
  • 网络siliceous rock;chert
  1. 吉林中部硅质岩中锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义

    Zircon U-Pb Age of Siliceous Rock from the Central Jilin and Its Geological Significance

  2. 在成矿有利部位&拆离断层带及硅质岩带,1∶5万分散流测量呈现Au、Pb、Ag、Zn组合异常;

    Pb ? Ag ? Zn composite anomalies in the favorable parts for mineralization-stripped fault zone and siliceous rock zone by 1:50,000 scale stream sediment measurement .

  3. 硅质岩的主元素特征为富Si、Fe,贫Al、Ti、Ca、Mg等;

    The cherts are characterized by rich Si and Fe and poor Al , Ti , Ca , Mg and the like .

  4. 岩石的稀土元素和O、Si同位素组成表明含金硅质岩由热水沉积作用形成。

    The REE , O and Si isotope composition of the auriferous cherts demonstrates that the cherts belong to hot water deposited rocks .

  5. Al/(A1+Fe+Mn)的平均值约为0.72,最大值为0.93,大于生物成因型硅质岩沉积物,说明有富Al的陆源物质加入。

    The ratios of Al / ( A1 + Fe + Mn ) ( 0.72 in average , with a maximum of 0.93 ) are higher than the values of the biogenetic siliceous rocks .

  6. 矿床REE地球化学反映铅锌矿石、硅质岩和钠长石岩的形成物质可能来自盆下源深处,成岩成矿作用具有热水沉积性质;

    The REE geochemistry of Zn-Pb ores , albite rock and siliceous rocks shows that their material may have come from the depths below the basins .

  7. 矿区内岩石化学测量也证明:盆地内发育的内碎屑堆积硅质岩比周围岩石具有更高的Cu、Ag元素地球化学丰度值,Cu元素分布的显著不均一性,表明了后期构造的改造作用。

    Ore area petrochemistry analyse also prove : intraclast congeries silica rock in basin have higher Cu , Ag abundance than circumference pena . The prominence inhomogeneity of the Cu distribution indicates reconstruct of the late construction .

  8. 其具有独特的元素地球化学特征:K、Ti元素在黑色页岩中的含量高于底部硅质岩,而P元素的含量却相反,硅质岩中的含量显著高于其上覆的黑色页岩;

    Special geochemical characteristics of the elements that potassium and titanic element contents in black shale are higher than silicalite at base , but phosphor element is contrary in content , which in silicalite is significantly higher than overlying black shale ;

  9. 在FeMn(Ni+Co+Cu)三角图及SiO2Al2O3、SiO2Fe2O3图上均属于热水沉积硅质岩。

    The silicolites all belong to hydrothermal sediments in Fe Mn ( Ni + Co + Cu ) triangle diagram and SiO 2 Al 2O 3 , SiO 2 Fe 2O 3 diagrams .

  10. 新疆库地蛇绿岩堆积厚度达1500m以上,主要岩石由纯橄岩、斜辉橄榄岩、辉长岩、块状玄武岩、枕状玄武岩、玄武安山岩、硅质岩、粉砂岩等组成。

    The ophiolite is composed of dunite , peridotite , gabbro , massive basalt , pillow basalt , basaltic andesite , silicalite and siltstone with thickness of over 1500 m.

  11. 研究区的二叠系硅质岩类,主要由大量硅质生物遗骸溶解成溶胶状态的SiO2并保存在沉积物中,在成岩&后生阶段早期发生交代作用而形成。

    In the study areas , the Permian siliceous rocks consisting mainly of large amount of siliceous organic remains which dissolved into colloidal solution of SiO2 and preserved in the sediments were formed by the replacement during the early stage of diagenesis - epigenesis .

  12. 条带宽度多1cm,少数达几cm,岩性类型包括(含)铁碳酸盐硅质岩、含铁碳酸盐钠长石硅质岩、石英钠长石岩、(含)石英铁碳酸盐岩。

    The thickness of the rocks is thinner than 1 cm in general and the minority reaches several cm . The rock types include the iron-bearing carbonate silicalite , the iron-bearing carbonate albite silicalite , and quartz albite , quartz - and iron-bearing carbonate .

  13. 本区下志留统龙马溪组的放射虫硅质岩形成在水深相对较浅的深水陆棚与大陆坡过渡带上,水深约在200m左右。

    The radiolarian silicalite of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in this region was formed in the transitive zone between the deepwater continental shelf where the water depth is relatively shallow and the continental slope , in which the sea water depth is about 200 m.

  14. 湘、黔地区张家界、遵义一带分布有黑色岩系型Ni-Mo-PGE矿床,硅质岩作为矿化体标志之一。

    Ni-Mo-PGE deposits of black-rock-series-type are located in the Zhangjiajie of Hunan Province and the Zunyi of Guizhou Province . The silicalite rock mainly occurs as an indicator of the mineralized body .

  15. 受砾屑硅质岩、含砾砂屑硅质岩控制。

    It Suffer the gravel silica rock , arena silica control .

  16. 安徽巢县下二叠统硅质岩的成因

    Origin of the lower Permian siliceous rocks in Chaoxian county , anhui

  17. 广西大厂泥盆系浊积岩和硅质岩的特征

    Characteristics of Devonian turbidites and silicalites in dachang , Guangxi

  18. 甘肃黑山梁金矿以硅质岩为主要含矿岩石的金矿床。

    The host of gold deposit in Heishanliang is a silica rocks .

  19. 扬子地区二叠系硅质岩成因分析及沉积环境研究

    Petrogenesis and sedimentary environment of the Permian cherts in the Yangtze Region

  20. 江西金山金矿区硅质岩成因及意义

    Origin and significance of silicalites in Jinshan gold deposit , Jiangxi Province

  21. 本文对硅质岩样品成因进行了探讨分析。

    In this paper , cherts discussed the origin of the sample .

  22. 南郑梁山地区下古生界放射虫硅质岩的发现

    Lower Paleozoic Radiolarian Silicolites from Liangshan , Nanzheng County , Shaanxi Province

  23. 一种特殊类型硅质岩的特征与成因研究

    On the characteristics and origin of a peculiar type of siliceous rock

  24. 微细浸染型金矿床的一种新的亚类&硅质岩型金矿

    A new subtype of sediment-hosted micro-disseminated gold deposits & silicalite-type gold deposit

  25. 硅质岩组构信息研究及其意义

    The Research of Fabric Information in the Siliceous Rock and Its Significance

  26. 碧口岩群硅质岩成因及地质意义

    Genesis of the Bikou Group siliceous rocks and geological significance

  27. 矿化类型为含金黑云变粒岩型、含金硅质岩型。

    The types of mineralized rocks are fine grained biotite gneiss and silicalites .

  28. 硅质岩中硅、氧同位素也显示其热水成因之特点。

    The Silicon and Oxygen isotopes also demonstrate the characteristics of hydrothermal origin .

  29. 矿体(化)与岩溶角砾岩、次生硅质岩关系密切。

    The mineralization is closely related to karst breccia , secondary siliceous rocks .

  30. 硅质岩碎屑一般呈棱角状或次棱角状。

    Silica rock , commonly assume edge angle or hypo - edge angle .