
suì lì shí
  • crushed-gravel
碎砾石[suì lì shí]
  1. 当碎砾石含量和粒径较大时有利于管道排泄系统的形成;

    It was more propitious to the development of GPDS for the soil mass with a higher debris and gravel content , bigger grain diameter ;

  2. 针对沙漠及碎砾石覆盖下的岩石区域,目前尚无有效的钻井手段。不过,根据不同的地质条件使用不同的钻具,也能取得较好的效果。

    There are no effective means currently in rocky areas covered by desert and broken gravels , but it can still obtain a good result if using different drilling tools in different geologic conditions .

  3. 三峡库区表层是第四系松散堆积体,碎、砾石含量一般在30%~70%。

    The surface layer of the stratum in the Reservoir Zone of the Changjiang Gorges ( RZCG ) is loose deposits , The gravel content of gravelly soils in this region ranges from 30 % to 70 % .

  4. 石头笨拙地翻了个跟头,啪地摔碎在河滩的砾石堆上。我喜欢沙滩,不喜欢遍布小圆石的海滩。

    Tumbling over clumsily a few times , the rock hit a pile of shingle next to the water 's edge and shattered . I prefer a sandy beach to a shingly one .