
  • 网络SULFUR CONTENT;SULPHUR;sulphur content;ppm
  1. X射线荧光光谱法测定油中硫含量&非金属元素的影响

    Measurement of Sulfur content in Oil by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrum - Impact of Non-metallic Elements

  2. 降低FCC汽油硫含量的催化裂化催化剂评价

    Evaluation of catalytic cracking catalyst for reducing sulfur content in gasoline

  3. 降低FCC汽油硫含量技术的应用

    Application of technologies for reducing sulfur content in FCC naphtha

  4. 能量色散X射线荧光分析法测定石油焦硫含量的研究杂酚油、加工焦油及沥青

    Determination of sulfur content in petroleum coke by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry testing method for creosote oil , prepared tar and tar pitch

  5. 烟气中SO2的浓度与原料中的硫含量和硫的类型紧密相关。

    The SO2 concentration in flue gas related to sulfur content and raw materials closely .

  6. 计算结果表明,硫含量愈高,氧硫化物变性所要求的Ca愈高而Al愈小。

    The calculated result shows that the higher the S content , the higher the Ca content and the lower the Al content needed for the modification of oxysulfide .

  7. 将钢中的硫含量降至0.01%以下时,可减少钢液中CaS的产生,基本消除中间包水口堵塞;

    The nozzle clogging was avoided as sulphur content in steel was less than 0.01 % to decrease amount of CaS formed in molten steel ;

  8. 本文主要介绍MCS-51单片机技术在钢铁试样碳硫含量测定中的应用。

    This paper mainly introduces the application of MCS-51 single-blade machine technology to the determination of carbon and sulphur contents in steel and iron samples .

  9. 在500℃和剂油比为5的条件下,在FCC平衡催化剂中添加30%的添加剂时,汽油的硫含量可由不加添加剂时的1230μg/g降低到770μg/g左右。

    With the increase of the amount of the additive in the FCC catalyst from 0 % to 30 % , the sulfur content of gasoline can be reduced from 1 ?

  10. 电沉积Ni-S合金硫含量的影响因素

    Dependences of sulfur content during electro-deposition of Ni-S alloys

  11. 采用压力微反装置,利用纯烃原料,考察了在不同硫含量环境中,Pt-Sn/Al2O3。重整催化剂的中毒情况。

    The sulfur poisoning of Pt-Sn / Al_2O_3 reforming catalyst under different sulfur content environ - ments has been investigated with a pressurized microreactor system by using pure hydrocarbon as feed - stock .

  12. 不同立地土壤硫含量有明显差异:0-30cm土壤中全硫含量依次为:针叶林>阔叶林>草;

    The soil sulfur content in different vegetation stands varies distinctly .

  13. 而对低含硫轻质油样品,燃灯法测定数据和X荧光法的高曲线数据均偏高,而X荧光法的低曲线测定硫含量数据较为合理。

    But , for low-sulphur light oil samples , values determined by Lamp method and values by high curve of XRF are all on the high side , and values determined by low curve of XRF are relatively reasonable .

  14. 此外,延长催化剂在反应器中的停留时间,烟气中SO2的浓度降低;而提高反应温度,剂油比,汽提蒸汽量,烟气中的硫含量都先略有增加后降低。

    In addition , the concentration of SO2 decreases with the prolonging of residence time ; and it increases first and then decreases with the increasing reaction temperature , catalyst / oil ratio and stripping steam content .

  15. 用电沉积法制备了NiS合金电极,研究了电流密度、镀液温度、镀液pH值、电沉积时间、硫脲浓度对镀层硫含量的影响;

    Ni-S alloy electrode was prepared by means of chemical electro-deposition method . The effects of current density , temperature , pH value , depositing time and thiourea concentration on sulfur content in the electro-deposited Ni-S electrode were studied .

  16. 该工艺对液体燃料油深度脱硫非常有效,脱后燃料油硫含量可低于10ppm。

    The process is very effective for ultra-deep desulfurization of liquid hydrocarbon fuels ;

  17. 提高石灰活性度,烧结矿中硫含量提高,但仍满足优质烧结矿的要求,可以减少烧结烟气中SO2排放量。

    Sulphur content in sinter will increase with the increase of the activity of lime , but it is still satisfactory for technology standard of high quality sinters , the SO2 emissions from the flue gas can be reduced .

  18. 研究结果表明:碳钢在硫含量大于0.2g·L~(-1)、PH值大于9以及一定电位下处于钝化状态,腐蚀电流小;

    The results indicated that corrosion was slight when the sulfur content was more than 0 . 2g · L_ ( - 1 ) , pH more than 9 and at certain potentials .

  19. 煤浆法烟气脱硫基于液相催化氧化的原理,在脱除烟气中SO2的同时,还能降低煤系黄铁矿硫含量。

    Coal slurry flue gas desulphurization ( FGD ) is based on aqueous catalytic oxidation . SO2 is removed from flue gas through the reaction , and the content of sulfur in coal pyrite is reduced at the same time .

  20. 我国车用汽油75~80%来自催化裂化(FCC)汽油,其烯烃和硫含量高,用加氢方法可除去硫和烯烃,但带来的是辛烷值的下降。

    75 % ~ 80 % patrol gas used in China comes from FCC patrol gas , it contains high sulphur and alkene . The addition of hydrogen to it can extract sulphur and alkene , but octane rating will be diminished simultaneously .

  21. 湿式洗涤烟气脱硫工艺不受FCCU操作条件和原料油硫含量制约,SO2去除率90%以上,能够同时去除粉尘。

    Flue gas wet scrubbing desulfurization technologies are not limited by FCCU operating conditions and sulfur contents in the feedstocks , the SO 2 removal rate can be higher than 90 % and the dust can be removed simultaneously .

  22. 主要介绍各种提高汽油质量的工艺技术进展情况,包括降低汽油硫含量的SCANfining、ISAL、RSDS等工艺;

    Introduced the progress of different gasoline quality improving processes such as : reducing sulfur content process SCAN fining , ISAL , RSDS ;

  23. 介绍了LDS-S1型降低催化裂化汽油硫含量助剂技术在中原油田分公司石油化工总厂催化裂化装置上的工业应用情况。

    LDS-S1 gasoline sulfur reduction additive developed by Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corporation was applied in the FCC unit of Petrochemical Factory of Zhongyuan Oilfield Company .

  24. 结果表明,使用催化剂AFS-12的无碱脱臭工艺,当进料空速小于2h-1时,能满足不同结构和不同硫醇硫含量原料油的脱臭。

    The test results indicated that the optimum space velocity for various feeds should be less than 2h to fulfil the sweetening of different thiols with different structures contained in the feeds . The active component of AFS 12 catalyst had not run off during sweetening .

  25. 评定结果表明:煤自燃倾向性M、煤的硫含量L、回采工作面推进速度g、地质构造d等是影响采空区煤自燃的主要因素。

    The results show that tendency of spontaneous combustion of coal , sulfur content sulfur in coal , advancing speed of working surface and geologic structure are the main factors , from which the risk degree for appraising the influential factors of the coal spontaneous combustion is obtained .

  26. 陕西省耕地土壤有效硫含量低于硫亏缺临界值(185mgkg-1)的占总面积的139%,相当于537万hm2农田缺硫。

    Soil available sulphur in 13.9 % of the total land in Shaanxi Province was lower than the critical value , 18.5 mg kg - 1 , for soil sulphur deficiency , implying approximately 0.537 millions hm 2 of cultivated land could be sulphur-deficient in this province .

  27. 首次将Pt/MWNTs作为阴极催化剂用于DMFC,发现其较Pt/XC-72具有更好的ORR活性与单池性能,这可能与MWNTs独特的电子性质,特殊的管状结构以及更少的硫含量有关。

    Pt / MWNTs was firstly used in DMFC as cathode catalyst and it showed better ORR activity and superior cell performance than Pt / XC-72 , which may be attributed to its unique electric characteristic , tubular structure and low sulfur content .

  28. 田间试验证明当土壤有效硫含量低于30mgkg-1时有较好施硫效果,这在贵州或许可作为缺硫或潜在性缺硫指标,在贵州大约有1/3土壤低于该值。

    Crop response was found when the soil available sulphur content was about 30 mg kg - 1 or more , which may be considered as a value to identify soil sulphur deficiency or potential deficency in Guizhou . There is one third of soil samples analysed below this level .

  29. 结果表明,通过提高转化率和第二反应区催化剂的藏量,MIP-CGP工艺可以将催化裂化汽油中的硫含量降至所要求的水平。

    It was found that by enhancing heavy oil conversion and increasing the catalyst inventory of the second reaction zone , the sulfur content of cracked naphtha produced by MIP-CGP process could reach the required level .

  30. 生产实践表明,原料丙烯经此脱硫催化剂处理后,液态烃中硫含量在不大于10ppm的情况下,可达到0.1ppm以下。

    Production practice showed that sulfur content in liquid propylene can be removed from up to 10 ppm to less than 01 ppm after being treated on the desulfurization catalysts .