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  • bony fish
硬骨鱼[yìng gǔ yú]
  1. 对不同物种间Properdin的蛋白序列建进化树分析,结果显示斑马鱼Properdin蛋白和其它硬骨鱼Properdin聚成一簇。

    Phylogenetic tree analysis of different Properdin protein sequences showed that zebrafish Properdin clustered in bony fish clade .

  2. 现时,这些硬骨鱼统占海洋。

    These bony fish are the ones which today dominate the seas .

  3. 草鱼GH单克隆抗体对9种硬骨鱼的免疫细胞化学定位卵胎生硬骨鱼褐菖鲉卵巢的周期发育研究

    Immunocytochemical localization of nine teleosts using monoclonal antibody of grass carp growth hormone

  4. LDH酶带多于大多数硬骨鱼典型的5条酶带;

    The protein bands of LDH isozymes were more than 5 which LDH phenotypes of most of the typical teleosts have ;

  5. Visfatin在四种硬骨鱼不同组织中都有表达,提示visfatin可能在硬骨鱼中广泛分布,并且起着基础的调节作用。

    The wide expression of visfatin in four fishes indicated that visfatin may distribute broadly and play a fundamental role in teleosts .

  6. 目前关于Prx的研究多集中在硬骨鱼及哺乳动物,七鳃鳗中是否存在Prx尚不明确。

    So far researches have focused mainly on Prxs in fish and mammalian , little is known about the existence of Prx in lamprey .

  7. 在硬骨鱼中,虽然已经分离了SRCR结构的蛋白序列,但对其功能了解很少。

    In teleost , although protein sequences with SRCR structure have been identified in some species , very little functional investigation has been carried out .

  8. 环境渗透压影响硬骨鱼精子运动启动的研究进展

    A Review of Sperm Motility in Teleosts on Effects of Osmolality

  9. 而且有人问,世界上最大的硬骨鱼是什么?

    And someone asks , what is the worlds largest bony fish ?

  10. 海水硬骨鱼白点病组织病理学研究

    Studies on the histopathology of ' white spot ' disease in marine teleost

  11. 硬骨鱼,鳍由尖而硬的鳍刺支撑。

    A teleost fish with fins that are supported by sharp inflexible rays .

  12. 不同的硬骨鱼,在超微结构方面每种细胞类型是一致的。

    There is consistency between different teleosts in the ultrastructure of each cell type .

  13. 硬骨鱼肥大细胞的研究进展

    Progress of mast cells research in teleostean fish

  14. 有关辐鳍亚纲的鱼、硬骨鱼及其他高等脊椎动物之间差异的研究,在进化上有着十分重要的意义。

    The diversities between actinopterygians and the teleosts and other higher vertebrates are evolutionarily significant .

  15. 硬骨鱼:一种长着硬骨架的多骨鱼;硬骨鱼。

    Bony fish : a fish having a bony rather than cartilaginous skeleton ; a teleost .

  16. 硬骨鱼紧张素Ⅱ基因多态性与中国人2型糖尿病遗传易感性的关系

    The role of urotensin ⅱ gene in the genetic susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in Chinese population

  17. 系统进化树分析显示了13种硬骨鱼在进化上关?

    The phylogenetic tree indicates the relationships of 13 kinds of bony fishes in the course of evolution .

  18. 同时施氏鲟仔鱼的视网膜中只有视杆细胞和单视锥细胞,这些结构特征不同于软骨鱼,也与大部分硬骨鱼有差异。

    The eyeball structures of Amur sturgeon larva are different from Chondrichthyes ' , and little disagreement with Teleost ' s.

  19. 硬骨鱼的头肾在功能和结构上被认为与哺乳动物的骨髓相当,其含有大量的巨噬细胞。

    The head kidney of teleostean fish is considered to be the functional and structural homologue of mammalian bone marrow .

  20. 趋向化学刺激物的运动。硬骨鱼脑对于某些化学刺激的反应


  21. 太平洋或大西洋北部水域中的海生食用鱼;最大的比目鱼以及最大的硬骨鱼的一种。

    Marine food fish of North Atlantic or North pacific ; the largest flatfish and one of the largest teleost fishes .

  22. 硬骨鱼脑对于某些化学刺激的反应正是这件事刺激了他的头脑,她说。

    On some points concerning the response of the teleost 's brain to certain chemicals " that affected his mind ," she said .

  23. 斑马鱼属硬骨鱼,是发育生物学的模式生物之一,已被证明为人类疾病和药物毒性评价的理想动物模型。

    Zebrafish has been proved to be an ideal animal model system for human diseases and for the evaluation of chemical and drug toxicity .

  24. 对每种细胞类型的超微结构特征作了详细描述,并与其他硬骨鱼的相应细胞作了比较讨论。

    The ultra structure features of each cell type are described in detail , and discussed in comparison with the homologous cells described in other teleosts .

  25. 高温加热硬度达最大硬度以后保温硬度降低。硬骨鱼:一种长着硬骨架的多骨鱼;硬骨鱼。

    Hardness was decreased after maximum by high temperature heating . bony fish : a fish having a bony rather than cartilaginous skeleton ; a teleost .

  26. 这些新分离的成员在新近完成基因组测序的5种丽鱼科基因组中都存在,而在其他已公开的硬骨鱼基因组中仅部分存在。

    These newly identified members are existed in the newly sequenced five cichlid fish genomes , but only few could be isolated in other opened teleost genomes .

  27. [目的]研究双酚A对硬骨鱼生殖腺性分化的影响并探索其作用机制。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the effects of Bisphenol A ( BPA ) on gonadal sex differentiation in teleost , Japanese flounder , which exhibits temperature-dependent sex determination .

  28. 虹鳟作为硬骨鱼,代表了免疫系统进化史上的一个重要的阶段,对其免疫系统的研究具有重要的意义。

    Rainbow trout is a teleost fish which stands for a critical stage of the immune system evolutionary history . So it is significant to study its immune system .

  29. 硬骨鱼胚后发育中,边缘生长区及胚胎裂缝代表神经形成的活跃位点,同时对新的神经胶质细胞和光感器(视锥和视杆细胞)的形成有积极作用。

    In postembryonic teleosts , the marginal germinal zone and the embryonic fissure represent active sites of neurogenesis and contribute to the formation of new glial cells and photoreceptors ( cones and rods ) .

  30. 尽管巨型皇带鱼很像这种水蛇,但事实证明它们只是海洋中最大的硬骨鱼。巨型皇带鱼头冠为鲜红色,全身布满银色光泽,以牙齿并不多的嘴巴过滤小鱼小虾及其他无脊椎生物。

    It turns out , however , that the real-life creature that resembles them most closely , the giant oarfish , actually isn 't a snake but rather the largest bony fish in the sea .