
  • 网络Silicon Valley companies
  1. 谷歌(Google)和Facebook等多家硅谷公司已表态支持苹果的立场。

    Several other Silicon Valley companies , including Google and Facebook , have supported Apple 's position .

  2. 长期以来,Facebook和其他很多硅谷公司都因其男性主导的公司文化而饱受诟病。

    Facebook and many other Silicon Valley companies have long been accused of a male-dominated workplace culture .

  3. 启明创投的美国联合创始人盖里-瑞斯彻表示,中国初创企业的工作文化甚至比美国硅谷公司还要苛求。启明创投曾投资智能手机生产商小米公司。

    The workplace culture in China 's start-up scene is even more demanding than in Silicon4 Valley , says Gary Rieschel , the US co-founder of Qiming Venture Partners , which has backed smartphone maker5 Xiaomi .

  4. 谷歌(Google)和Facebook等硅谷公司赢得了志向远大的毕业生的心。

    In their place , Silicon Valley companies such as Google and Facebook capture the hearts of ambitious graduates .

  5. 在2010年美国司法部开始打击之前,包括谷歌和苹果(Apple)在内的硅谷公司之间的地盘互不侵犯协议颇为猖獗。

    Anti-poaching deals between Silicon Valley companies , including Google and Apple , were rife before the US Department of Justice clamped down on them in 2010 .

  6. 美国大型科技公司纷纷加入苹果(Apple)的战队,支持后者就数据保护和安全与美国政府进行斗争。这些相互竞争的硅谷公司在此事上表现出了异乎寻常的团结。

    America 's largest technology companies have joined Apple 's fight against the government over data protection and security , in an unusual display of unity by the Silicon Valley rivals .

  7. 那笔交易是苹果迄今作出的最大股权投资。首席执行官蒂姆•库克(TimCook)正逐渐告别这家硅谷公司不愿做大笔投资交易的传统。

    That deal was Apple 's largest equity investment to date , as chief executive Tim Cook gradually breaks with the Silicon Valley company 's aversion to large deals .

  8. 在过去一年里,中国投资者斥巨资与包括优步(Uber)、Airbnb和领英(LinkedIn)在内的硅谷公司展开合作。

    In the past year Chinese investors have put billions into Silicon Valley companies including Uber , Airbnb and LinkedIn .

  9. 这是否意味着,巴菲特这位一向都不愿投资硅谷公司的奥马哈先知(OracleofOmaha)现在已经将目光瞄准了谷歌?

    Does this mean that the oracle of Omaha , who has mostly shunned investments in Silicon Valley , now has his sights set on Google ?

  10. 就在距今不远的2009年,经过至少4次并购才诞生的花旗集团(Citigroup),曾拥有2.5万名软件开发人员,超过很多硅谷公司。

    As recently as 2009 , Citigroup , the product of at least four mergers , had 25,000 software developers , more than many Silicon Valley companies .

  11. 即便是实行谷歌及其他硅谷公司在IPO中所采取的模糊的双重股权结构(内部股东的投票权是其他股东的10倍),也无法让扎克伯格满意。

    Even the dubious dual-class equity structure used by Google and others for Silicon Valley IPOs , with insiders having 10 times the votes of others , is not enough for him .

  12. 知情人士称,这家硅谷公司正在开发一项新产品,其设计目的是让用户可以与同事聊天、与业内人脉沟通,以及协同完成文件,从而与GoogleDrive和微软办公软件MicrosoftOffice展开竞争。

    The Silicon Valley company is developing a new product designed to allow users to chat with colleagues , connect with professional contacts and collaborate over documents , competing with Google Drive and Microsoft Office , according to people familiar with the matter .

  13. 各大汽车生产商及特斯拉(Tesla)和谷歌(Google)这样的硅谷公司,正在推动自动化车辆的完善,加速把它们引入市场,但最大的问题是:在生死关头,这种技术是否可靠。

    Automakers and Silicon Valley companies like Tesla and Google are pushing to perfect automated vehicles and speed their introduction , but the big question has been whether the technology is reliable in a life-or-death situation .

  14. 1998年,马化腾创办了腾讯,推出即时通讯服务QQ,不是像硅谷公司那样在车库创办,而是在深圳的一个科技园,那里满是销售山寨手机的贩子和个人电脑(PC)维修商。

    Mr Ma started Tencent in 1998 as the messaging service QQ - not in a garage , Silicon Valley-style , but in a high-tech park in Shenzhen , jammed between hustlers selling pirated phones and PC repairs .

  15. 在很多例子里,斯坦福的学生都能一边帮助一家硅谷公司发展,一边为他们的M.B.A.学位学习。

    In many cases , Stanford students end up helping a Silicon Valley company grow while getting their M.B.A. at the same time .

  16. 之后,这家老牌硅谷公司的CEO虽如走马灯般不停更换,但业绩却毫无起色。

    And it is big indeed , given that the storied Silicon Valley company has lurched from chief to chief to chief ever since the board , in 1999 , eased out Lew Platt and recruited Carly Fiorina from lucent ( ALU ) .

  17. 基于互联网的电子邮件产品gmail已成为这家硅谷公司的发展重点,一系列的革新措施将使那些有影响力的早期用户对该产品进行推广。

    Gmail , its web-based e-mail product , has become a development focus for the Silicon Valley company , with a stream of innovations leading to its promotion by influential early adopters .

  18. 还有一些硅谷公司允许员工“无限休假”,效率应用公司印象笔记(Evernote)是其中之一。

    Evernote , the productivity app group , is among a number of Silicon Valley companies that allow employees to take " unlimited holidays . "

  19. Facebook宣布,用户可以在其Messenger上绑定Visa或万事达(MasterCard)借记卡,免费向Facebook好友转账。这家硅谷公司将与PayPal和Square等支付服务供应商以及大银行展开竞争。

    The Silicon Valley company will compete with payments providers such as PayPal and Square , and potentially large banks , after it announced that users will be able to upload a Visa or MasterCard debit card to their Messenger app to send payments to their Facebook friends for free .

  20. 在这家硅谷公司上周发布iOS6移动操作系统后,更新了操作系统的用户开始抱怨说,新系统的主打技术之一——取代谷歌(Google)地图服务的新地图应用--存在误标或漏标商户、地标和道路的情况。

    When the Silicon Valley company released its iOS 6 mobile operating system last week , customers who upgraded their devices began to complain that one of the marquee technologies a new maps app to replace Google 's GOOG - 0.03 % maps service had misplaced or missing labels for businesses , landmarks and roads .

  21. 硅谷公司正在积极参与反恐怖战争。

    Silicon Valley companies are being enlisted into the War on Terrorism .

  22. 相比世界其他任何地方,硅谷公司在寻求更多的专利。

    Silicon Valley companies seek more patents than any other region in the world .

  23. 像硅谷公司带来的那些颠覆性商业模式的挑战,也属于这种情况。

    That includes challenges by disruptive business models , like those coming out of Silicon Valley .

  24. 该公司还和其他其他硅谷公司一起致力于开发能源计算项目。

    And the company is working on an energy-efficient computing initiative with other Silicon Valley companies .

  25. 自从上世纪90年代以来,这家硅谷公司的标准微处理器就一直被用于超级计算机中。

    The Silicon Valley company 's standard microprocessors have been used in supercomputers since the 1990s .

  26. 移动用户数的暴涨让许多硅谷公司面临重新洗牌的局面。

    The deluge of mobile users threatens to upend a wide range of businesses in Silicon Valley .

  27. 像硅谷公司带来的那些“颠覆性”商业模式的挑战,也属于这种情况。

    That includes challenges by " disruptive " business models , like those coming out of Silicon Valley .

  28. 为了重新得到消费者的信任,硅谷公司正在强调它们新的加密技术以及隐私保护措施。

    In an effort to regain consumer trust , the Silicon Valley firms are emphasising their new encryption technologies and privacy safeguards .

  29. 硅谷公司想在德国取得成功,就需要遵从德国和欧洲市场的特殊性。

    If it wants to succeed here , Silicon Valley needs to comply with the particularities of the German and European market .

  30. 伊坎经常让他的投资目标公司日子不好过,但他还是像其他所有人一样迷恋于他挑选的硅谷公司。

    Mr Icahn often makes life difficult for his investment targets but is as enamoured as everyone else with his Silicon Valley picks .