
  • 网络Sulfate
  1. ICP-AES间接测定膨化食品中的硫酸根和磷酸根

    Indirect Method of Determination of Sulfate and Phosphate in Puffed Food by ICP-AES

  2. 采用高压密封硝化罐法处理样品,以ICP-AES测定膨化食品中S、P的含量,从而间接测定硫酸根和磷酸根的含量。

    The amounts of trace S and P in puffed food were determined by ICP-AES with high pressure nitrifying pot to transfer into sulfate and phosphate .

  3. 试验表明,吸附量主要受pH值和硫酸根离子浓度影响。

    Experimental results show that the amount of adsorption is mainly affected by pH value and sulfate concentrations .

  4. EDTA容量法测定硫酸根离子的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Determining SO 2 - 4 by EDTA Volume Method

  5. EDTA返滴定钡法测定硫酸根

    Determinaton of Sulfate Radical with Method of Reverse Titration Barium by EDTA

  6. 详细考查了铜离子、氨、pH及亚硫酸盐对硫代硫酸根离子阳极氧化的影响;

    The effects of copper ions , ammonia , pH value and sulfite on the anodic oxidation of thiosulfate ions were investigated in detail .

  7. 基因工程菌E.铀矿石菌浸液中硫酸根测定方法的研究

    Under anaerobic condition , E. Study on the Method for Measuring Sulfate Radical in the Microbe Leaching Solution of Uranium Ore

  8. ICP-AES法间接测定精盐水中硫酸根含量

    The determination of SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) content in brine by ICP-AES indirect method

  9. 钽铌冶炼过程中产生的高酸废水采用生石灰(CaO)中和,可完全去除氟、硫酸根离子。

    Neutralizing strong acid wastewater by CaO could remove the SO / , F ~ from wastewater satisfactorily .

  10. EDTA滴定法测定草酸中硫酸根

    Using EDTA Titration Method to Measure SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) in the Oxalic Acid

  11. 硫酸根促进的纯硅MCM-41催化假性紫罗兰酮环化合成紫罗兰酮的性能

    Catalytic Performance of Sulfated Silica MCM-41 for Cyclization of Pseudoionone to Ionones

  12. 针对ATE系统并入二回路运行时,对其运行过程中产生硫酸根的现象与原因进行分析。

    Based on ATE system merges into the second recirculation loop , the phenomenon and reason of sulfate radical have been researched .

  13. 本文的主要结论是:1.通过近两年的江水水质监测,分析其中pH值、氯离子、硫酸根离子、钙镁离子、氨氮、亚铁离子的含量。

    After monitored and analyzed pH , chloride , sulfate , calcium and magnesium ions , ammonia , and ferrous iron content the river water quality about two years .

  14. 本溪水洞洞穴空气CO2浓度与温、湿度的空间分布和昼夜变化特征北京石花洞洞穴滴水中硫酸根浓度的时空变化及其意义

    Spatial distribution and diurnal variation in CO_2 concentration , temperature and relative humidity of the cave air & A case study from Water Cave , Benxi , Liaoning , China

  15. 指出硫酸根离子(SO42-)在混凝土中起到了激发FC掺和料及腐蚀混凝土的双重作用。

    The sulfate radical ion ( SO42 - ) has two actions in concrete : exciting FC admixture and corroding concrete .

  16. 检测了反应过程中TOC、COD、硫酸根的生成、发光细菌的急性毒性。

    TOC , COD , sulfate formation , luminescent bacteria acute toxicity were detected during the photodegradation in natural initial pH value .

  17. 硫酸根离子对CaO-Al2O3-P2O5-SiO2体系耐水性的影响

    Effect of sulfate ion on the water-resistance property of CaO-Al_2O_3-P_2O_5-SiO_2 system

  18. 离子色谱法测定烤烟中氯离子和硫酸根离子及氟离子ICP-AES间接测定膨化食品中的硫酸根和磷酸根

    Determination of Chloride , Sulfate and Fluoride in the Flue-Curd Tobacco by Ion Chromatography Indirect Method of Determination of Sulfate and Phosphate in Puffed Food by ICP-AES

  19. 研究结果表明,发酵过程中生成的SO2主要来源于酵母合成蛋氨酸时吸收还原麦汁中的硫酸根。酵母代谢形成SO2受到各种氨基酸的调节,尤其是蛋氨酸。

    The results showed that SO2 generated in the fermentation process mainly came from the sulfate in the wort absorbed and reduced by yeast when it synthesized methionine .

  20. 对EDTA容量法测定水中硫酸根时,对加入沉淀剂后样品静置时间对测定结果的影响进行了研究。

    This paper discusses the effects of sample resting when precipitating agent is added on experiment results by using EDTA volumetric method for the determination of SO2-4 in water .

  21. 无论是施元素硫还是施硫酸根硫,由于铁膜-Cd所占水稻吸收镉的比例较大,铁膜都是阻止水稻吸收和转运Cd的重要机制。

    The iron plaque is an important barrier to prevent the uptake and transportation of Cd from rice because of a large proportion of plaque-Cd in total Cd uptake by rice whatever to supply elemental sulfur or sulfate .

  22. 介绍用ICP-AES法间接测定精盐水中硫酸根含量的方法,其平均回收率为98%,相对标准偏差小于0.5%,可视为EDTA容量法的等效方法

    Title process is introduced , its average recovery yield is 98 % , relative standard deviation is < 0.5 % , and it can be taken as equivalent to EDTA volumetry

  23. 聚合过程:硫酸根与全铁的浓度比为1.4,陈化时间为2h。

    During the polymerizing , the ratio of c_ ( SO_4 ~ ( 2 + )) / c_ ( Fe_t ) is 1.4 and the aging time is 2 h.

  24. 研究硫酸盐废水中硫酸根离子去除影响因素:温度,pH,C/S,微量元素等,寻找含硫酸盐废水脱硫的最佳条件和参数,研究硫酸盐废水生物脱硫过程中反应器的改进。

    The influence of pH , temperature , C / S , microelement etc. are studied in the treatment on the waste water of sulfate . In order to achieve the best result of the treatment , the good parameter are found in the experiment .

  25. 采用超高亮绿色发光二极管作光源,使用9cm液芯波导管和光强差技术分光光度法测定食品中痕量亚硫酸根。

    Trace sulfite in food was determined by liquid core waveguide and light intensity difference technique .

  26. pH3.5时流入液比流出液的pH高,是由于土壤的缓冲作用、土壤表面质子化和硫酸根专性吸附释放羟基;

    There was the consumption process of H + ion by using influent of pH 3.5 , which was attributed to soil buffer mechanism and specific adsorption of SO 4 2 - .

  27. 硫苷的三种降解产物中,只有两种异硫氰酸酯(Sulforaphane、AITC)对黑芥子酶有抑制作用,葡萄糖和硫酸根对黑芥子酶无抑制作用。

    Among the three breakdown products of glucosinolate , only two kinds of isothiocyanates had suppression effect on activity of myrosinase .

  28. 3发酵过程中酵母代谢形成SO2的量受到麦汁组成、糖化工艺以及发酵工艺的影响,研究结果表明,增加麦汁中硫酸根的含量可以促进SO2的生成。

    The formation of SO2 by yeast metabolism in the fermentation process was influenced by wort composition , saccharification process and fermentation conditions . The results showed that the increasing of sulfate content could promote the formation of SO2 .

  29. 本项目针对大庆石化公司腈纶厂污水回收系统存在的硫氰酸钠回收率低、硫氰酸钠产品的pH、硫酸根和NVI(非挥发性杂质)含量等指标过高的问题开展研究。

    Research was performed aiming at the low recovery rate of the waste recovery system and the high pH , high sulphate and high NVI ( non-volatile impurities ) in the sodium thiocyanate product .

  30. f菌液量、O2体积分数以及气体流量的增加而增大;随着进口SO2浓度的增加,硫酸根的生成呈现先增加后减少的趋势。

    F , the percent of O_2 ( volume ), the flow of gas , and that with the increase of the inlet concentration of SO_2 , the concentration of SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) was increased at first and then decreased .