
guī zhuān
  • silica bricks
硅砖[guī zhuān]
  1. 影响硅砖荷重软化温度的因素

    The Factors of Influence on Refractoriness under Load of Silica Bricks

  2. 硅砖中α-方石英的晶体结构与形貌

    Crystal structure and morphology of α cristobalite in silica bricks

  3. 优质硅砖的X射线定量分析

    The quantitative analysis of X-ray for high-quality silica brick

  4. 在给定边界条件和初始条件下,用大型商业软件ANSYS计算了冶金炉用特型碳化硅砖内热应力和机械应力场分布。

    Given the boundary and initial conditions , thermal field and structure field of sic in metallurgy furnace are computed using ANSYS .

  5. SiAlON结合碳化硅砖在高炉上的应用

    Application of sialon-bonded SiC brick on BF at Anshan Iron & Steel Group Company

  6. 借助于OM、SEM、EDAX和XRD分析手段对用后焦炉炭化室硅砖炭化面和燃烧面的显微结构变化做了研究。

    Microstructural changes on coke face and gas face of used silica brick for coke oven chamber were studied by means of OM , SEM , EDAX and XRD .

  7. 1430~1450℃经48~72h烧成未用的硅砖主相为鳞石英和方石英,并有少量残留石英。

    The phase components of unused silica brick , which is sintered in 1 430 1 450 ℃ for 48 72 h , are mainly the tridymite and cristobalite with small amount of remainder quartz .

  8. 来源于原料与硅砖的富硅析晶

    Crystallization of Silica - rich From Raw Materials And Silica Brick

  9. 高炉用氮化硅结合的碳化硅砖热震实验研究

    Experimental study on thermal shock of si_3n_4-bonded SiC brick for BF

  10. 提高焦炉硅砖质量的途径

    The way to improve the qulity of silica brick for coke oven

  11. 氮化硅结合碳化硅砖的性能和应用

    Properties and application of bricks mixed with Si_3N_4 and SiC

  12. 氧化铝含量对玻璃窑用硅砖性能的影响

    Effect of Alumina Content on Silica Brick of Glass Furnace

  13. 热风炉用优质硅砖的开发

    Development of Stove High Quality Silica Brick for Hot-blast Stove

  14. 竖罐炼锌用粘土结合碳化硅砖生产新工艺

    New Process for Producing Clay - bonded Silicon Brick for Zinc Retorting

  15. GB/T2275-1987镁砖及镁硅砖(釉面砖)对长圆边条砖

    Magnesia and magnesia-silica refractory bricks long side round edge opposites

  16. 现代新型硅砖隧道窑研究与设计

    A Research and Design of a New Tunnel Kiln for Silica Bricks

  17. 玻璃窑用优质硅砖的相变及损毁机理

    Phase transformation and wear mechanism of quality silica brick for glass melting furnace

  18. 碳化硅砖在工业硅电炉出铁口上的应用

    Application of SiC brick in silicon metal furnace taphole

  19. 硅砖隧道窑存在的问题及改进措施

    Problems of tunnel kiln for silica brick and measures

  20. 硅砖线膨胀率和平均线膨胀系数测定的不确定度评定

    Uncertainty Evaluation of Line Expansion Rate and Average Expansion Coefficient of Silica Brick

  21. 此结果对冶金用特型碳化硅砖结构设计有一定的参考价值。

    These results are useful for structure design of especial sic in metallurgy .

  22. 关于硅砖内部裂纹的探讨

    Approach to the inner cracks of silicon brick

  23. 用大结晶脉石英制造硅砖

    Production of silica brick using large crystalline guartz

  24. 高炉用碳化硅砖的发展

    Development of silicon carbide brick for blast furnace

  25. 碳化硅砖换热元件的热应力分析

    A study on thermal stress in an special SiC element used in heat exchanger

  26. 硅砖蠕变率的测试方法

    Testing method for creep of silica brick

  27. 大型热风炉用优质硅砖的显微结构研究

    The Study of Microstructure of High Quality Silica Brick Used for Large Scale Hot Air Stove

  28. 高级轻质硅砖的研制

    Development of high-grade lightweight silica brick

  29. 硅砖隧道窑用空压机抽引窑内热风作一次燃烧风技术

    THF technique of pumping hot air from silica brick tunnel kiln for air fired as primary

  30. 高级硅砖的矿相组成对其真密度、热膨胀性能的影响

    Effects of Phase Composition of High Duty Silica Bricks on Its True Density and Thermal Expansion