinsic Silicon Epitaxy by UHV / CVD

  25. 硅外延层错退火的研究

    A Study of Annealing Behaviour of Stacking Faults in Silicon Epitaxial Layers

  26. 低压硅外延生长的热力学研究

    Thermodynamic Study of Low - Pressure Epitaxy of Silicon

  27. 硅外延层电阻率测量值一致性研究

    A Study on the Conformity of the Resistivity Measurements of Epi-Layers on Silicon

  28. GB/T14142-1993硅外延层晶体完整性检查方法腐蚀法

    Test method for crystallographic perfection of epitaxial layers in silicon by etching techniques

  29. 硅外延平面型,非常高速开关,偏置稳定的应用。

    Silicon epitaxial planar type , very high-speed switching , bias stabilizing application .

  30. 薄层硅外延材料的研究(3)膜的厚度薄;

    A Study of Thin Epitaxial Layer Growth ( 3 ) thin thickness ;