
  1. 将两组描记结果进行对比分析。结果:50例功能性消化不良的患者中有38例(76%)体表EGG异常,主要表现为胃电节律过缓或过速。

    Results : The abnormality of fasting cutaneous electrogastrograph is very common in the patients with functional dyspepsia ( 76 . 0 % , 38 / 50 ) . Tachygastria or bradygastria were present in the patients with gastric dysrhythmias .

  2. 胃滞留漂浮型缓控释制剂的研究概况

    Advance on Controlled-and Sustained-release Dosage Forms Remaining Floating in Stomach with Prolonged Gastric Resident Time

  3. 综述了胃滞留漂浮型缓控释给药系统的释药原理、漂浮性能的影响因素及制剂质量评价等方面的内容。

    This paper reviews the theory of releasing drugs on floating sustained-release dosage forms for gastric retention and influential factors of floating and evaluation on dosage quality control .