
  • 网络hard landscape
  1. 景观规划设计可分为硬质景观设计和软质景观设计。

    Landscape design includes hard landscape design and soft landscape design .

  2. 对现代城市硬质景观色彩设计的几点思考

    A Few Reflections on the Color Design of Modern City Hard Landscape

  3. 如何协调组织硬质景观与软质景观的关系?

    LANDSCAPE How to organize harmoniously the hard scenery and soft scenery ?

  4. 组成要素可分为硬质景观要素和软质景观要素。

    The landscape elements can be classified into the hard and soft ones .

  5. 浅析城市硬质景观设计与发展

    On the design and development of urban hard landscape

  6. 现代景观设计中的硬质景观材料选择与应用

    The Way of Hard Landscape Material Selection and Application in Modern Landscape Design

  7. 浅析园林绿地硬质景观设计

    An analysis of hard landscape design of greenbelt

  8. 诸暨新客站站前广场硬质景观设计

    The Hard Landscape Design of the front Square of New Zhuji Railway Passenger Station

  9. 硬质景观是城市景观的重要组成部分,随着科技和设计思潮的,越来越受到重视。

    Hard landscape is an important part of the city landscapes , which attract more and more attention .

  10. 论文对国内外城市居住区开放空间及硬质景观的发展历程进行了回顾。

    This paper reviews evolution of residential district open space hard landscape in some developed counties and China .

  11. 硬质景观则包括建筑、建筑小品、构筑物、道路等硬质界面景观。

    Hard nature landscaping is the building , architectural sketches , structures , roads and other hard interface landscape .

  12. 硬质景观采用高档石材,以体现海滨风格的暖色调为主;

    Hard paving is designed with top grand stone timber which gives priority to warm colors like seafront style .

  13. 最后,文章对北京市商业区硬质景观改善提出了相应的优化建议。

    In the end , the article proposed some advices on the optimization of business district hard landscape in Beijing .

  14. 在大小不一的有效图画区域内,软质和硬质景观之间的协调可以创造出美好的典范和景色极佳的视野。

    A harmony between soft and hard landscapes results in pleasing patterns and scenic views in small or large available plot areas .

  15. 根据景观的形成要素,城市景观可以广泛的分为软质景观和硬质景观两大类。

    According to the composition of landscape elements , city landscape is divided into a wide range of soft nature landscaping and hard nature landscaping in two broad categories .

  16. 第3章对城市滨海旅游景观构成要素进行分类和总结,将其分为自然景观要素、城市硬质景观要素和城市软质景观要素三大类;

    The third chapter analyses the elements of urban coastal tourism landscape , including three sorts of natural landscape elements , urban hard landscape elements and urban soft landscape elements ;

  17. 二是研究城市步行空间景观环境的塑造,从硬质景观和软质景观两方面对各构成要素进行分析归纳出设计要点;

    Researching the description of walking space landscape environment from both the rigid and soft character of landscape to reach the conclude of the design essentials according to all the constituting elements .

  18. 内部评价指标中,物种多样性因子权重值最大;外部评价指标中,植物与硬质景观的和谐性因子权重值最大。(4)杭州市高校绿地植物群落景观处于较高水平。

    Of the external evaluating indicators , the weight of botanic and hard landscape harmonic factor is the biggest . ( 4 ) Campuses ' green space plant communities of Hangzhou universities rank highly .

  19. 在园林绿化建设中,其景观的主体是植物,突出植物景观的塑造,减少构筑物及硬质景观,是城市绿化景观设计的关键。

    In construction of landscape greening , the major part is plants . The key points of city greening and landscape architecture are to give prominence to plants and to reduce structures and hard landscape .

  20. 另外,论文通过对居住区硬质景观和软质景观的分析与研究,提出我国北方城市小康住宅室外环境景观应体现地域性并满足经济性。

    In addition this paper also points out that the external environment of the Xiao-kang house of the northern cities should reflect regionalism and meet economy which based on the study and analysis in the hard-landscape and soft-landscape .

  21. 本文在分析人的生理、心理需求的基础上,以满足这些需求为最终目的,从城市滨水绿地的空间布局、硬质景观、软质景观三个方面展开人性化化设计的讨论。

    On the basis of analysis in the physical , psychological , this text regards meeting these demands as the ultimate goal , discuss humanization designations of layout , hard landscape , and soft landscape in water-front green land .

  22. 在硬质景观方面,由于硬质景观包含的内容十分广泛,文中无法加以全面的概括和论述,所以选择一些游人使用频率较高的设施如休息设施、亲水设施进行重点探讨。

    To the hard landscape , because the content that the hard landscape includes is very extensive , unable overall generalization and describe , choose some facilities which people use high-frequency , for example , rest facilities , hydrophilic facilities .