
  • 网络gastric motility
  1. 2型糖尿病胃动力检测及西沙必利的治疗作用

    The exam of diabetic gastric motility and cisapride ′ s treatment action

  2. 目的探讨糖尿病并发急性胃动力功能紊乱的治疗。

    Objective To study the treatment for diabetic patient with acute gastric motility dysfunction .

  3. 护理干预联合胃动力药对老年腹部CT增强扫描影像学效果的影响

    The effect of nursing intervention united gastrointestinal motility medicines on enhanced abdominal CT scan imaging in elderly patients

  4. 糖尿病(DM)不同阶段胃动力紊乱研究

    The Study of GI Motility Disorder Diabetes Mellitus in Different Stages

  5. 结论CFS患者的胃部症状与胃动力异常有关。

    Conclusions Gastric symptoms in CFS patients are associated with abnormality of gastric motility .

  6. 目的探讨近端胃动力指标与功能性消化不良(FD)患者消化不良症状发生间的关系。

    Objective To evaluate the relationship between dynamic index of proximal stomach and symptoms of functional dyspepsia ( FD ) .

  7. NUD发病确与胃动力障碍有关。

    The pathogenetic mechanism of NUD is indeed related with the motor disturbance of stomach .

  8. 目的:探讨创伤应激时大鼠胃动力的变化以及胃肠动力调节相关神经肽血管活性肠肽(VIP)及胆囊收缩素-8(CCK-8)对它的影响。

    Objective : To determine the effects of traumatic stress and the influence of associated neuropeptides ( VIP , CCK 8 ) on gastric motility in rats .

  9. 结论(1)PG缺乏条件下促胃动力药胃复安可引起胃黏膜出血性损伤,可能与ET-1升高、NO下降致胃黏膜微循环紊乱有关。

    Conclusions ( 1 ) Gastric prokinetic drugs metoclopramide may induce damage in rat stomach under PG deficient conditions . The higher ET-1 level and lower NO level may cause gastric microcirculation disturbance .

  10. 结论:甘草对大鼠胃动力有抑制作用,这种抑制作用可能与其引起5HT、SP、VIP分泌失调有关。

    Conclusion Glycyrrhiza is able to inhibit gastric motility , which relates with the amount of 5 HT , SP , VIP secreted by gastric mucous membrane of rats .

  11. 结论:新兵5km长跑可使胃动力和胃肠激素水平发生变化,降低胃运动功能。

    CONCLUSION : There were the gastric motor disorders in new soldiers after running 5 km and gastrointestinal hormones levels also changed .

  12. 目的:观察5km长跑对新兵胃动力及胃肠激素的影响。

    AIM : To observe the effect of 5 km running on gastric motor and plasma levels of gastrointestinal hormones in new soldiers .

  13. 本病发病缓慢,病程长,西医治疗从抗HP、促进胃动力、保护胃黏膜入手,取得了一定疗效,但并不令人满意。

    This sickness morbidity is slow and the course is long . The doctor practicing western medicine treated from anti-HP , the promotion stomach power , the protection stomach mucous membrane obtains , to obtain certain curative effect , but was not satisfying .

  14. CNP-cGMP信号转导途径在糖尿病胃动力障碍中的作用

    The Role of CNP-cGMP Signal Pathway in Diabetic Gastroparesis

  15. 结论DM2胃动力异常及植物神经病变发生率均明显增高,二者显著相关。

    Conclusion The incidence of normal gastric motor abnormalities and autonomic neuropathy were both increased in type 2 diabetes and both of them were significantly correlated .

  16. 记录应激前后大鼠胃动力的变化及血浆内VIP和CCK-8含量的改变,观察应激前后静脉插管内给予VIP和CCK-8后胃动力变化。

    Gastric motility and the contents change of VIP and CCK 8 in plasma was recorded before and after stress , exogenous peptides ( VIP , CCK 8 ) were intravenously administrated to determine the gastric motor response to them .

  17. 通过对患者进行宣教,给予抑酸剂、质子泵抑制或H2受体拮抗剂及促胃动力药等治疗,20例患者中6例口服药物7~14d症状缓解,21d左右症状消失;

    After the education and treatment of anti-acid medicine , PPI or histamine receptor antagonist and gastro-kinetic agent , the symptoms of six cases improved within 7 ~ 14 d , disappeared after 21 d ;

  18. 结论:依帕司他具有促胃动力和改善交感、迷走神经平衡失调的作用,是治疗DGP安全、有效的药物。

    CONCLUSION : Epalrestat can enhance gastric motility and improve dysfunction of the regulation of vagal and sympathetic nerves system . It is safe and effective in treatment of DGP .

  19. 目的揭示糖尿病胃动力障碍(DGMD)发生的电生理及细胞病理学基础。

    Objective To reveal the electrophysiological manifestation and cytopathological basis of diabetic gastromotility disorder ( DGMD ) .

  20. PEJ术后平均(23.1±9.3)d胃动力恢复,可夹闭胃引流管。

    Gastric motility recovered after an average ( 23 . 1 ± 9 . 3 ) d and the gastric tubes were closed .

  21. 选择胃动力正常的男性志愿者24名(年龄20~21岁),空腹8h后喝纯净水400mL(水温37℃),利用阻抗技术的四电极法进行胃排空检测。

    Gastric emptying detection was performed with four probe method in bio-impedance technique after the testees were fasted for 8 hours and then drank 400 mL purified water ( 37 ℃) .

  22. 胃动力障碍性疾病是,临床消化内科的常见病,如以胃运动障碍为主要症状的功能性消化不良(FD)约占胃肠门诊专科患者的1/3以上,西方国家患病率高达20%-40%。

    It is a common disease in digestive outpatients . For example , the quantity of patients with functional dyspepsia ( FD ) whose main symptom is gastric dyskinesia are one third in all outpatients and maybe is 20 % - 40 % in west nation .

  23. 常见胃动力异常症状与胃电改变的关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship Between Gastric Dyskinetic Symptoms and Electrogastrograms

  24. 甜食与冷饮对小儿胃动力的影响

    Impacts of sweet and cold drink on gastric motility in children

  25. 小波变换和阻抗技术在胃动力研究中的应用

    Application of wavelet transform and bio-impedance technique in gastric motility information

  26. A型肉毒毒素对大鼠胃动力作用机制的实验研究

    The Study on Mechanism of Botulinum Toxin-A on Gastric Motility in Rats

  27. 胃动力常在4周内恢复。

    Gastric motility resumed in 4 weeks in most patients .

  28. 针刺对功能性消化不良症状及胃动力的影响

    Effects of Acupuncture on the Gastric Motility in Patients with Functional Dyspepsia

  29. 普瑞博思对功能性消化不良的胃动力作用研究

    The reserch on prepulsid 's effect of gastric motility of functional dyspepsia

  30. 血管活性肠肽和胆囊收缩素-8对创伤应激后大鼠胃动力的影响

    Effect of neuropeptides VIP and CCK-8 on gastric motility after traumatic stress