
  • 网络fragmentation;fragment
  1. 开发者们纷纷抱怨Android生态系统的“碎片化”。

    Developers complain about " fragmentation " of the Android ecosystem .

  2. 它不仅有效防止了互联网的碎片化,而且即将成为个人Web操作系统的有效载体。

    And it not only effectively prevent the fragmentation of the Internet , but also is about to become an effective carrier for personal Web operating system .

  3. 如何破解区域经济合作碎片化风险?

    How can we resolve the risks that regional economic integration for connectivity development ?

  4. 10.是继续引领世界、创造美好未来,还是放慢脚步、等待被人超越?是深化一体化进程、还是陷入碎片化漩涡?

    Shall we continue to lead the world in creating a bright future , or shall we slow down only to be outperformed by others ?

  5. 对重启动银行间市场、克服target系统严重失衡根源所在的金融碎片化问题而言,建立这种信任是关键的一步。

    This is a crucial step towards restarting the interbank market and Overcoming Financial fragmentation that is at the source of large imbalances in the target system .

  6. 电子盗版以及如苹果(Apple)iTunes这样的服务最早使消费碎片化,致使消费者停止购买专辑,改为购买单曲。

    Digital piracy and services such as Apple 's iTunes initially fragmented consumption , leading consumers to stop buying albums and to choose individual tracks instead .

  7. SOA的良好设计原则是碎片化、低效地连接到企业的事务主干的流程与作为业务转型的一个重要部分的流程之间的区别。

    The good design principles of SOA are the difference between processes that are fragmented and inefficiently connected to the transactional backbone of the enterprise and processes that are an integral part of transforming a business .

  8. 碎片化从来都是开发者对Android最关注的问题,但是价格因素高于碎片化和硬件/软件性能,这个结果出人意料。

    Fragmentation has always been at the top of the Android concern list , but price coming out on top of fragmentation and hardware / software capabilities was a surprising finding .

  9. 北京大学(PekingUniversity)人口研究所(InstituteofPopulationResearch)教授穆光宗表示:“目前社保系统是碎片化的。就好像北京的地铁系统一样,线路之间衔接得不好,使得换乘非常麻烦。”

    Professor Mu Guangzong , of Peking University 's Institute of Population Research , says : " The social security system is fragmented . It 's like the Beijing metro system - lines are not well connected making transfers very difficult . "

  10. 微博的五个W有着自己鲜明的特色,传播者个体化、传播内容碎片化、发布渠道多样化、受众亦是传播者、裂变式的传播效果。

    Five W of microblog have their own distinct characteristics . They are disseminator individualized , disseminating content fragmentation , release channel diversification , the audience is also communicators , and the spread of fission effect .

  11. 然而,Android的开放性也带来一些问题,因为有上百成千款手机采用不同版本的Android,这种情况被称为碎片化。

    But that same open nature breeds complications because there are hundreds , if not thousands , of different phones , using different variations of Android , a situation referred to as fragmentation .

  12. SegmentAdvisor根据对象内的空间碎片化程度,给出是否应该对对象执行新的在线收缩操作的建议。

    The segment advisor is based on the level of space fragmentation within an object , and as result , gives advice on whether an object is a good candidate for the new online shrink operation .

  13. 因为单一堆实际上被分割为许多个堆(最多32个),不必要地启用mallocmultiheap会导致严重的碎片化。

    Since a single heap is actually divided into many heaps ( up to32 ), unnecessary enabling of malloc multiheap can cause severe fragmentation .

  14. 碎片化阅读;数字化阅读;浅阅读;阅读指导;

    Fragmentation reading ; Digital reading ; Shallow reading ; Reading guidance ;

  15. 碎片化背景下消费行为的新变化与发展趋势

    The New Change and Development Tendency of Consumer Behavior Due to Fragmentation

  16. 传媒领域中的媒介、信息、受众群均呈碎片化急剧分解。

    Media , news outlets and audiences have all become more fragmented .

  17. 后殖民超小说中宏大叙事的碎片化(英文)

    The Atomization of the Grand Narrative in Postcolonial Metafiction ;

  18. 碎片化社会的政治整合&马来西亚的政治文化探析

    Political Integration inFragmentedSociety : An Analysis on Malaysian Political Culture

  19. 农民工医疗保险制度碎片化困境及其破解

    The fragmentation of health insurance system for migrant workers and its solution

  20. 新时期南京居住社会空间的双重碎片化

    Residential Socio-spatial " Dual-fragmentation " in Nanjing in New Era

  21. 这一显著性首先体现在其碎片化的叙事时间上。

    Another feature of narrative time is embodied in its narrative frequency .

  22. 碎片化背景下的手机媒体广告运作模式探究

    Study on Models of Mobile Media Advertising within Fragmentation Environment

  23. 本文认为昆德拉在小说的结构布局上追求的是碎片化,而碎片化对昆德拉来讲意味着更加具体和可感。

    Fragmentation to Kundera means that his novels are more specific and sensible .

  24. 以这种方式合并节点可以避免堆内存碎片化。

    Adjoining of nodes in this manner prevents fragmentation of memory in heap .

  25. 其中碎片化的情节主要体现在三个方面:拼贴、蒙太奇和开放式结尾。

    Here fragmentary plot includes three aspects : collage , montage and open-ending .

  26. 栖息地的缺失和碎片化导致了它们有灭绝的危险。

    Habitat loss and fragmentation is putting the gibbons at risk of extinction .

  27. 在某种意义上,这种“碎片化”危害严重。

    In some senses , this fragmentation is pernicious ;

  28. 丙酮和丙醛分子的多光子电离碎片化机理

    The Multiphoton Ionization - fragmentation ( MPI F ) Study on Acetone and Propanal

  29. 我们应该警惕阅读的碎片化。

    We should fear the fragmentation of reading .

  30. 碎片化语境下媒介营销价值的构建&从售卖到分享的商业哲学转型

    HOW TO MEET THE CRACKED MARKET Value Construction of Media Marketing Under Fragment Context