
liú tánɡ lǚ
  • Sucralfate
  1. bFGF和硫糖铝在持续恒压扩张术中局部联合应用对组织细胞增殖的影响

    The effect of bFGF and sucralfate on cell proliferation during continuous tissue expansion

  2. 硫糖铝对抗幽门螺杆菌重组VacA卵黄抗体的保护作用

    Protective Effect of Sucralfate on Activity of IgY against Recombinant VacA of Helicobacter pylori

  3. 奥美拉唑和硫糖铝治疗十二指肠球部溃疡胃内24小时pH监测

    24-hour intragastric pH monitoring in patients with duodenal ulcer treated

  4. ICP-AES测定大鼠胃内硫糖铝中的铝

    Determination of Al of Sucralfate in Stomachs by ICP-AES

  5. 不同剂量bFGF和硫糖铝联合局部应用对兔背任意皮瓣成活的影响

    Effect of local application of different dosages of bFGF with sucralfate on rabbit dorsal random skin flap survival

  6. bFGF和硫糖铝对扩张后皮瓣成活长度及回缩率影响的实验研究

    The effect of local application of bFGF and sucralfate combined with CTE on viability and stretch-back of expanded skin flap in a pig model

  7. 结论:蒙脱石对CAG大鼠具有比硫糖铝更加明显的治疗作用,并且这种作用与蒙脱石的平均层电荷密度呈正相关。

    Conclusion : The effectiveness of montmorillonite for the treatment of CAG seemed positive proportion to the average layer charge density of montmorillonite .

  8. 目的观察雷贝拉唑、阿莫西林和硫糖铝三联疗法对根除幽门螺杆菌(HP)的疗效。

    OBJECTIVE To evaluate a new triple therapy with Rabeprazole , Amoxicillin and Sucralfate for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori ( HP ) infection and the efficacy on healing of duodenal ulcer .

  9. 结果bFGF和硫糖铝联合局部应用可提高皮瓣成活率,皮瓣成活率与bFGF和硫糖铝的剂量明显相关:皮瓣成活率:A组对照组(24.2±8.2)%;

    RESULTS The flap survival rate can be rised by means of local application of bFGF with sucralfate . The flap survival rates : Group A ( Control ) is ( 24.2 ± 8.2 ) % ;

  10. 硫糖铝在体内外对VacA-IgY保护作用的探讨

    Protection Effect of Sucralfate on VacA-IgY in Vitro and Vivo

  11. 结果:制备的复方硫糖铝分散片的各项性能优于胶囊,分散片和胶囊剂的崩解时间分别为(1±0.12)和(20±3.93)min;

    Results : The performance of the prepared dispersible tablets was better than that of the capsules . The disintegration time of dispersible tablets and capsules was ( 1 ± 0 . 12 ) mm and ( 20 ± 3 . 93 ) mm , respectively .

  12. 结果:2例患者经去除应激因素、全身支持治疗、胃肠减压、管内投放硫糖铝混悬液、同时静脉滴注制酸剂或H2受体拮抗剂后均痊愈。

    The surgery were performed both through intra-thoracic and retroperitoneal approach . Results : The two patients recovered after eliminating stress factors , general supporting , drainage with nasogastric tube , intragastric sucralfate , and intra-venous antacids or H_2 blockers .

  13. 结论保护黏膜药枸橼酸铋钾1、枸橼酸铋钾2及硫糖铝有抵抗损伤,促进溃疡愈合的作用,其作用机制是增加胃黏膜血流量、减少氧自由基、增加bFGF及NOS。

    Conclusion Gastric mucosal protective drugs , CBS and sucralfate had effect of resisting injury and promoting ulcer healing . The mechanisms were that they could increase gastric mucosal blood flow and the expression of bFGF mRNA and iNOS mRNA , and reduce oxygen free radical .

  14. 逆转实验的三组待CAG模型建立后予以云母160mg/100g/d及80mg/100g/d,硫糖铝160mg/100g/d每天上午灌胃一次共8周。

    Three groups of rats in reverse test were continuously administered by isinglass 160mg / 100g / d , 80mg / 100g / d and sucralfate 160mg / 100g / d respectively in each morning for 8 more weeks after the CAG model was established .

  15. 硫糖铝联合法莫替丁治疗急性胃炎疗效观察

    Effective observation on sucralfate combined with famotidine for treating acute gastritis

  16. 表面活性剂对硫糖铝胶囊药剂学的影响研究

    Study on the Pharmaceutical Effect of Surfactants on the Sucralfate Capsule

  17. 硫糖铝混悬液预防上消化道出血的疗效观察

    Curative Effect Observation on Prevention of Hemorrhage of UDT with Sucralfate Liquid

  18. 硫糖铝糊剂治疗复发性口腔溃疡疗效观察

    Effects of Liu tang lv Cataplasm in Treating Patients with Recurrent Stomatocace

  19. 硫糖铝和黄连素治疗顽固性慢性胃炎疗效观察

    Effect observation of berberine and sucralfate in the treatment of chronic gastritis

  20. 硫糖铝对大鼠胃溃疡黏膜选择性黏附的体外评价

    Selective adhesion of sucralfate to gastric ulcer in vitro

  21. 奥美拉唑联合硫糖铝预防重症脑卒中并发应激性上消化道出血

    Omeprazole combined with sucralfate in preventing upper alimentary tract hemorrhage followed serious stroke

  22. 硫糖铝致便秘作用机制的研究

    Study on Mechanism of Action by Constipation Caused Sucralfate

  23. 硫糖铝治疗体表溃疡27例

    Treatment of 27 Cutaneous Ulcer Patients with Sucralfate

  24. 几种新型助悬剂用于硫糖铝混悬液的助悬效果观察比较

    Comparisons of suspending agents used for sucralfate suspension

  25. 潘托拉唑联合硫糖铝混悬液治疗上消化道出血临床观察

    Clinical study on the treatment of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage by pantoprazole combined with sucralfate suspension

  26. 结论甲氰咪胍组与硫糖铝组相比,可引起较高的院内感染肺炎的发生率,硫糖铝在老年食管癌病人术后可替代甲氰咪胍应用。

    Conclusion : Sucralfate could probably displace cimetidine in aged postoperative patients with esophageal cancer .

  27. 硫糖铝壳聚糖凝胶的稳定性实验

    Stability testing of sucralfate chitosan gel

  28. A组56例鼻饲或口服硫糖铝混悬液与山莨菪碱混合剂;

    Group A , 56 cases were fed with anisodamine and Ulcerlmin suspension mixture within seven days .

  29. 硫糖铝治疗消化性溃疡

    Peptic ulcer treated with sucralfate

  30. 另20例不用硫糖铝作为对照组,采用临床客观检查,结合患者主观症状评分,综合评价疗效。

    Clinic objective examination Conbined with Patients , Subjective symptom score was used to evaluate the effect .