
  • 网络Silicon Valley University;SVU
  1. 硅谷是依托斯坦福大学建立起科技工业园的成功典范。

    Silicon Valley is a successful model of establishing industrial park supported by Stanford University .

  2. 位于硅谷中心的斯坦福大学沐浴在各种光环之下:一连串科技大佬的母校;

    Stanford basks in its image as the hub of Silicon Valley , alma mater to a string of technology moguls ;

  3. 11月11日至11月16日:出行访问交流部分,访问斯坦福大学(旧金山)、圣何塞大学(硅谷)以及加州大学洛杉矶分校(洛杉矶),与著名IT企业进行交流(硅谷)。

    Nov11 to Nov16 : Visit Stanford University in San Francisco , visit San Jose State University and some famous IT companies in Silicon Valley , visit UCLA in Los Angeles .

  4. 发展中国家的人们一提起对移民的担忧,他们通常会担心本国最优秀、最聪明的人都去了发达国家的硅谷、医院和大学。

    When people in developing countries worry about migration , they are usually concerned at the prospect of their best and brightest departure to Silicon Valley or to hospitals and universities in the developed world .